We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Have you asked yourself why some businesspeople appear to attain their goal more progressively than others do? The road to success and accomplishments seem to come within their grasp so easily. While they are periodically bombarded with several problems and challenges, they never allow ... Views: 870
Did you leave your house naked this morning? Of course you didn’t. Isn’t it bizarre that everyone has no problem preparing themselves physically for the day ahead whilst almost no one bothers to mentally prepare – and being mentally prepared is far more important because the quality of your ... Views: 4105
Sometimes a goal looks so big, you can end up feeling overwhelmed and give up before you have even started! That is why it is so important to chunk your goal down to small manageable chunks and set yourself a target for completing each chunk.
So, say for example, you have set yourself an ... Views: 1351
Wow! It's the beginning of February... one month already behind us...
It sure does seem like time is flying... but if you're working toward any particular goals you may think that things aren't changing fast enough...
Let's face it... we all would love to have accomplished our goals ... Views: 1260
“To find your mission in life is to discover the intersection between your heart’s deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger.” – Frederick Buechner
We work for many reasons. For some it’s about fame and fortune; for others it’s simply about making enough to scrape through. Then there are the ... Views: 1673
January is a time of year which is associated with new beginnings; it's a time to start over, set goals and plan for the year ahead. New Year's resolutions are set by many, yet adhered to by few. Are you one of the exceptions to this rule? Or have you already waved good-bye to your fresh ... Views: 981
Balancing your life is not an easy task, is it?
We are super busy with growing and managing our business. We have our personal lives to attend to, as well. If you have growing kids, like I do, you know it takes creative time management to fit in all the extracurricular activities on top of ... Views: 902
7 Steps to Setting and Achieving Goals
Setting goals
Perhaps one of the most important things you will do to ensure your success is goal setting. Many people, however, fail to recognize the importance of setting goals and tend to pass it over as unimportant. But nothing could be more vital ... Views: 2226
A friend of mine recently called me and said that an associate of his was pushing him to hire employees and expand his business. My friend and his partner had only been in business for themselves for three years and seem to be handling the full workload between the two of them just fine. Still ... Views: 730
2009 had two significant events that nearly derailed me—I lost my beautiful and inspirational mother to cancer, and had a terrible car accident that left me quite injured. At one point, I questioned everything. Was I successful? Was I truly making a contribution to my clients and my community? ... Views: 784
With the New Year rung in, resolutions abound. We promise ourselves to do this and to not do that while so much of what we choose to do involves our money and our health. Self-sabotage is generally the main culprit when attempting to achieve goals. It rears its ugly head when we don’t have a ... Views: 886
Putting Power in Your Steps
To come from a place power, a clear understanding of past, present, and future is critical. In dwelling on the past, we are deterred from our dreams and dream objectives. By emotionally living in the past, we distract ourselves from discovering and giving voice to ... Views: 2685
I had an interesting experience yesterday when I settled myself down to write in detail about my goals for the year. I had five or six things which I had decided were really important to me; important enough to me to create a hypnosis recording for myself to use to ensure that I fully focused ... Views: 977
The idea of Feng Shui is appealing to most people. It seems like a simple way to create harmony in your life as well as introduce changes that you want to happen. However, most people aren’t quite sure how to use it, why it works, and the overall meaning of the word itself. In terms of answering ... Views: 1128
The beginning of the year is a time of dreaming about the future, setting new goals and striving towards making this year more of a success than the previous one. Most people have realised that New Year’s resolutions don’t work. You need solid goals to pursue. However, most of these goals ... Views: 716
Many people go through their lives constantly coming up with reasons on why they cannot do something. Why they should not do something. Is this how you are living your life? Do you spend more time making excuses rather than living in action?
Making excuses will not get you to where you need ... Views: 1196
The other day, I came across a succinct statement on goal setting and goal achievement from Denis Waitely…
"The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if ... Views: 3644
Sure, the beginning of a new year provides fresh inspiration and impetus for your goals. The question is, how do you sustain your motivation and stay on the continuous improvement track when daily life and familiar temptations rear their head (did you really think chocolate or "Lost" reruns were ... Views: 830
How you do anything is how you do everything! There is a connection between your thoughts, emotions and actions. If there is a part of your business which you are dissatisfied with, take a closer look and figure out why things are not working well. Discover the conflict between what you want and ... Views: 1310
“You have put in many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile”
---Brian Tracy
We generally accept that it takes 30 days to change a bad habit. Just replace the old habit with a new habit for a month and you’re on your way to a new life. ... Views: 938
Setting goals is one of those things we fully intend to do, but never quite get round to. However if you realise just how much your life could be improved by this one simple task, you would make the time! Below are just 5 of the benefits to setting goals, so have a read through, then take 30 ... Views: 924
When you ask a toddler this question, "What would you like to be when you grow up?" With a child-like confidence they would blurt out and say, "I want to be a Lawyer, theater actress, doctor, painter, supermodel, superstar, etc". Follow that question with "What would you want to have?" And no ... Views: 966
The tragedy in Haiti has many of us thinking, once again, about how precious life is – each and every day. As I write this article, on Monday, rescuers are still finding survivors of this horrible event. These people have a strong will to live!
What about you? Are you going through life, taking ... Views: 1392
When it comes to goals let us face the humongous, bedazzled, hot pink elephant in the room head on. We know the real issue. We know what we want. We are motivated. We take action. We feel great! Then flu season sets in, or we get busy or tired, or thrown off course by appointments, ... Views: 1192
Have you noticed that when one thinks about ‘New Year’s Resolutions’, strange thoughts sneak in like:
“Oh goody, look what I can fail at this year!”
“Fat chance I’m telling anyone this resolution just so they can watch me break it!”
