When you are not satisfied with your life, you try to find a quick fix solution to make things better. You want something to happen right now! Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. You have to take action and you actually DO need to work and most of the time work hard in order to find ... Views: 1469
Settings goals represents one of the key components to find success in your life! This is what guides you and tells you that you are on the right track. But before you write your goals down, you need to know where you want to go!
You need to determine your end result to find success. That ... Views: 907
I'll tell you this, when you are on your road to success, every day is an exciting day.
Every day is special because you love to get up in the morning and say: "Yes! I'm happy to be awake and work on my goals" (or something like that, lol) When you do what you love doing, it doesn't seem like ... Views: 838
Following a system is important when you are on your road to success. It’s what guides you to make sure you are on the right track. Now, following a system is not one of the 6 secrets I teach because the 6 secrets to success are themselves part of a system. (more information on the 6 secrets to ... Views: 941
I was talking with someone the other day who was telling me how upset he was because he had to wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning. He told me that the line at the coffee shop (Tim Hortons) was getting longer and longer and he couldn't afford to arrive late at work anymore...
It's ... Views: 2241
In one of my very first article that I wrote, I explained that when you're on your road to success you'll make mistakes but you need to focus on your goals and focus on attaining them. And I do stick by that statement!
However I didn't mentioned that when you do make a mistake you need to ... Views: 780
Well it’s Friday again! And for some reason everybody is happy… It makes me laugh because it proves to me that everybody hates what they are doing! They are happy because for the next 2 days they won’t have to work… And for some reason that’s fun!?!?
But I’ll tell you, when you do what you ... Views: 798
Being frustrated and discouraged will happen while you are your road to success. Nobody can avoid this. Even people who do nothing for their success will have these moments! But what’s important is how you react to those moments.
It’s perfectly fine to react when something bad happens. In ... Views: 870
People always complain that finding success is hard work and they don’t have time. I often ask these people what they do at night that makes them so busy. I’m sure you can come up with a list full of excuses right now. And I’m always surprised to see that there’s really nothing that holds them ... Views: 1924
Here’s the truth, if you were brought up in a middle class family then the odds of you actually finding real success in your life are not good! Why you ask? Because these people are raised in a “comfort zone” environment.
Before I really get into this article I just want to say that I was ... Views: 871
The New Year is fast approaching and it’s truly a great time! It’s a time to “start over”- a clean slate from all the procrastination and the non take-actionnest (a new word I just invented :P ) from the year before.
But this year, it’s really going to be different for all of you reading ... Views: 984
The size of your ego will determine if you are ready to find success in your life. I know this sounds funny and I know what you are thinking but just hear me out. And it’s probably not what you are expecting to read...
People who have big egos don’t like to make mistakes because this makes ... Views: 6161
Well the winter Olympics are just around the corner. What an exciting time! I enjoy watching the Olympics because I like watching these athletes compete for the most coveted prize of all, the gold medal! This is the award that these athletes work so hard to attain, and I can tell you that ... Views: 785
When we are talking about the 6 secrets to success, motivation would fall under the “believe in yourself” category. Motivation is the only factor that will keep you on track when you are on the road to success. It pushes you to be better and better everyday until you achieve your ... Views: 1036
One of the crucial steps, in my 6 secrets to success, is imitating and surrounding yourself with successful people. Now this can be intimidating for some because they look at these winners and tell themselves “I could never be able to talk to him” or “Why would he/she want to talk to me?” ... Views: 2263
This has to be the most important secret I can teach you! When you learn to utilize this secret to your advantage you’ll be able to accomplish anything you want in life.
A lot of people don’t realize how taking action is part of their daily lives. It’s basically found in everything you do… ... Views: 935