We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In this world of instant gratification, high speed technology and a ‘quick fix’ mentality it seems that many people have abdicated responsibility for taking care of themselves. This is evidenced by the growing obesity rate, the rise in substance abuse and even the number of stress related ... Views: 3356
10 tips that will end the game in your favor
It has been said “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”. I have found this to be true through out most of my life. Knowing this, I accept that when the teacher does appear it can take many ... Views: 1096
Free Book Stuff is Worth Millions to ME?
OK - who doesn't love free stuff?
The big question is: could free stuff really be of value to me?
Just because the gift giving season is over - doesn't mean your most favorite gifts have to stop coming to YOU!
Consider these three ... Views: 1753
Goal setting can be an incredibly effective tool for achieving change.
But successful goal setting takes more than stating a goal.
Try applying these 7 secrets to achieving your goals and be well positioned to create the future you seek.
Secret Number 1 - You Have to Really ... Views: 1132
We set New Year's Resolutions with the best of intentions and then ... how many do we keep? To understand why New Year's Resolutions fail, we need only look at how the brain -- the mind -- works.
New Year's Resolutions and all other goals are set by the conscious mind. Their achievement, ... Views: 1018
When you try to apply for a job, your objective is to pass the exams and interview to get accepted. When an athlete runs a triathlon, his primary aim is to defeat his competitors and win. When someone engages in a fitness program, there’s a certain weight goal that he or she wants to meet. As ... Views: 1540
Put down the pen, cut the typing, and stop clipping images out of magazines! Don't create another goal, intention, or resolution until you read further. Attempting to set goals or resolving to do something new without this secret is like trying to draw without a clean slate. The secret is... ... Views: 1938
"You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming." Jim Rohn
"Create your future from your future not your past." Werner Erhard
"Simplicity! Simplicity! Simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a ... Views: 1201
It's a new year......a time when we all decide to try and live up to those expectations we set for ourselves only to be disappointed yet again by our lack of ability to hold onto our convictions even until the end of January. We are all the same, aren't we? So why do we get so angry with ... Views: 1173
Ever feel like you are drowning in a sea of statements, overwhelmed by receipts and inundated with things to put in order, items to categorize and piles here, there and everywhere that just don’t seem to go away? Say no more and please enjoy the ride as we meander around your office, counter ... Views: 1502
Every year at exactly this time, the articles and news stories begin building on the topic of "New Year's Resolutions". Whether it's a news reporter on the scene of a New Year's Eve party or someone warning us not to fall into the typical New Year's Resolution trap, it doesn't matter who is ... Views: 1046
There are what seems to be an infinite number of books that provide a formula for success. They will tell you to work hard, pay your dues, earn advanced degrees in your education. The Inner Wizard formula for success, however, is a bit contrary to many of those strategies and quite simple.
... Views: 1543
Have you made your New Years resolutions for your golf improvement - using golf psychology, perhaps? Well, even if you haven't, I'm sure that many of you are excited about starting fresh, turning your life around and in some cases doing something about playing better golf. That's fantastic! I ... Views: 1035
Its that time again. A new year has begun filled with new possibilities if we set our intentions and work towards making it happen. Here are some simple tips to help you turn your resolutions into reality and have your best year ever!
1) Put them on paper - Yes! Every goal-setting or ... Views: 981
“The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” IVY BAKER PRIEST
One year ends and another begins. It’s the way of the world. And it’s the way of our life. And, as always, we have choices as to how we view both the end and the beginning.
Are you ... Views: 920
My friend Mano Watsa is more than a basketball player. He was a four-time OUA Conference All-Star, two-time All-Canadian point guard and captain for the University of Waterloo. In 1999 he toured with the USA Athletes In Action team, was awarded the National TSN Award for combining excellence in ... Views: 1435
Every year around 80% of us make New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you are seeking to lose weight, stop bad habits or earn more money, use these 7 tips to make sure your New Year’s Resolutions last beyond the first week:
1. Be Specific – Rather than say “I want to lose weight”, decide upon the ... Views: 1371
It’s the first week of January in a brand new year. Tradition says it's time to set some goals. You sigh deeply, ho hum, put your chin in your hands and grind the brain into action to think of something you want but won't be too difficult to get, or something you ought to do, but don't want to, ... Views: 933
The Universe loves a vacuum.
