We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Let's set the record straight. Achieving success is not super easy, but it can be fast if you do a few things right.
If you think you’re going to read about S.M.A.R.T. goals or anything remotely close to the ordinary, you’re in for a rude awakening. That’s not what this article is about. I ... Views: 2165
I've been thinking about how exactly to start this blog. An introduction? My story?
I've been thinking about this for a long time. Probably about six months now. What I've come to is this:
Thinking about how to do something doesn't get you any closer to getting what you're thinking ... Views: 626
When you practice the 11 Forgotten Laws you can easily comprehend how your mind works. The perpetual concepts of the 11 Laws are meant to unleashing your real self abilities that lies within you.
It's very useful to integrate Working with the Law in your daily life. More Laws are covered to ... Views: 917
There are some people you can't lie to, because they've got the goods on you. For instance, how do you lie to your banker about how much money you're really making, how much business you're doing, how well you're managing the financial affairs in your business?
There's an interesting story I ... Views: 1112
A wise philosopher once said: “success is goals and all else is commentary.” Indeed, success in any area of your life—either in business or personal, begins with a clear-cut goal. Your ability to set and achieve goals will provide you with a sense of direction and is the master skill of success. ... Views: 674
The trick-or-treaters are ready to come out, and turkeys are starting to appear at the grocery store. Along with the impending holidays, it’s also that time when we start thinking about ideas for next year. What’s possible? What dreams do you have for your business and for your life? Is this the ... Views: 762
What's the Best Gift You Can Receive Next Holiday?
How about your own success?
As I write this, we are entering the holiday season, during which you will try to figure out the best gifts you can give friends and family, and they'll do the same for you. Odds are, the results will be less ... Views: 788
Create an event and make it happen. As much as we would like to sit around and wait for the phone to ring, it is time to take control and make something happen. I mean get off your ass! Get creative and get the wheel rolling like your life depends on it! I mean host an open mike in the very near ... Views: 727
Achieving your goals is an accomplishment that absolutely will not happen without the focus of both mental and physical effort. In fact the whole process actually starts with establishing the proper mindset which begins with a positive mental attitude. When you first set goals to achieve a ... Views: 1329
In my last article regarding goal setting, I outlined some keys for accountability. This is an important element of your success for many reasons, answering to someone else is an area that is comfortable for many. Another reason that you may need to have someone push or monitor you is because ... Views: 2873
We all want to grow in life. We want to develop our potential and become the best that we can be. Sport stars all have personal coaches and trainers to help them with this. Over the last 5 years people realised that we need the same for our personal-, career- and business development. In this ... Views: 967
Goal setting is a very powerful technique that works! At its simplest level the process of setting goals and targets allows you to choose where you want to go in life. By knowing what you want to achieve, you know what you have to concentrate on and improve. Goal setting gives you long-term ... Views: 1868
“What do you want?”
I call this the four words that move you forward. I find that most people have never really taken the time to sit down and ask themselves this question, and then not only see themselves with what it is they really want, but imagine their future with no limits. Can you do ... Views: 1235
ip #1
Feeling like you can’t get it all done? Schedule Focus Time every day. This is the time you are not to be disturbed. Turn off the phone, shut down email and determine your biggest need for action at this time. Then set your timer and get it done!
Tip #2
Tired of losing phone ... Views: 1326
Vision boards are powerful tools that like goal setting worksheets, help in setting personal-goals and making your dreams a reality. It is a creative picture collage of what you desire. They are fun to create and very powerful to use.
They effectively take what you imagine in your mind and ... Views: 2888
When establishing your goals it is important to not set yourself up for failure. In order to achieve goals you have set for yourself they must be realistic and measurable goals. In fact the key to success in achieving goals is to possess the skills required and the ability to monitor your ... Views: 676
Just this morning I got an email from another coach that said, “Become totally immersed in your subject and goal. Eat, drink sleep and live for this goal; think of it all the time.”
