It’s an age old parenting question, but one which still causes a huge amount of debate: should you give your child pocket money for doing chores?
The best answer I can give you is, ‘sometimes’.
One obvious reason for linking the two is to encourage a work ethic. Giving pocket money for ... Views: 1787
Whilst the debate about financial education in schools continues, parents need not wait to teach their kids about money. Here are 7 things that every teen should know about money.
Manage your money - Show your money who’s boss by putting a money management system in place. Divide your income ... Views: 2294
The continuing financial and economic problems in many parts of the world, record levels of personal debt and many individuals experiencing the misery of financial hardship have highlighted the need for better financial education across all parts of the population. By providing financial ... Views: 1409
A key concept in teaching your children about money is the awareness that as an adult your past programming determines every thought that forms in your mind. With this knowledge we can give our children positive messages and a healthy financial conditioning.
As a child our conditioning, ... Views: 1608
The story of Pinocchio may be more profound than we initially thought…
A perfect creation gradually gets influenced and tarnished by its surroundings before thankfully finding its way back to its true nature.
Up until the ages of 7 or 8 children are literally being programmed by their ... Views: 2471
However you define your particular view of success, taking a 3D view will provide better clarity and help you reach your goals with more speed.
Success can mean different things to different people and each one is right. Whether you are seeking to improve your finances, your health, ... Views: 1685
For hundreds, if not thousands of years, parents have known that reading bedtime stories can help kids relax and fall asleep more easily. They also help develop reading skills and in emotional child development, but you may not be aware that they also act as a form of hypnosis. In which case ... Views: 4300
Have you ever driven a familiar route, only to arrive with no real recollection of how you got there? Scary when you think about it isn’t it? Yet when we were learning to drive, it took all our powers of concentration to coordinate our hands and feet, not to mention negotiate a busy junction. ... Views: 1925
Like many things we don’t fully understand, it would be easy to dismiss the power of affirmations, but enough respected and highly successful people use them that, they deserve investigation.
Regrettably, many of us grow up with a set of beliefs about ourselves that are less than empowering. ... Views: 2835
The current financial crisis has sharpened the focus on the need for better financial education across all segments of the population. Just as information and guidance on healthy eating and exercise can prevent a lifetime of obesity, effective financial education, when started at an early age, ... Views: 2244
Most experts agree that the expression of a goal or objective in clear, concise terms enhances the potential to achieve it. In goal setting the acronym SMART is perhaps the most well used process for structuring goals. It represents Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time related. ... Views: 1574
Every year around 80% of us make New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you are seeking to lose weight, stop bad habits or earn more money, use these 7 tips to make sure your New Year’s Resolutions last beyond the first week:
1. Be Specific – Rather than say “I want to lose weight”, decide upon the ... Views: 1371
It is estimated that over 80% of us make New Year’s resolutions of some kind. Yet how many of these last until the end of January, or even until the Christmas decorations are put away?
Despite our best intentions many of our New Year’s resolutions are doomed to fail from the outset. Here are ... Views: 1561
Whether you call them challenges, opportunities or big hairy problems, the only people without them are in the graveyard. Someone once said don’t wish for smaller problems, wish you were better. The fact that you have problems at all are signs of growth, progress and movement. Once we set a goal ... Views: 1752
If ever there was a time for better financial education then surely it is now? When you look at the state of many of the economies around the world it’s a mystery why financial education is not compulsory schools. It is easy to blame banks, big business or governments for the current climate but ... Views: 5627
Most people inherit their beliefs and values from their parents. So along with Mum’s eyes and occasionally Dad’s nose, we are likely to become conditioned by their set of rules around money, which in turn came from their previous generation. This may work very well if your surname is Rothschild ... Views: 1269
OK, let's be honest, Goal setting is not a new phenomena . Business and motivational experts such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar or Brian Tracy have been extolling their virtues for many years. Napoleon Hill in the classic Think and Grow Rich writes:
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and ... Views: 1696
Have you decided to allow your abundance? First becoming clear about money is essential, as it will allow you to then focus on sharing our talents and achieving your life's mission. Clearing limiting beliefs and negative associations about money will remove the blocks to allow abundance to pour ... Views: 1450
Cracking The Abundance Code
Since its release in 2006, an estimated 300 million worldwide have been introduced to the Law of Attraction by "The Secret". How many of these millions are at present attracting abundance into their lives? What in that case does it take to create the lifestyle, ... Views: 1392
Teaching children from an early age how to save and budget in a fun and educational way, can lay the foundations for sound money management later in life. Most would agree, that the earlier children are introduced to a foreign language, the quicker they are able to pick it up. The same can be ... Views: 1626
How do you measure true achievement? Is it about more than money? Cash in the bank is a handy gauge, yet to be abundantly supplied means we can benefit from loving relationships, a beautiful home, travel, and contribute via the realization of our purpose or life's work. The process we use to ... Views: 5076