In order to attract something new, we have to create a vacuum, create a space, for the desired something to move into. Like moving the furniture in your home to accommodate the new piano. If you continue to acquire new things in your home without letting go of ... Views: 1119
It is estimated that over 80% of us make New Year’s resolutions of some kind. Yet how many of these last until the end of January, or even until the Christmas decorations are put away?
Despite our best intentions many of our New Year’s resolutions are doomed to fail from the outset. Here are ... Views: 1561
We are all familiar with the tradition of setting annual resolutions as we enter in a fresh New Year. As the past year closes, we look forward with hope that this year is somehow different, where it happens and we get the results we desire.
However, setting goals should be a regular exercise ... Views: 732
The idea of New Year's resolutions is not really new. In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings. Janus was usually shown with two heads facing in opposite directions. According to legend, one of his heads was looking backwards into the old year and ... Views: 1466
Goals – what is their purpose?
Are they something:
- we’re “supposed-to-write” to be successful?
- to check off the list and move on to the next?
- to keep us on track?
- to help us stretch ourselves to learn, grow, and develop new skills and talents?
- to help others, or to improve ... Views: 1403
This is the time of year when people get off the proverbial treadmill of their workday world and allow themselves some time to reflect on the past year - what they accomplished, what they didn't, what was good, and what wasn't so great. Too often people feel like they've fallen short of their ... Views: 1468
As we enter a New Year it is customary and valuable to reflect on where you have been and on where you are going. It is time consider what you want improved in your life, what you want to be different, and what you wish to change. In that spirit many of us make New Year’s resolutions. But the ... Views: 2282
There are two kinds of New Year's Resolutions:What you are going to do to accomplish your goalsWho you want to beMany New Year's Resolutions are of the first kind:I'm going to lose 25 pounds this yearI'm going to exercise every dayI'm going to learn self-disciplineI'm going to double my ... Views: 4886
The bulk of self-empowerment coaches and motivational speakers tell you that there are only two main elements that matter in getting what you want in life:
1. Taking positive action
2. Thinking positive thoughts (to attract what you want)
If it were only that easy. There is no shortage of ... Views: 1218
In successful goal setting and goal achievement you should keep certain pointers in mind. Here are 5 tips to help you hit your goals.
Pick the right one.
Be certain that you choose the right goal. Rather than signing up to run in a marathon so that you can lose weight you may want to go on ... Views: 1640
2009 went fast didn't it?
How did you do?
Each year millions of people have a reaction to the transition of one year to the next. Some people are happy with their results. Others want something to change. Some people exceeded their goals and are excited for their next results. Others are ... Views: 1588
For any professional goals and objectives you may have there are 7 consistent keys to success you must follow for business success to be yours. These keys are not really complicated nor do they require special skills to be properly implemented. All that is really needed is for you to possess the ... Views: 872
The New Year Resolution Reality.