I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like much of a life to me. I want to be able to be fully ... Views: 1056
Everything we do is goal directed, whether we are pursuing success, accomplishment, satisfaction, service, love, acceptance, or simply comfort and the absence of pain. Goals are always with us, whether consciously acknowledged or not. We seek them, achieve them, fail at them, savor victory, ... Views: 1441
This guide to Leadership Skills is provided by Silicon Beach Training
As the manager and leader of a group you have to offer the team something which if you weren’t here would not be available. You have to warrant your position, and your pay roll, as a leader/manager. If you offer a team ... Views: 1677
People often ask me, "How long will it take to be successful?" Well, that's a good question, and a lot of the people who ask me know that, in my particular case, it was less than three weeks. Less than three weeks after I attended a high-quality seminar that told people how work in the direct ... Views: 1188
Hi there everyone!!
Goals should be written down and have the following SMART attributes:
Specific. We need to have hard numbers on our goals. However, this is not to be confused with being “precise.” It’s OK to have ranges of numbers. In fact, it’s better for the subconscious mind if we ... Views: 2219
Hey there everyone!!
The “T” in the SMART goal formula represents time-sensitivity. That is, our goals should have a specific date associated to them.
However, there are two kinds of dates that can be associated with a goal. The first may be obvious. This is a hard date. A hard date is a ... Views: 3634
Its quite hard starting a website, and especially difficult trying to come up with useful and usable information for you all to write about. Hearing your suggestions has helped to shape my thoughts and ideas.
I was particularly inspired by one email. I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning ... Views: 892
Do You Have a Big Enough Why?
Once you get clear on WHAT you want to achieve, it's crucial to know WHY you want it.
If you have an important goal, it needs a big why. Otherwise, you won't have the determination and resolve to overcome the inevitable challenges you'll encounter ... Views: 1460
This is an interesting time to be alive. While it seems on the outside like chaos, I am seeing things in a different way. The way I see it, lots of people are getting more of what they really want by getting a big and unexpected push.
You might be scratching your head right now and saying ... Views: 1828
Today’s mantra: stay on target.
Some days, you just wake up apathetic or discouraged, for what could be no reason at all. Oh sure, there’s always some reason, but it’s probably not at all what you think. I mean, there are so many blessings to count, so much goodness around but sometimes ... Views: 1172
Wow what a strange title for an article. So, what clay am I talking about? I would like for you to spend some time focusing on the verse, “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8. Have you ever watched a potter work ... Views: 801
If you're tired of setting goals and not achieving them, then maybe you need to set SMART Goals.
SMART is simply an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
I will explain each one in detail so next time you set a goal, you will be SMART about ... Views: 1295
The Challenge. We study and practice. Yet the question remains, “What now?” How do I make a musical connection to others? How do I apply my skills to real-world experiences? It’s frustrating that the craft of drumming, and the landscape of the music business is not an exact science. But ... Views: 729
Every choice that you make and every action that you take is designing your life and your career.
Whether you take an active or a passive role in the creation of your life, you’re creating it. Setting goals for things that you want but do not yet see in your life is a great way to hold ... Views: 952
Let’s talk about goals! Better yet, let’s DO SOMETHING about your goals, because that is the single biggest difference between actually setting a goal and simply saying some words in hopes that someday you’ll have what you want.
In order for a goal to take hold and become real, you must ... Views: 2475
You have probably heard the saying “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” This is especially true if your job involves traveling to a client’s site or if you work at or travel between remote locations (e.g., branch offices). Transit time can take a big chunk out of your day. In such ... Views: 1348
Setting goals is important, for all of us. If we didn't set goals - formerly via using SMART goals, or informally via something as simple as a to-do list - then we simply wouldn't get anything done in our day. Or our week. Or our year.
