There are always going to be things in life that we just don't want to do. There are also things that we might want to do but for whatever reason feel that we cannot do them. Something gets in our way, be it doubt, fear, lack of self-confidence or whatever else.
In such a situation what ... Views: 1107
If you have ever spent a couple of hours in an airport waiting for a delayed flight you will be familiar with the general feeling of discontent that permeates the atmosphere. People look bored, tired, frustrated, long-suffering or just plain upset!
Amongst this generalized feeling of ... Views: 1031
The health benefits of sleep are both varied and well known. We all need to have an adequate amount and quality of sleep so as to be able to function as we should on both mental and physical tasks.
Sleep is probably the best beauty treatment available to a person, allowing you to ... Views: 1573
Everyone has heard reference to sayings relating to the importance of not blaming one’s tools for jobs that don’t turn out quite as one planned. It is inevitably more often the fault of the workman rather than his tools. There are many variations of this phrase such as, "It"s not the arrows, ... Views: 1301
Your personality can be changed and adapted so long as you see it as a process to be worked upon. If you assume that it is something that is given, then you prevent yourself from expanding and growing.
This is a vital point to appreciate, particularly if you think of yourself as socially ... Views: 1106
Intelligence is a process of learning as opposed to a thing that you are simply born with. You, like I, will no doubt have heard said (or perhaps you have yourself thought) that so and so is naturally intelligent, gifted or bright.
But intelligence is still something that has to be ... Views: 1101
Win once and you are most likely to win again. Rory McIroy is a great example of this phenomenon. Neuroscientific research has shown that the very act of winning changes the chemical balance in the brain, and these chemicals that are released serve to assist you in becoming more likely to win ... Views: 924
Self-belief is probably the most important determining factor in your success or failure in just about everything in life. If you do not believe in you then how can you expect to achieve any sort of positive outcome?
And equally, if you do not believe in you, other people will have a ... Views: 1115
It's that time of the year when New Years Resolutions are embarked upon and this for many means attempting to change bad habits and become a little healthier and stronger. Gym memberships, exercise programs, detoxes and diets are often perceived as the mainstay of this agenda and people cross ... Views: 1056
The concept that thinking in a healthy manner will assist a person to have a healthier physiology is not a new one. Far from it; it is at the heart of ancient traditions. Our bodies mirror the sum total of our thoughts and experiences as well as our genetic inheritance.
I was reminded of ... Views: 1132
What is more to the point, would you like to create good habits instead of the bad habits that you are fed up with? Habits come in many shapes and sizes. Good habits are great, whereas bad habits can cause discomfort and frustration.
When thinking about habits it is important to ... Views: 1867
Any phobia causes unnecessary discomfort, some more so than others. To suffer from a phobia means to experience abject fear in certain circumstances. In the case of claustrophobia this means that small or enclosed spaces are what constitute those circumstances.
Each individual will ... Views: 1230
When you haven't slept you simply do not feel quite right. Your energy levels are depleted and you feel like you are running on a low-grade fuel. Your body feels sluggish and your mind is equally not as sharp as you would like it to be.
Sleep problems can be caused for many reasons. ... Views: 1217
Everyone, from time to time, feels sluggish and slow. You have things to do but you don't quite feel ready to do them. You don't feel that you have all of the energy you need to get the job done. In fact, you probably don't even want to get started on the jobs and search around for a myriad ... Views: 1083
If your thinking leads to the doing that you need to do, then there is no need to stop thinking! But if your thinking about dieting does not lead to the relevant necessary eating habits it is perhaps time for a change of thought.
There is often a disparity between thinking and doing, just ... Views: 1017
Even the most laidback person knows what it feels like when you are anxious. Your heard beats faster, breathing comes more quickly and you feel wound up in many different physical and emotional ways.
