It has been said, by those in the know, that the process of grief and loss has stages. While it is agreed these stages don’t necessarily show up in predictable patterns or in specific order, I am hear to tell you there’s much more than stages to the grief process than stages. The work of ... Views: 1831
I first saw this quote at a friend’s house several years ago. I don’t know who said it but it’s one of those things that you don’t think much about, at the time, but it keeps coming back to you. For me it was reoccurring as I’ve had to adjust to events that were beyond my control. Some were ... Views: 7176
Once more in my life, I find myself realizing how fulfilling the attitude of gratitude is. As most of you, I could find many things to feel bad about and I could easily rationalize a way to focus on those things. But, then something happens that brings about the most profound sense of ... Views: 1058
As I get older, and hopefully, wiser, I tend to become more of a rebel. The one way to get me to do something is to tell me I can’t. I wish I could say I’ve always been this way but that’s not so. It’ a trait I’ve developed along the way, likely because I’ve had to take risks and I’ve found ... Views: 2334
Perhaps I’m feeling a bit sensitive to this topic at the moment, as I recently had a holiday party at my home. A party to which numerous people did not RSVP and some who responded positively, didn’t attend – with no apology or explanation. But, my thoughts did not start with this event. I’ve ... Views: 1701
“The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” IVY BAKER PRIEST
One year ends and another begins. It’s the way of the world. And it’s the way of our life. And, as always, we have choices as to how we view both the end and the beginning.
Are you ... Views: 920