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Goal Setting Can Make Your Dreams Come True
We've all heard about goal setting and know that it is something we 'should' do. How many of us are actually doing it? Procrastination can be my worst enemy – how about you? But when it comes to goal setting, can we really afford to procrastinate? ... Views: 2329
One of the most powerful principles hidden in the goldmine of knowledge called Think and Grow Rich is what I’ve named “The Pyramid Principle.”
Now, I’m not talking about some mystical kind of pyramid power. And I’m not suggesting you go sleep in a pyramid or put a bunch of pyramids around ... Views: 2489
Time is finite. You get twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year. Once a minute or an hour has passed, it’s gone forever. Establishing a sense of richness in your life requires that you acknowledge this limitation, and that you begin to consciously decide how you’re going to invest each ... Views: 4599
What have you done this week that got you closer to a goal, big or small?
We all have goals that we set on a number of different levels. Some are simple, but persistent thoughts, others may be mapped out on a vision board or written down on a clearly defined list. I have learned during my time ... Views: 1544
Anybody who knows me can testify that I'm a BIG dreamer. And in the past, depending on how those dreams were channeled, they could either be a gift or a curse. For years, I was one of those who always had big plans, but never a plan on how to achieve them. I spent hours upon hours in my head, ... Views: 921
"Here's the test to find out whether your mission on earth is finished. If you're alive, it isn't" Richard Back.
Time's up.
No more excuses; you've got work to do. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
It's time to think about all of the things that you've promised yourself you were ... Views: 860
Have you ever thought about your career or work that you do as an art? Something like a form of personal and creative expression? We could easily beckon an image of an artist, sculptor, painter, musician, inventor or writer in their respective studios, engaged and engrossed in the superb process ... Views: 631
It is a common phenomena that people working with the law of attraction and positive thoughts towards a goal will receive many opportunities, but often, they never materialize. This leads to confusion and eventually dropping of the faith and efforts along with giving up hope. I have spent many ... Views: 1685
Wish you had more motivation? Do you set ambitious goals, start off with a bang , and then fizzle out long before the job is done? Do you keep beating yourself up for not following through?
Although you're probably thinking "I just lack motivation," there's a good chance that all you're ... Views: 3363
We all make decisions every day but unfortunately from a very early age we have it instilled in us that we must make the 'right' decisions throughout our lives or face the consequences. These strategies usually start developing from the age of 5 years old onwards, mostly acquired unconsciously ... Views: 1281
Most of us have many goals in life. These goals might have to do with work, finances, relationships and family.Some of the goals that many people strive for are to feel worthy, loved, and valued. Many people spend much time in their lives seeking the approval of others, believing that getting ... Views: 4538
I'm going to reveal the method of how I got A+ grades in every subject in both Elementary School and High School. I've discovered a method on how to get results, how to achieve goals and how to create success in every aspect of your life. It all comes down to three things, things that you can ... Views: 1823
We have all read articles and books about success or wealth building strategies and usually each one includes the importance of setting goals.
I believe how you make these goals is just as important, as the actual goals themselves.
I have studied many experts in the area of personal ... Views: 1363
The secret to MLM success doesn't have to evade you. The top money earners have discovered goal setting in their MLM business is a major success secret. Don't skip this most influential step to getting started right. So get started today!
Let's face it, we all know that building your MLM ... Views: 4200
Do you avoid making New Year's Resolutions? Do your shoulders tense up when you think about all you "should" have done so far this year? Do you feel like goal setting is such a huge task that will take you forever? If so, you're not alone. That's why I'd like to suggest that we all take a much ... Views: 2114
I was first introduced to Think and Grow Rich by my grandfather when I was 12 years old. He gave me his copy, an original printing from India, his home country.
I read it and it worked. From literally zero assets and no help whatsoever from my parents, at age 12, I was a millionaire by 25, ... Views: 1279
Perhaps this is an unusual introduction to an article on personal development or self improvement but, I would like to start by quoting 50 Cent – yeah, the rapper 50 Cent – who said “Most people can’t handle boredom. That means they can’t stay on one thing until they get good at it. And they ... Views: 6376
How to develop a burning desire to achieve success?
