Mary Schmidt Amons is perhaps most known for her role as a cast member of Bravo's Reality series Real Housewives of D.C. The spotlight gave her an opportunity to bring awareness to Labels for Love, a charity she founded in 2006 to raise critical funds to support women's and children's ... Views: 1461
Money at its essence is energy. And it is the energy we have around money that shapes our fears, anxieties, desires, needs and insecurities.
We all learned money lessons as children. The beliefs we took on for ourselves serve as the foundation of what become our money personality. And we all ... Views: 1480
The hardest job you'll ever have is being a parent. And of course you want to be the best parent you can be. How do you keep a child from being spoiled? How do you teach values, compassion, work ethic, and self-esteem? How do you foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, ... Views: 1422
The hardest job you'll ever have is being a parent. And of course you want to be the best parent you can be. How do you keep a child from being spoiled? How do you teach values, compassion, work ethic, and self-esteem? How do you foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, ... Views: 1536
If you’re feeling trapped by your wealth instead of completely free then there’s some misguided understanding of what it means to have wealth and the extraordinary opportunities it affords. Most people believe wealth buys freedom when often it’s quite the opposite. Many successful people, ... Views: 1401
Pro-athletes have mastered the skill of getting 'in the zone', firing on all cylinders and winning the game. Why is it, then, so many trip up, drop the ball and feel like they've lost in the game of life? Here are the hard facts:
• According to Sports Illustrated (SI) 78% of NFL players go ... Views: 1959
Money is a vehicle, not a measurement of value. Today’s culture is plush with unprecedented comforts and luxuries. Yet, it seems the more material things we have the more we want. And it takes more and more money to get the good stuff, what we think is the good life. We need more to measure up. ... Views: 1537
Whether in the media or creatively integrated into television dramas we've watched time and again the dutiful wife standing beside her husband who's been caught in some sex scandal, criminal act or any other type of behavior requiring a public mea culpa. Some look sincerely supportive. Others ... Views: 1343
The hardest job you'll ever do is be a parent. Naturally, you want to be the best parent you can be. To 'get it right' we unconsciously model how we were parented.
Children learn through modeling. They mimic how a parents acts much more than by what a parent says. What example are you ... Views: 1635
Fast paced life constantly under pressure?
"I can't do it all to please everyone!"
"There's not enough hours in the day."
"I'm racing against the clock."
These are but a few of the comments we utter in our stressed-out fast-paced life. Its true, even though we now have all kinds of ... Views: 2166
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you might have seen my post:
"Note to woman blabbing in the corner of Starbucks: The expiration date on blaming you parents for your misfortune is long past."
If you know me at all, you know I'm an observer of the human spirit and the human ... Views: 1456
If you knew me 15 years ago you wouldn't recognize the author, coach and public speaker - with a lot of Moxie - I am today.
I was once the shiest person I knew. As a child, I dreaded the first day of school because I usually had to stand up and tell everyone what I did on my summer vacation. ... Views: 1613
You're angry. Royally pissed off some, or most, of the time. You were not supposed to be divorced. Especially not at this age - after everything you've been through.
You're knocked on your ass, want to get up and move on but can't. Why? Because you've fallen into the deep divorce drama ... Views: 2101
It's a funny thing....for me, at least. Whenever I feel a bit turned around or completely lost in the dark invariably a powerful piece of wisdom comes to me in the form of a rock and roll lyric. I believe poetry, lyrics in its musical form, is the highest expression of the divine human spirit. ... Views: 1317
If you’re not already living your best life its time to do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around. I challenge you to put your whole self in! An extraordinary life well lived and well told is an inside job.
Here are 10 tips to get you headed in your highest and best direction:
1. Be ... Views: 1617
Truth is, you already are accountable. You are the ultimate creator of all that you do, all that you experience. While you may not have created certain events in your life, you are the generative force behind what you have that experience mean for you. Have to allowed yourself to become the ... Views: 1367
The holidays are 'supposed to be' a time of love and laughter. Families and loved ones stop their frenzied lives to get together in peace, harmony and abundant gift giving. At least that's what much of the media and advertisers tell us how it should be each year.