I guess setting goals at work is controlled via your boss ... Views: 1212
Achieving goals is much more a process then it is an event. This is likely why many goals go unaccomplished. Often people in an initial burst of enthusiasm set goals but eventually their drive dies out due to a lack of motivation. The end results of course are the failure to reach goals that ... Views: 1007
It truly is a blessing to be able to think ahead and see things in our future that we would like to work toward. Having visions in your life of something that you want to achieve creates drive and excitement for your time ahead. Goals give you a reason to live. Goals inspire you to aim for ... Views: 922
Working hard all week long to live a lifestyle that is balanced, healthy and enjoyable takes work; there’s no doubt about it. Somehow it seems like Monday-Thursday are the continuous week days that sit at the top of the pile, holding authority over your aspirations and goals. These are the ... Views: 936
Working toward a goal is making the choice to attain something that you do not currently possess. It is a milestone. Some goals are easier and more attainable than others.
Choosing to grow your business and implementing all the steps, creates a challenge. You are stretching yourself. This ... Views: 702
"Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom." Merry Browne . What is the glass ceiling of your mind? What is the highest achievement that you can imagine for yourself? For some the measure is money related. They imagine themselves making six figures while others image seven. For ... Views: 1436
When marketing on the internet it is absolutely necessary that you establish some type of business goals. Most online entrepreneurs are generally responsible for looking after every function of their business. Without a predetermined set of measurable goals it can be very easy to go off course ... Views: 746
There seems to be so much talk these days on changing your life but is there really a "Magic Pill" to getting everything and anything you want in life?
Well, I'd like to share something with you that is perhaps one of the master keys in changing your life, because it is exactly what I have ... Views: 979
The American Dream of financial success, Achieving Excellence in a sport or area of interest, Looking for Key Results in personal goals… we’ve all at one point or another hoped and wished for these. Most of us have also had dreams about developing happy, healthy relationships or increasing self ... Views: 2184
Is procrastination holding you back from turning your dreams into reality? I often hear people tell me what they want to do. However, rarely do I see them do anything to make that dream a reality.
What I do see is that person’s idea for a business now belongs to someone else. When you ... Views: 1436
How many times in your life have you put off doing something because you couldn’t decide the best course of action to take? I’ve known people plan to go out for a well earned meal with their partner and end up staying at home because they couldn’t make up their mind between Chinese or Italian. ... Views: 3362
There is one type request that I get more than any other and that is to provide strategies for generating and maintaining motivation, some people call this ‘self-discipline’. It’s actually not that common for people to ask me for step-by-step instructions on what they need do to get a task ... Views: 2561
Too many of us live such busy and stressful lives nowadays. So much so that stress continues to climb as one of the primary causes of many of our most serious health concerns. Our lives quite literally resemble a Three Ring Circus, complete with Get the Kids to School and Yourself to Work on ... Views: 1221
When I was a boy, I would overhear older black men talking about this evil, mythical figure called "The Man." I thought there was Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and The Man.
The Man was accused of selfishly hoarding power and resources that prevented black men from getting jobs, owning ... Views: 2576
I was walking through the airport today and caught a glimpse of a great advert which showed a picture of Tiger shielding his eyes from a dazzling sun as he peered down the fairway. The caption I think related to the difficulty of making a plan of action if you couldn't see what lay ahead; I ... Views: 927
In my last Article: “Sprint Your Way to Success” we talked about how to use sprints to set and achieve your goals. Now, here are a few key tips from the Sprint methodology to help keep you focused:
1. Hold a Daily Check In with Yourself
This needs to be done the first thing in the morning, ... Views: 875
Do you tend to make a list of resolutions every year and never achieve them? Do you make glorious plans and never follow through? Do you start a project valiantly, with all the best intentions and then give up at the first bump in the road?
Everyone laughed at me when I ... Views: 939
Are your goals SMART goals?
I mean to say are your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based? If not, then you may not get very far in what you set out to do today, this week or this month.
SMART goals are the 'what?', 'why?' and 'when?' of goal setting. That is, what ... Views: 5583