This is a question that I asked myself daily for most of my life. I had no idea what I was meant to do and who I was supposed to be. I have degrees in Psychology, Education, Theology and Zoology. I have had dozens of jobs and done thousands of courses. All that time I was trying to find ME. ... Views: 2412
One of my greatest joys is helping people make their dreams come true. There's just something purely magical about the sparkle in their eyes when they are doing what they love. I think it resonates so loudly with me because I know how they feel. Only recently did I have the courage to work ... Views: 2071
It's so incredibly easy to become overwhelmed by everything that we have to get done in any given day. Apart from our work itself, we are bombarded with emails, phone calls and smses that demand our attention. It's as if we have to juggle 10 plates at the same time and when we get the phone ... Views: 2606