Yet for many of us, the ... Views: 3904
FEAR - The Gift Its Good For
We all know there is healthy rational fear. We protect ourselves from raging fires, stampeding bulls and any real threat to our existence. When the danger passes so does our fear.
We shake it off as a duck shakes off water.
And we move on.
There's a ... Views: 1449
Do you often think you're just faking it.
Not really making it?
Do you worry that it's only a matter of time before everyone discovers you're a fraud?
Ever want to crawl under the bed upon receiving even the slightest bit of criticism?
Are you unable to move forward because you're ... Views: 1490
One of my favorite TV Shows is House, M.D., about a brutally honest brilliant, irreverent and controversial doctor who trusts no one. While devoid of any bedside manner, Dr. House thrives on the challenge of solving medical puzzles in order to save lives. The title role is masterfully played by ... Views: 1435
"If you really do want to be an actor who can satisfy himself and his audience, you need to be vulnerable. You must reach the emotional and intellectual level of ability where you can go out stark naked, emotionally, in front of an audience." - Jack Lemmon, Actor
Jack Lemmon was one of the ... Views: 1404
You get that the common denominator in all your unwanted experiences is you. You're beginning to understand you have influence over the outcomes you achieve. You realize that, at least sometimes, you're the one standing in your own way.
Now you're fixated on fixing your problem. You're ... Views: 1686
When the going gets tough - when you just want to screw it all and grab any kind of pleasure you can get - whipping out the plastic to indulge on a shopping binge isn't the answer. Like a bulimic on a food binge, you'll feel worse inside, want to barf, and hate what you just bought. You'll ... Views: 1677
What does it really mean to be out of your mind? No, it doesn't mean you are nuts, bonkers, or crazy as a peach orchard boar.
The more you are in tune with what is really happening in your experience - instead of what you often misguidedly perceive is going on - the more your ability to ... Views: 1742
The other day a friend asked me how I help people. I told her, very simply, that I teach people how to crack their world open to reveal thrilling new possibilities and opportunities that they couldn't see before. She laughed and said I encourage people to become Crack Addicts.
In that ... Views: 2240
It's a funny thing...
We come into this world full of wonder, amazement and an audaciously authentic ability to laugh out loud at whatever tickles our funny bone. To our young minds - free of attached meanings, assumptions and suppositions - the world is a delightfully cacophony of ... Views: 3807
Too pooped to put one more foot in front of the other? Is your favorite part of the day the moment you get to dive into bed and shut the world off for a few hours? Does the mere thought of the days ahead suck the life energy right out of you?
I know how that feels. I've been there -- for ... Views: 2767
People look at you and think you’ve got it all together. You have a life that many envy, a career, relationship and the freedom to live an enjoyable life – or at least two out of the three. On the outside you’ve put on a great show. On the inside, not so much.
Behind the mask, you feel empty ... Views: 2570
One of the phrases that helped define the 1990s is "As if!" Immortalized by actor Alicia Silverstone's character, Cher Horowitz, in the movie "Clueless", the term connotes a derisive assertion that whatever is being talked about is impossible or very unlikely. It is another way of ... Views: 2284
Are you working your tushie off - always going, going, going and never getting anywhere?
Are you doing everything you can to grow your business or move up the corporate ladder yet are stuck on pause?
Are you uncomfortable or anxious when discussing money with your partner?
Are your ... Views: 2954
Are you working your tushie off - always going, going, going and never getting anywhere?
Are you doing everything you can to grow your business or move up the corporate ladder yet are stuck on pause?
Are you uncomfortable or anxious when discussing money with your partner?
Are your ... Views: 2954
Events in and of themselves do not create stress. It is the meaning you give to these events that causes the stressful reaction. What you have something mean about you or your possibilities is what spins you into a cycle of reactive stress - or a calm deliberate thought process that leads to a ... Views: 3103
Perfectionism can kill you.
Bold statement. Sad but true. The frenetic obsession to have the perfect body is literally killing some people. A nose job or a face lift isn't enough. Once that's done, then the boobs, lips, hips along with every wrinkle must be enhanced, puffed, sucked out, ... Views: 2826
'Fess up.
If you're reading this blog you may be a shopping addict. There's a world of difference between someone who shops for necessities (even luxuries) or social enjoyment and the person who shops to deaden emotional pain. Which one are you?