“I’m the queen of procrastination… I’ll get to it ... Views: 1319
If you're looking to accomplish more goals this coming year then forget about New Year's resolutions. The people that profit the most from New Year's resolutions are...
* Owners of fitness centers
* Authors of weight loss books
* People who sell programs about how to make money online ... Views: 909
Let's start with one of the basics for getting what you want.
Do you know what you REALLY want?
This may seem like a silly question, but I often find in working with clients that they don't know the true answer.
We frequently spend much of lives our dreaming about the things we think we ... Views: 1066
Once you know what you want in life, how do you go about getting it?
That's where goal setting comes into play.
If you've ever tried to set goals in the past and failed, or ever felt frustrated or overwhelmed when it came to goal setting, you'll find the following 5 point checklist to be ... Views: 1366
I hope your new year has gotten off to a great start. It’s interesting how it works. We start out on January 1 fresh and new and excited.
This is going to be the year that everything works. We set goals and make resolutions. Everything’s going to be great!
Chances are though, by the ... Views: 1327
Do you ever wonder why you achieve some of the goals you set, but not all of them? I did. And when I finally discovered the answer, I made a BIG change in the way I approached Goal Setting.
I have a tendency to be a pretty analytical type of guy, and thus approach things in a linear, ... Views: 1096
Many people groan when the hear the word ‘ Goal Setting’ as it seems a unnecessary and dull process. I am going to share with you a fun, inspiration goal setting process which will keep you motivated and help you stay on track towards your goals. Setting a goal is really important and will ... Views: 2661
Forget Your Failings—Focus on Your Feats
Your "Win List" and your "Significant Accomplishments List"
It seems to be human nature to remember the things we messed up more than we do the things we did well. Most of us tend to focus on what’s wrong rather than on what’s right.
Even people ... Views: 2921
Putting yourself first without feeling guilty is one of the most challenging for many busy entrepreneurs.
We women are notorious for putting other’s needs continuously before our own. You have responsibilities to your business, to your customers, to your family, and on and on.
Having the ... Views: 2849
Your Own Worst Enemy - How Not To Be!
Top secrets to staying motivated and on track with your goals
Have you ever set yourself a goal or committed to stopping or staring something (a diet, an exercise plan) and not managed to follow through?
If you are like every other person in the ... Views: 1723
"The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult." Marquise du Deffand
Now that we are in a new year, it is so cool to recognize how we all get to have two New Year’s in one year. The first obviously is when we will all celebrate 2010, and the second is of course our ... Views: 1367
Each December, many of us begin making our New Year's resolutions – lists of juicy and not-so-juicy goals we'd like to achieve over the year. We promise ourselves things like "lose 10 pounds," "create a loving relationship," "take a trip to Costa Rica," or "eat less sweets." Often we accomplish ... Views: 1331
Learning how to set goals that are NOT out of your reach is normally only half the battle. Having the determination and never giving up till your goals are met is the other more difficult half which will test your perseverance. Many times the goals and objectives that we establish for ourselves ... Views: 655
If you have had a history of difficulty in achieving your goals it is likely because your approach has been flawed. In order to accomplish goals of any kind you need to do more than just 'click your heels' and state your desires. An important part of goal planning is establishing how it is you ... Views: 624
Recently we looked at why most New Year's Resolutions are doomed to failure. Today let's look at a resolution that was stunningly successful and see if we can figure out why.
Let's face it, by the time we hit our forties, many, if not most, of us have had so many failed New Years' Resolutions ... Views: 1101
January is a popular time to redesign your life. A clean slate. New beginnings. Fresh start. However you slice it, people have been doing this sort of thing for a long time. That’s where January comes from after all — Janus, the Roman god of gates and doorways. Anytime you see an image of Janus ... Views: 1221
“One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.” – Dale Carnegie
This quote by the amazing Dale Carnegie is a ... Views: 1930
Typically people make resolutions and set goals at this time of year. And usually within a couple of months most people feel that they have not come close to meeting their goals or feel that they have failed miserably. Why this low success rate? We are so full of promise and expectation in ... Views: 992
We have all had it happen. We put a lot of time and effort into something, but it just doesn’t seem to be working. Deep down, we know it probably will never work, but we have a really hard time letting go. More often than not, in addition to the time and effort, we may have also put in at least ... Views: 1370
When you are working hard at your business (whatever business that may be), it is very easy to just pay your bills and go with the flow. This is particularly true when you are in network or multilevel marketing. When was the last time you really seriously looked at your bank statement? When was ... Views: 1665
It is always tempting to make changes at the beginning of the year. After all, it seems like a logical time to think about doing something different. But is that really the case? Sure, we can all think of things we would like to change about our lives, but is the beginning of the year the time ... Views: 1440
Most experts agree that the expression of a goal or objective in clear, concise terms enhances the potential to achieve it. In goal setting the acronym SMART is perhaps the most well used process for structuring goals. It represents Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time related. ... Views: 1574
"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as you mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve!" - Mary Kay Ash
In my daily role as a business leader of various organisations I always like to challenge the people I’m working ... Views: 976
Before applying the secrets of success, one must understand what they are. This article is not focused on actually outlining and explaining in detail what the secrets of success are – its purpose is to demonstrate how they are applicable to any of our goals, pursuits, and dreams in life. Below I ... Views: 1208
Success has never been achieved based solely upon talent, circumstance, brains, or even courage. It is obtained when specific goals are combined with an organized plan, commitment to that plan is combined with a belief that it is possible, and daily action is combined with continual persistence ... Views: 1738
The majority of personal successes in life are usually accomplished after the individual determines to not give up when they experience a failure. This reality should suggest that dreams and goals are absolutely possible, but most often aren’t achieved because we quit during the ascent up the ... Views: 1303