It’s that time of year where everywhere you turn there are graves popping up from neighbor’s lawns, ghosts flying from trees and glowing pumpkins in windows. As we observe all this delicious scariness we are unaware of the most terrifying thing of all, which lives in our heads… our limiting ... Views: 1526
Life is meant to be experienced not embalmed. Ola Doner
Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved. Somerset Maugham
Don't take yourself so seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself and you'll always have ... Views: 1997
Rest and be thankful. William Wordsworth
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. Katherine Mansfield
If the only prayer you say in your life is "thank you," that would suffice. Meister Eckhart
This weekend I ... Views: 1425
It is not only by the questions we have answered that progress may be measured, but also by those we are still asking. Freda Adler
I am still learning. Michelangelo
We are more often frightened than hurt. Our troubles spring more often from fancy then reality. Seneca
Thinking it ... Views: 2310
Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.” Rosa Luxemburg
Any risk worth taking is worth taking whether it leads to success or failure. Martha Beck
Thinking it Through
I’m sure you’ve heard of people, may even know some, who love taking risks. Usually they are physical ones ... Views: 1498
“To understand the magical nature of the mind is to acquire awesome power. It is to understand that at every moment of our lives, we have the power to accomplish everything we want.” Deepak Chopra
We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope that we get to death ... Views: 2016
“The secret to my success is that I bit off more than I could chew and chewed as fast as I could.” Paul Hogan
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt
“The only way to the Place beyond Fear is to do the thing you fear most. This is how to surrender to your best ... Views: 2288
Nothing changes until you do. Unknown
My inner world creates my outer world. T. Harv Eker
Thinking it Through…
We all have stories that we tell over and over. They are the stories that drive our family crazy as we share them at every public get together. However annoying those ... Views: 2126
I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened. Mark Twain
Worry is like an April Fool’s Joke without the laughs! Leanna Fredrich
Anxiety is nothing… but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance. What a waste. Seth Godin
Thinking it Through…
Since ... Views: 2469
“The great tragedy of life is not death, but what dies inside of us while we live.”
— Norman Cousins
“And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom.”
— Anais Nin
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with ... Views: 1450
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Marianne Williamson
“To change the printout of the body, you must learn to rewrite the software of the mind.” Deepak Chopra
“Ever try to change your mind, only to find ... Views: 1246
"You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming." Jim Rohn
"Create your future from your future not your past." Werner Erhard
"Simplicity! Simplicity! Simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a ... Views: 1201
“Mind is the master power that molds and makes,
And we are mind, and evermore we take
The tool of thought, and shaping what we will,
Bring forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.
We think in secret, and it comes to pass,
Our world is but our looking glass. James Allen
"...Whatever the ... Views: 1303
You don't have to let yourself be terrorized by other people's expectations of you. Sue Thoele
One must live the way one thinks or end up thinking the way one has lived. Paul Bourget
The more time you spend doing what is important to you the quicker the unimportant things drift away. ... Views: 1342
"I will not should on myself today." Unknown
"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." Ben Stein
"Decide upon your major definite purpose in life and then organize all your activities around it." Brian Tracy
Thinking it ... Views: 2466
"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose." Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"Decide upon your major definite purpose in life and then organize all your activities around it." Brian Tracy
"It's time to start living the life you've ... Views: 1664
"In action lies wisdom and confidence." Albert Schweitzer
"...courage is only an accumulation of small steps." George Konrad
"I've never been afraid to step out and to move out in order to make things happen." Victoria Gray
Thinking it Through...
I love the world of ideas. That pure, ... Views: 1304
"Finding your tribe can have transformative effects on your sense of identity and purpose. This is because of three powerful tribal dynamics: validation, inspiration, and what we'll call here the "alchemy of synergy." Ken Robinson
"Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming ... Views: 2272
"All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible." William Faulkner
"Every exit is an entry somewhere else." Tom Stoppard
"If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you will be able to grasp ... Views: 16393
"Inaction, contrary to its reputation for being a refuge, is neither safe nor comfortable." Madeleine Kunin
"Trust life, and it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all you need to know." James Baldwin
"This isn't the end of the story. It's just a twist in the plot." Victoria Moran
I ... Views: 1607
"Nothing changes until you do." Unknown
"Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful." Malcolm S. Forbes
"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." James Allen
You ... Views: 1275
Ahh the guilt of wanting something more! I don't know how many times I have heard this statement..."I should just be happy where I am. Many people would be thrilled to have my job." This is often said by someone with an unhappy, resigned look on their face. This person is usually, when you ... Views: 949
Do you have a great business idea or a new career you would like to build? Many people do and some even start creating their idea. Then they stop. One of the most common obstacles to building a business or career you love is your beliefs about selling and promoting.