Like a drug addict you use shopping to get ... Views: 2430
I was busy in the kitchen this weekend. I had a yen to cook something that would slow-cook in a crock pot. I love how a house smells when there is something yummy getting ready for my tummy.
A friend called. She was complaining about her exhausting weekend. Relatives were staying with her. ... Views: 2716
Some people live their lives stuck in an exhausting treadmill. Too tired to change course they tolerate seeing the same sights, having the same experiences over and over again. I know a few people who lost or quit a job every couple of years with the excuse that their boss is a jerk or they're ... Views: 3307
"I am now the most miserable man living. Whether I shall ever be better I cannot tell; I awfully forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible; I must die or be better." - Abraham Lincoln
American film and television actor Joe Pantoliano once identified strongly with Lincoln's sad ... Views: 2328
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” - Albert Einstein
Everyone was born with the magical power of intuition. Intuition is a clear flow of information that is available to you that is aligned with your authenticity, highest path and purpose. Intuition is one of the most amazing ... Views: 2962
I was having fun watching my two cats play one morning when I had one of those AHA moments. I had one of those ‘out of the blue’ moments of clarity that enlightened, empowered and inspired me. The pussycats were playing a leap-frog kind of game when the play turned into aggression. Both cats ... Views: 3797
"Each relationship you have with another person reflects the relationship you have with yourself." - Alice Deville.
You have a lot of personal and professional relationships in your life. Some relationships are loving, satisfying, uplifting, supportive and enrich your life experience. You ... Views: 6957
I often ask successful people what was the best piece of advice they ever got from a parent. What words of wisdom carried them forward as they achieved their personal and professional goals? Responses such as "Don't take anything for granted", "You have to work hard and struggle for success" ... Views: 2447
When I'm in the mood for a little inspiration I seek out extraordinary people speak their truth from the heart. These are the thought leaders who fully express their Moxie - the confident courage to achieve authentic greatness with unrelenting drive and passion. In this abundant content ... Views: 2049
Moxie Up! The Secret to Extraordinary Success
What do those who achieve extraordinary success – Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, J.K. Rowling, Bette Midler, Mary Kay Ash, Angelina Jolie, Howard Stern, Danica Patrick, Ellen DeGeneres and Aunti Mame have in common?
... Views: 1609
When you show up with love in your heart, what is returned to you is pure love.
While I knew this piece of universal wisdom to be true, I never experienced it so profoundly as I did the other day. I flew to Miami to see my aging ailing Father. I have a good, although not very close, ... Views: 1467
In one of the Harry Potter books Harry comes face to face with a mirror in which he sees his parents staring back at him. He longs to stay with the mirror to continue to see his parents and Professor Dumbledore tells him he must stop. This mirror shows exactly what the viewer wants to see ... Views: 3539
There are what seems to be an infinite number of books that provide a formula for success. They will tell you to work hard, pay your dues, earn advanced degrees in your education. The Inner Wizard formula for success, however, is a bit contrary to many of those strategies and quite simple.
... Views: 1543
This is the time of year when people get off the proverbial treadmill of their workday world and allow themselves some time to reflect on the past year - what they accomplished, what they didn't, what was good, and what wasn't so great. Too often people feel like they've fallen short of their ... Views: 1468
Do you have people in your life who sprinkle misery wherever they go? When you spend time with them, do these people suck the life energy right out of you? Do you they make you wrong, make you feel angry, deflated, belittled, inadequate or unworthy? If so, you have become their victim. As a ... Views: 1814
Take a moment to ask yourself:
What would be the best thing you could do for yourself, right now, given the incredibly uncertain and stressful times you are facing?
What would best prepare you for whatever your life, the economy or other circumstances, might throw at you?
If you watch, ... Views: 5395
In today's fast paced hustle and bustle world you may become overwhelmed by everything that needs to get accomplished in a day, especially during a busy holiday season. A feeling of overwhelm will set in where you just can't decide what to do or how to do it to achieve your personal and ... Views: 2698
Have you ever thought life would be different for you today if you had a different childhood? Have you ever held thoughts such as:
"My Mother never really cared about who I was."
"My Father told me that I'd never amount to anything."
"People won't like me if I don't agree with the ... Views: 1415