Anxiety is uncomfortable. Your body is on "high alert". Your body is poised to flight, ... Views: 1328
Some men have the "gift of the gab" with girls but others are left wondering how to even proffer an icebreaker line. Some guys are good at adapting their conversation to the person whom they are addressing whilst others always seem to manage to "put their foot in it" or say something entirely ... Views: 1041
Everyone would like to look his or her best. But is this enough motivation to make sufficient life style changes to make losing weight and staying slim possible? For some people being slim would appear to be built into their genes and their mental life, whilst for others this goal seems like a ... Views: 1078
Do you find it hard to relate to people? Perhaps you always feel that you are different in some way or that you aren't quite on the same page as many of the people around you.
Some people just naturally blend into whatever group of people they are presented with whilst others have a more ... Views: 1491
Some people believe that relationships shouldn't need "work". Others appreciate that there can be difficult patches that require some delicate navigation. Sometimes outside circumstances can act to pull you and your spouse together, but often things can happen that propel you in opposite ... Views: 1389
Negative people often find themselves wishing that they could change and become optimistic, positive and happier. They would like to stop seeing everything that might go wrong and instead be able to see what could turn out to be great and fantastic. Lets fact it; it's a nightmare when all you ... Views: 1166
We all know the metaphor about not being able to see the woods for the trees. To be able to achieve success in almost anything in life you have to be able to look at things from different angles. You have to be able to see the woods and the trees, not simply one or the other.
Many ... Views: 1209
I visited my dentist last week and the first thing he said was, "Lovely to see you". Whilst I appreciate the fact that it is polite to respond in kind I found myself wondering how many of his patients really mean what they say in reply!
During my "session" in the dentists' chair, my musings ... Views: 1350
When you want to lose weight or to eliminate certain food items or food groups from your day-to-day diet you have to be good at controlling the way in which you think about such food. A good mental strategy towards your eating plan and diet is required.
If you watched the movie "Five Year ... Views: 1033
Confidence is King. The best gift you can give to your child is confidence. We hear such edicts every day, from all quarters. We know that it's true. Being confident makes almost every experience in life so much easier to deal with.
Even so, not everyone is confident. Not everyone has ... Views: 1186
Some mothers to be really enjoy their pregnancies whilst others find the situation a little more trying. There are many aspects of pregnancy that can cause discomfort, anxiety or indeed frustration. Morning sickness, digestive changes and feeling fat are amongst the most frequently cited ... Views: 1037
Anger is an emotion that most people would prefer to avoid if at all possible. Anger makes us feel out of control. Perhaps I should actually reverse the order in which that statement is made? Certainly the two go hand in hand.
Untamed and unchecked anger has the power to completely ... Views: 1255
It is rare to discover a patient who really looks forward to surgery without having a few fears trying to hide themselves in the back of his or her mind. Some manage to keep those fears well hidden but others find this task a little more difficult to achieve.
We all know that fears cause ... Views: 1303
Some ladies are very lucky on the PMS front whilst others are less so. For some unlucky ladies it can feel as if your terrible twin has overtaken your mind and body for a few days each month and it intent upon turning your emotional life upside down. It's not at all a nice experience, either ... Views: 1092
Happiness is a state of being. You are happy or you are not happy. The question is what can you do so as to place yourself in a position whereby you are more likely to be happy than otherwise.
Happiness is in fact a feeling that you are totally in control of, so long as you appreciate ... Views: 1256
Appearance is something that seems to be ever more important. How we look, the clothes we wear, the fashions that we embrace all serve to say a lot about ourselves.
When you have nails that are bitten down to the quick you can find yourself going to great lengths to try and hide your ... Views: 1427
Anger is a natural response that we all experience. Some of us feel this emotion more frequently than others. Similarly, some of us control our emotions better than others.
Anger leaves a bad taste in your mouth in the sense that it transmits a lingering feeling of negativity. The ... Views: 1195
We are constantly bombarded with information about vitamins, supplements and complementary health ideas. Whether we act upon that information or not is a matter of individual choice. Some people are more health conscious than others. We have our own individual attitudes on the subject and ... Views: 1522
I'm the type of person who has a constant dialogue going on in my mind and sometimes I find that I say things aloud without realizing it. A few years ago I began to hear myself say, "I'm happy where I am".