Whether you are creating ... Views: 1213
Unless you live under a rock you have heard the moaning and seen the hand wringing over the economy. Perhaps you too have spent more time then you choose to admit worrying about what might happen. You are surrounded with negative messages and fear. It is easy to allow that worry to fill not ... Views: 892
Many of the client's I work with in my Life Coaching business are in the age range of 40 plus. A belief which comes up often early in our conversations is the belief that maybe they are too old to consider changing careers. After all they should be slowing down. They should be thinking about ... Views: 1584
If you want to stop yourself dead in your tracks while finding your passion-filled career believe this..."I can't make enough money doing what I love. This belief alone is strong enough to keep people from exploring new and interesting careers. Often I hear client's saying, "I love doing ... Views: 940
One of the beliefs that I see often in my Life Coaching business is the belief that, "I need to know more before I make a career change." It is such a convenient belief because it can keep you stuck in your comfort zone of inaction forever. This belief comes from a place of fear. Fear that ... Views: 963
One of the most common "screw-ups" when it comes to the successful use of the Law of Attraction is believing in scarcity. Believing that you better grab a piece of the pie because there is only one pie and that is not enough for everybody!
It starts as a young child, especially if you have ... Views: 1188
Somewhere in the sky there must be a rule written in big, bold letters..."Thou Must Not Make Mistakes After Age 30!!" Most of my client's are on at least their second career and many of them are terrified of making a mistake when choosing a career they are passionate about. They have huge ... Views: 1049
1.I don't trust myself to choose the RIGHT business or career.
The fear of making the wrong choice can freeze you into inaction. So often we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have THIS career choice be the perfect one. Give yourself a break! If you are following your heart and your ... Views: 1177
I was working with a client who was completely burned out on her career and life and more then ready for a career change. As we were talking she said, "I just wish I had meaningful work. I don't feel like I am making a difference. I am just wasting my life." This is the theme I hear most ... Views: 4110
In my Life Coaching Business I often see clients who after a few minutes of talking tell me what career they would love. They really are not confused about what they want to do instead they are afraid to go after their dream or they don't know how or perhaps a combination of the two. It is ... Views: 1668
You are longing for a career change. One that makes your heart sing. One that will cause you to leap out of bed Monday morning, (Well maybe not leap but at least feel great about work!) Maybe you have been wishing for your own business but are not sure what that business would be. Why haven't ... Views: 1338
I'll have to admit that this used to be a favorite belief of mine..."The Law of Attraction works for all my friends, all my client's but it won't work for me." Poor me, I think about what I want and I see that other people are getting what I want so they are doing something "right" and I am ... Views: 1016
Have you ever spent an entire day at work doing something where you really felt awesome? All day long you were busy doing things that made you feel powerful and energized. That night you went to bed physically tired yet thinking, "I would love to wake up and do that all over again!" You have ... Views: 1047
Is your vision for your life big enough to make you jump out of bed in the morning? For most of us the answer is "no". We drag our sorry bodies out of bed and groan when we think about going to work. Our lives are small but "safe." We have an itsy, bitsy vision for our lives so that we will ... Views: 979
Sara called me recently and begin sharing how the Law of Attraction was not working for her. She said,"I want more money but then I look around and all I see is debt. During the next 10 minutes she told me in great detail about her lack of money and the burden of her debt. The Law of ... Views: 940
If you want to find work that is meaningful, fulfilling and exciting then it is time to reawaken your ability to dream. Most of us used to dream big at one time or another. We dreamed of being a movie star, sports hero, a princess or the richest person on the planet. Then we begin hearing ... Views: 1187
"If I only knew what I was passionate about then I could figure out the ideal career for me!" Feeling this way is a frustrating place to be. It is hard to find work you are passionate about when you don't know WHAT you are passionate about. Often we feel numb under frustrating or forced ... Views: 2102
The law of attraction is a law of the universe like the Law of Gravity. The law of attraction is simply; we attract into our lives whatever we are putting our attention on. If you put your attention on what you "don't have" or what you wish you "didn't have" then you've probably noticed ... Views: 2005
Let's face it most of us spend our lives in our heads. When we have a decision to make we use our head. We research, analyze and think, think, think! Now, there is nothing wrong with a bit of thought but when we leave out our bodies wisdom we often head the wrong direction. This is a ... Views: 1032
"I want to find work I am passionate about and I want to find it by next week so I can quit my job!" is what I often hear from clients. The first question I ask is, "What are you passionate about? " And their response is frequently something like, "I have no idea. I haven't felt passionate ... Views: 5215
1.Practice Extreme Self-Care
The first and most important step to finding your passion-filled life's work is to take outrageously good care of yourself! When you feel numb and the only thing that gets you excited is a good long nap, your passion could plop in your lap and you wouldn't even ... Views: 3507
I just had an adventure! I walked on fire and didn't burn, not even a little! Just thinking about it makes me happy. I had forgotten the feeling you get when you try something you aren't sure you can do. The fear, the anticipation, the crazy relief and exhilaration of trying.
Often the older ... Views: 1040
Have you ever wondered why you keep meeting the “wrong” type of person? How do you attract the right person for you? Below are some simple steps to help you attract the perfect partner.
1.Take Excellent Care of Yourself
Not only does extreme self-care help you look and feel great but it keeps ... Views: 2334