After some casual digging on a Sunday afternoon, I discovered that only 40-45% of adults make resolutions each year. After one week, 75% of those people still have faith that they will make it through the next 51 weeks. However, this also means that 25%, ... Views: 1483
Top Ten Reasons People Don't Achieve Their Goals
Here's a quick rundown of most of the things that keep one from achieving the success they seek. If you're not accomplishing your goals or not reaching them as easily or as quickly as you think you should, use this as a checklist ... Views: 2036
It is generally said that 40 to 45% of adults make one or more resolutions each year. Most New Year's resolutions are about self care and management, weight loss, exercise, and spending more time with family and friends. Other popular resolutions involve better money management and debt ... Views: 1251
We all know the importance of setting goals for ourselves, but many people haven’t realized the great value a good goal setting tool can provide. Selecting a right tool or system, not only can help you organize and clarify your goals, but most importantly, it can significantly increase your ... Views: 1057
In her new book, Own Your Life, 7 Essential Steps to Independence, author, speaker and lawyer Suzanne B. Quinn guides the reader through the seven essential steps to personal and financial security and independence. This article is an excerpt from her book, comprising one of the seven ... Views: 1355
Goal charts are a simple and effective way to measure your progress toward any given goal. They come in many different shapes and sizes. You can make them or you can buy them. The reason they are so important is because it gives you a visual aide to keep you motivated to accomplish your goals. ... Views: 2661
How often have you heard the phrase “walking your talk?” When that does not happen there is a disconnect. What you are saying and what you are doing are two different things. When you have a discrepancy between your words and your actions, your actions will be the truth. People will pay ... Views: 1190
Successful entrepreneurs share something in common: they set goals. A goal is like a target. You can have all the ammunition in the world, but without a clear target to aim for, you can end up shooting blanks.
I am a firm believer in goal setting. Each year I write a detailed Goal Plan and ... Views: 1592
Picture this: you are focused on being, not doing. You are fully present in the now of this moment. And then this moment. And now this moment.
You are at peace. You flow with every circumstance and gift life has to offer, and life continues to offer you more and more amazing gifts.
How ... Views: 1643
Don't Just Set Goals - Achieve Them!
Recently we have heard a great deal about goal setting and the power of clearly defined and written goals. It is well documented that people throughout history that we view as successful have had written goals. Abraham Lincoln said "Always bear in mind ... Views: 1858
If you really want to get what you want in life you must stop using the law of attraction.
That’s right. Stop using it. Right now!
Instead, if you truly want to begin creating changes in your life you must learn to focus on those things that you really want. Make this shift in your ... Views: 2624
The New Year is fast approaching and it’s truly a great time! It’s a time to “start over”- a clean slate from all the procrastination and the non take-actionnest (a new word I just invented :P ) from the year before.
But this year, it’s really going to be different for all of you reading ... Views: 984
Decisions are shaping your destiny every second. They are a cause being set in motion. From the moment you wake until you sleep you are making decisions. Everything that happens in life both the thrilling and the challenging began somewhere with a decision. Anthony Robbins says it best:
'It ... Views: 6507
My 2010 New Year’s resolution is an internal one, one that will help me me be the person I want to be on the inside (the only side that really matters). It is the opposite of the typical lose weight, exercise more, do a crossword puzzle every day sort of resolution. I am going to start to listen ... Views: 1377
Hitting Some Out of the Park: The Excitement of Personal Home Runs
I'm not a big baseball fan. I enjoyed playing when I was younger, but I’ve just not gotten caught up in watching nine innings of the game.
Perhaps it’s because the home runs are so few and far between. Watching ... Views: 1050
If you REALLY want to achieve your goals this year, then it is time to do what successful people do and hire a coach. What you measure, you can improve.
Goal setting gets to the core of our human experience. We want measurable improvements to our life. Without growth, we are dying. Many ... Views: 1451
What would you like to happen in your life? Would you like to have more fun, feel happier or perhaps be super successful and have more money? Would you enjoy life more is your phobia was cured or you suddenly became your perfect weight? Would you like to find that people were mesmerized by ... Views: 1048
Setting clearly defined goals is a great way to make big strides in life. Whether it’s a new year’s resolution or a mid-year tune-up, goals focus our attention and energy to help us achieve what we want in life.
Sometimes people set goals that get them excited at first, then feel daunting a ... Views: 1075
This is a question that I asked myself daily for most of my life. I had no idea what I was meant to do and who I was supposed to be. I have degrees in Psychology, Education, Theology and Zoology. I have had dozens of jobs and done thousands of courses. All that time I was trying to find ME. ... Views: 2413
Congruency is very sexy to the Law of Attraction. The universe responds positively when your thoughts, emotions and actions all line up. Your positive energy signals the universe to take notice. Consider the things you say you want for yourself. What are your goals for your practice? To really ... Views: 1372