I didn't really hear myself at first. But then it happened again and again. It ... Views: 1361
Chocolate has such a decadent taste and feel upon your tongue it can be really hard to resist. Sometimes the fight to desist becomes too much and your taste buds win over your logical thought processes. The sweet blissful chocolate taste remains with you for a little while and then, seemingly ... Views: 1366
To be a perfectionist can be a real blessing. The drive to achieve perfection can push you to achieve great things. Sometimes, however, it can be a hindrance or in extreme cases perfectionism can create a barrier that stops a person from even embarking upon a challenge.
Steve Jobs had a ... Views: 1385
A lot of people talk about their desire to meet their soul mate, their other half, or the right one. Whatever terminology is used the meaning is basically the same. You want to meet that special person who is your perfect partner.
I happened to watch a dating program on the television ... Views: 1208
We hear a lot about ensuring that all sorts of things are sustainable. It's a real buzzword these days. You hear the terms sustainable energy, sustainable business practices, sustainable everything. In the business arena sustainability is a key concern. But you do not tend to hear very much ... Views: 1357
Being patient on the golf course allows you to wait in position until luck swings your way. Being patient ensures you do not give in. Rather you dig deep and step up to the eve- present challenge that golf presents.
Watching Tiger in the last couple of rounds at Memorial confirmed yet ... Views: 3590
Having a strong character is synonymous with winning and succeeding in life. This involves a high degree of self-awareness and a strong self-belief. Hypnosis can help people to develop both these attributes.
Whenever you read books relating to the mental attributes associated with ... Views: 1157
One major reason why successful people are successful is that they have harnessed the ability to focus 100% of their energy and attention into the things that they are doing. They see a vision and they focus their attention upon it. They are not easily distracted.
Many of us are not ... Views: 1155
Having a good imagination is vital to making progress. Without a view of what you wish to achieve, or where you wish to be, how would you know what to do or where to start? Even the simplest of things requires you to imagine your goal so as to enable you to be successful.
If you were to ... Views: 2988
Our imagination and choice of focus inevitably shapes the future that we experience. Whatever we focus upon tends to become the reality that we experience. Although there are many things that are out of our own control where we choose to look and how we see things are what define our own ... Views: 1784
Moving house is always a stressful situation to find oneself in. It becomes even more stressful if the home that you are about to leave is one that you have built or lived in for many years.
To part with your family home can feel like cutting away a large chunk of your past. The act of ... Views: 1952
Obsessions can be extremely good so long as the object of focus is of a positive nature. It is only when obsessions are negatively focused that they cause real problems.
Obsessive tendencies can usually be seen in the most successful of people. Arguably it is their obsessive nature that ... Views: 1528
Is not allowing yourself to really love the cause of you not being in an optimal relationship? Real love is given freely and unconditionally.
There are many adjectives and phrases that can be used to describe the impact and effect of love. "Love makes the world go around" is one of ... Views: 1431
Rejection can happen in many different ways and for many different reasons. If you can identify with a pattern whereby you feel that you have been rejected or are being rejected again and again, then it may help to as yourself two very important questions.
Are you really being rejected ... Views: 1402
A good relationship does not hinge upon a single key factor. Rather, a good relationship requires a cocktail of ingredients that blend together in the same manner as a good recipe. Like recipes there can be variations made to the balance of ingredients that have the ability to either enhance ... Views: 1259
When you have a friend or spouse who is suffering from depression you inevitably feel more than a little helpless. You want to do something that will point them in the right direction but how do you do that and what do you do?
You can't decide whether to try to push them to "make more of ... Views: 1138
When people around you are being negative how do you respond? Do you remain upbeat or do you find yourself sinking into negativity with them?
When people around you are being negative it helps to remember that you don't have to listen to or be affected by them. You do not have to ... Views: 1058