We all know that strong desire is needed to achieve any goal and success. The question many people ask is how to have strong desire and will power? What is the desire that is needed to achieve any goal you want? How does it feel ... Views: 5676
Procrastination is one of the most prevalent forms of self sabotage, and it can be devastating to your relationships, your career and your peace of mind.
Procrastination is the habit of putting tasks off to a later time. It isn't just rescheduling tasks; it is a pattern of behavior that ... Views: 1978
There are fundamental habits that all millionaires share so that they can do more, have more, share more and be masters of their own destiny.
While there are a lot more than 10 habits that they need before coming successful millionaires, here are the top 10:
Habit number one: Goals
Goals ... Views: 3111
I love listening to other drummers to hear where they’re coming from musically and what motivates their choices. I often share my observations with colleagues while shooting the breeze. My questions framing the conversation are always the same; “What makes this drummer great?” “What separates ... Views: 1165
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” –Helen Keller
Throughout my journalism career thus far, I have been fortunate to meet fascinating, inspiring, daring people on a daily basis who tell me about their lives and passions. I donned a bee suit alongside the local beekeeper, followed ... Views: 1516
Setting goals is an important part of operating a business, whether an Internet business or an off-line one. Without goals, any business can flounder when poor planning leads to such problems such as insufficient funds to cover cash flow, employing inexperienced staff, lack of sales and having ... Views: 1047
Setting and achieving goals is one of the central keys to personal and professional success. Putting your goals down as a concrete statement of what you want and linking the achievement of those goals to a specific timeline, is essential to actually getting what you want. Other techniques like ... Views: 715
No matter how carefully you schedule your day, a single “Time Killer” can make it nearly impossible to stay on track and get the day’s work done. These annoying little time killers can definitely throw us off track and send us for a tail spin. However, focusing on them and not letting them ... Views: 2649
What you pay attention to can make a huge difference in your life. It can affect how you feel, what you think, and what you can accomplish. In a very real sense, you are what you pay attention to.
A colleague shared with me a great story about the value of controlling attention.
An old ... Views: 5185
Recently we went to see the Van Gogh exhibition at the Royal Academy. I knew about his colourful paintings of French landscapes but hadn’t seen his earlier work or his pen and ink drawings. The exhibition showed how his painting style developed and how it reflected his life.
And perhaps this ... Views: 1862
Now that you know how to set fabulous goals that set you up for success, here’s how to turbo-charge them using the law of attraction (see my previous article The Top 5 Mistakes People Make with New Years Resolutions). You can work on one goal or several, although if you have lots and lots of ... Views: 1597
How would you answer that question?
I have reflected on this quite a bit over the past year as I have made huge investments in my business. I have also reflected on this question, personally, as I have made major changes in my own life. What is too good for me? Now? Nothing!
A few years ... Views: 1083
Perfectionists have impossibly high standards. And impossibly high standards make things impossible, setting up a never ending cycle of procrastination, overwhelm and discouragement.
With finances, it usually starts with some “expert” advice. For instance, financial experts say that we should ... Views: 938
Apply the Secrets that Sport Psychologists Use With Elite Athletes to Skyrocket Your Sales Performance
By Jack Singer, Ph.D.
Matt is a sales manager with a computer software company. His sales people have the responsibilities of generating new business by making “cold calls” and following ... Views: 1494
(1.) They take time to determine what they truly want and how to get it.
Any sensible and mature person has his own idea of what he wants most out of life. People who set goals hold mental pictures of what they would like to materialize before their very eyes. For example, an obese or ... Views: 5675
Is ADHD really a legitimate brain condition? Or is it a made-up diagnosis used to explain aberrant behavior? Is the ADHD label an opportunity for some people to slough off responsibilities and get a pass on completing necessary tasks? Does it give people an excuse for their mistakes and their ... Views: 1931
There is something very magical that we were all blessed with at birth…and that is the ability to envision something and turn it into a reality for our business which I like to call, ‘Vision Marketing’. If you can see yourself doing a certain something in your mind, you can make it happen. It’s ... Views: 2276
Have you ever heard stories about people who win the lottery and then a few months or years later they are completely broke? Or about people who enter college and change their majors three, five or ten times? What about the people who jump from job to job, or marriage to marriage? Ever wonder ... Views: 987
Sports Hypnosis for athletes?
