If you have low self esteem, you’re probably obsessed with yourself. Which is just a backwards form of conceit.
If you have low self-esteem, you think you’re special. No-one is as low as you. No-one is as undeserving as you. Everyone else in the world may be deserving of being treated well, ... Views: 8414
The nice thing about it is that it doesn’t have to go into some landfill and pollute the planet. This is actually a guilt-free process, although it doesn’t always feel like it.
Why not? Because so much of our mental trash has these labels on it like “Mom gave this to me, do not throw away.” ... Views: 3617
People usually mean well. Although sometimes they’re just tired of putting up with someone else’s problem. And it’s not as if you’re not trying. You’d love to just get over it, after all. It’s no fun holding on to all this negative emotion.
The good news is that it’s not because you have a ... Views: 5226
Picture this: you are focused on being, not doing. You are fully present in the now of this moment. And then this moment. And now this moment.
You are at peace. You flow with every circumstance and gift life has to offer, and life continues to offer you more and more amazing gifts.
How ... Views: 1643
This is not an article about how to have the happy childhood you missed out on by bonding with your children and experiencing a new childhood along with them, although that’s a great thing to do. If you have children, I recommend it.
Nor is it an article about getting in touch with your inner ... Views: 4793
“You’ve got to be kidding. My life is falling apart, and I’m supposed to be grateful?”
Well, yes.
I know that sounds just insane when everything has turned to disaster. If you or your loved one is battling a serious, even terminal disease, if you’ve lost your job or even your home, if ... Views: 1413
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a foolproof way to know if you’re lined up with your life purpose, the whole reason you’re here? Actually, there is a way to figure out whether your life is headed in a good direction that’s going to be pleasing to you and in sync with your life purpose or not. ... Views: 1383
Aren’t you tired of spending yours days and hours wishing and hoping, and never seeing any of your dreams become reality? Hoping that somehow the life you want could be possible, but not really believing that it could be?
Well, the first thing to understand if you really want things to ... Views: 2678
Just this morning I got an email from another coach that said, “Become totally immersed in your subject and goal. Eat, drink sleep and live for this goal; think of it all the time.”
I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like much of a life to me. I want to be able to be fully ... Views: 1056
What does life look like when your work is easy?
You get up in the morning and go to work doing something that you really love doing. Oh, you might still have to work hard at it, but it’s more like playing hard than working hard. When you’re playing hard, challenges are fun, invigorating, and ... Views: 1159
How exciting is your life? How much fun? Does your life have any meaning? Do you think of your life as just one mundane task after another, about as exciting as a shopping list?
Have you ever just stepped back and looked at your life as if you were watching a movie? Well, here’s the thing ... Views: 1318