I have a short story for you today.
Once upon a time a lovely lady named Judith, sat gazing out her bay window at the fields, streams and mountains in the distance. She sighed at their beauty and lamented the fact that she just wasn’t happy even with her wonderful surroundings.
She needed ... Views: 1184
I’m going to let you in on a secret that I have kept for many years because I didn’t want to embarrass myself. But now that I have kicked the habit I will let you in on it.
I was an addict
My drug?
Not an all day habit, but about 10 programs that I simply could not miss watching ... Views: 982
Whatever your age right now, if you can read this, you have a past that you can recall. Just take a few moments now and think about your past. How would you describe it? Easy, tough, slow, fast, full, mostly happy, very sad, busy, regretful, joyful, etc. etc.
How you see your past actually ... Views: 963
It’s the first week of January in a brand new year. Tradition says it's time to set some goals. You sigh deeply, ho hum, put your chin in your hands and grind the brain into action to think of something you want but won't be too difficult to get, or something you ought to do, but don't want to, ... Views: 933
The Universe loves a vacuum.
In order to attract something new, we have to create a vacuum, create a space, for the desired something to move into. Like moving the furniture in your home to accommodate the new piano. If you continue to acquire new things in your home without letting go of ... Views: 1119
Attempting to set and achieve goals under stress and worry doesn't work.
If the words in your head are saying something like, "I really have to have $5,000 before the end of July or I won't have the tuition to send Mary to College! What on earth is going to happen if I don't get it? I ... Views: 1104
Life is full of transitions. Some we choose and some sneak up on us. And even when we choose, a sneaky one can still slip in sideways.
To plan is necessary, but too much structure can be just as stressful as none at all. Best to always leave room for flexibility. This reminds me of the young ... Views: 1006
Remember when you suddenly had a great idea? Think back. What was it?
Do you remember what you did with that great idea (a 'great idea' is a goal in its infancy)? If you grabbed hold of it with both hands and feet and parlayed it into something fulfilling and wondrous, then you probably don't ... Views: 1182
Can you count the times you have...
- stopped smoking and some time later started again
- attempted to get rid of unhealthy weight and quit the program before you got to your goal
- reached a healthy weight goal then, over time, gained it back
- stopped abusing a legal or illegal drug or ... Views: 1188
How are your relationships working for you?
When it comes to relationship goals, here we find some of the most intricate challenges. Unlike most of your goals which involve yourself and inanimate objects or subjects such as your living quarters, your career, your money, your material items ... Views: 1170
Are you among those who are Henny Pennying? Remember? Henny Penny, the ditsychicken who ran around the farmyard hollering, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!” in the story we heard as little kids.
To many of you, especially during the last few weeks of record setting market trends, ... Views: 965
Take a close look at that coin or paper bill in your hand. What do you see? Paper and metal?
What if you found yourself deep in the jungles of the Amazon, amid the population of a village that might still be in the Dark Ages, and you handed that coin or paper bill to the village ‘king’ as a ... Views: 831
What makes you happiest, giving a gift that is received with excitement and real emotion or receiving a gift with excitement and real emotion?
I find that a tough question because both make me happy.
During this season, the most popular gift giving and receiving time of the year, I must say ... Views: 909
Quite frequently now, I'm having times when I am in complete awe of the power of the Universe. And I just keep saying "Wowww!"
When I stay in sync with the big "U", which is more and more often now, and things happen to reinforce all that we are taught, I am reminded of just how simple and ... Views: 4127
Okay, sing along with me now…..
“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every moonbeam, ‘till you find your dream”
Is there anyone, anywhere who has not sung or hummed (in or out of tune) those famous words from “The Sound of Music”? I can still hear the spine tingling tones of the ... Views: 1186
How many of your goals are ‘radishes’ and how many are ‘acorns’?
In our quest to set and achieve goals we actually grow our Garden of Goals with many different types of seeds. How boring it would be to have a garden of just squash!
So what is a ‘radish’ goal and what is an ‘acorn’ goal? ... Views: 1385
What are you thoroughly sick of?
You feel that if it continues on in your life you are going to explode!
You feel powerless in the grip of this, you don’t know where to turn and it’s all you can think of most of the time. You feel like you are going in circles and can’t break out into a ... Views: 865
Follow this scenario….
You are now becoming a pretty good goal setter and achiever. You are consistently working at it and making progress, one step at a time. You are learning that the ‘rules’ for goal setting and achieving are set in ‘Universal’ stone and you can’t take short cuts. This, in ... Views: 1041
Those of us who walk and drive on snow and ice for several months of the year know all about slipping. We learned the winter-walk early in life. There's the shuffle, the flat-footed stomp (never tip toe!), and the high-heeled boot that works well if you heel-toe it.
As for driving..., winter ... Views: 959
If your goal is to amass more money, good on ya! Go for it. You have a right to be rich.
How do you feel about shouting that goal to the stars? Do some people tell you that you are too materialistic or that your goal should be more lofty such as serving others or more ‘realistic' by asking for ... Views: 888