Hypnosis for athletes was something that was unheard of some years ago, but is now considered an important tool in the elite athlete's arsenal. This applies to all activities from football to poker!
Did you know that hypnosis and self-hypnosis are actually ... Views: 4938
"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
Author's Note:
This extract is from Craig's first published book HANDBOOK TO SURVIVE - a collection of writings on various subjects to help ... Views: 2038
If you are dissatisfied with your progress toward the goals you set, or just dissatisfied with your life in general, you probably need to look at the issue of "self-sabotage."
People tend to operate at two levels. They consciously have a direction they want to go, but subconsciously, there ... Views: 1615
Have you written some goals for this year? How are you doing with them? What are the accomplishments you most want? To insure that you get exactly what you want here is a list of tips for writing good goals.
1. Connect your goals to your vision. Check each goal to be sure that if you ... Views: 1212
This past weekend, I was sitting in the bleachers at our local park watching my children play little league baseball when I heard the weekly mantra from their coach as each child took their position at bat:
“Wait for the one that’s right for you!”
“Don’t swing at every pitch!”
“Good ... Views: 1428
Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed? If you are the average individual (or above-average) these situations may occur with some regularity and they can really halt progress. If you are a solo practitioner or small business owner these feelings and situations may seem overblown ... Views: 4811
The upbeat messages bombard us all the time: “Just think positive,” we’re urged. Or: “You should view the glass as half-full, not half-empty.” If we seem beset with self-doubt, we’re reminded to “just believe in yourself.” I’ve been part of this chorus of cheerfulness; you’ve heard me extol the ... Views: 1573
As many already know getting motivated to do certain things can be very challenging. This lack of motivation may be due to several reasons any of which serve as an obstacle keeping us from taking action. Since life is NOT a spectator sport and there are things that need to be done it is ... Views: 1412
No great thing is created suddenly, anymore than a bunch of grapes or a fig. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit. Epictetus
It is easy to talk about your ideals and dreams for success, but something else entirely to begin taking the first step down that road. Beginning the process can be ... Views: 1137
Is business down? Are you fighting with a family member? Are you wondering how you’re going to keep your house? Has your mate been cheating on you? Does your body keep going through one health issue after another?
Well? What if you just said, “So WHAT?!” to the whole darn thing?
I mean ... Views: 1323
Close your eyes. Imagine that everything you desire is just a wish away. All you have to do is close your eyes, focus your thoughts and ask your genie to make your wishes, dreams, or goals come true. Wouldn't that be cool? What if you didn't have to rely on anyone else but yourself? Not even ... Views: 2027
Given that the average new entrepreneur puts in over 60 hours per week and has family responsibilities to consider, you may experience goal conflicts in your life. This conflict could be a recipe for burnout if you’re unclear about your direction and what it takes to get there.
First, it ... Views: 3609
My friend Kate and I were discussing milestones in life and, in particular, some of the questions we ask ourselves when we hit a certain age.
Do you remember the movie, "The Wizard of Oz"? Remember the tin man, the lion and the scarecrow and their journey down the yellow brick road, with ... Views: 2255
I have seen a pattern amongst many people in life; the pattern of quitting when times get tough. Quitting is perhaps one of the easiest things to do because it requires no effort at all. Quitting on your business, quitting school, quitting relationships, quitting on goals that you are ... Views: 898
While sitting in church on Sunday, our pastor was talking about the feeling of being overwhelmed. One of his statements was 'never worry alone'. That really jumped out at me, for a number of reasons.
"Worry is negative goal-setting" says my mentor, Lou Tice. Think about that for a minute – it ... Views: 1824