Five sensible tips on taking our time to take it all in
Life in the modern age can seem to be all consuming. I know I find it that way sometimes. I can become so involved in the minutia of media, phone calls, texts and emails that the basic natural outside world seems to just disappear. I was ... Views: 1182
Senior living centers modify a high sugar diet
According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes now affects 25.8 million Americans. It’s a major health concern and a mounting problem for the country as a whole, especially for the rapidly expanding senior population.
More than 23 ... Views: 1477
Clearing the confusion on HFCS and crystalline fructose
The ongoing attack on sugar has now shifted to fructose. University of California, San Francisco professor Dr. Robert H. Lustig recently gave a seminar on behalf of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health and ... Views: 1210
moderation is the key to sweetener safety
Sugar might taste sweet to the tongue, but too much of it is toxic for the body so much so that processed sugar is now being linked to cancer and other ailments. Research links sugar to the ballooning obesity problem in the United States. According to ... Views: 1006
10 tips that will end the game in your favor
It has been said “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”. I have found this to be true through out most of my life. Knowing this, I accept that when the teacher does appear it can take many ... Views: 1096
10 steps to finding and keeping your passion
John Wesley, an eighteenth century theologian said, “When you set yourself on fire, people will come and see you burn.” Under Wesley's direction, many of his congregation became leaders in many social justice issues of the day including prison reform ... Views: 1510
Everybody gets stuck in the mud sometimes. We all have felt overwhelmed by life’s challenges, especially in these tumultuous times we live in. We see banks failing, 401k values dropping like a rock and corporate corruption just to name a few. It affects all of us in one way or another. Sometimes ... Views: 1044
I am sure you have heard all the claims that advertisers make about losing weight, growing hair and getting rich. More often than not none of these schemes work. But here is one fact that does; a habit good or bad can be created in 21 days. Science has shown us that if you do something for 21 ... Views: 1250
Now is the time of year when all of our senses will be flooded with the latest weight loss gimmicks. I am here to tell you that most of them will only result in you losing weight in your wallet and not from your belly or butt. There are some very basic rules to weight loss; watch what you eat ... Views: 939
I am looking for freedom in my life. And I know the only way I can find it is through detachment.
Every morning as I am preparing to begin my day I ask for a direction which will ultimately shape my life. During my day little signs will come to me that give me guidance toward my lesson. These ... Views: 1228