It has been said, “Anyone can die, but not everyone can live.”
Can you relate to this?
I have been attempting to go to daily Mass for Lent (please don't hate me because I'm Catholic!), and it just so happened the other day was a Funeral Mass for no one in particular I knew. Or did ... Views: 1708
OK - we All have that nasty little voice in our heads at one time or another. The one that nags at you with, "You're never going to be able to do that." "You'll never succeed at this." "It will never happen." "I'll never be really happy."
About face! Sing it together now.."Pesky Pessimistic ... Views: 2848
You can throw perfume, or you can throw manure. No matter your choice, whatever you throw at someone else, remains stuck on you first!
Realize, you are who you associate with. Real Eyes, will see you can only give away what you already have. Real lies, will whisper in your ear if, "I just ... Views: 1229
PRAYER: Powerful Real Answers You Enjoy Regularly!
So many people tell me, "Well Deb, I've tried everything else to solve this problem, I guess I should try to pray."
This is exactly the upside down thinking I'm talking about getting rid of!
Prayers should not be the last resort, it ... Views: 1475
Have you ever found yourself coming accross a blog post you just had to comment on without exploding?
I was doing my regular blog searches, and came across one of those, “ask the expert” questions.
The problem:
Depressed, out of work, lack of family support, financial devastation, health ... Views: 1621
Free Book Stuff is Worth Millions to ME?
OK - who doesn't love free stuff?
The big question is: could free stuff really be of value to me?
Just because the gift giving season is over - doesn't mean your most favorite gifts have to stop coming to YOU!
Consider these three ... Views: 1740
What Do These Happy People Have In Common?
What do authors like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Joel Osteen, Cheryl Richardson, and Mother Angelica have in common?
They all know the secret how to turn a Green Sky to True Blue!
Can you?
With the New Year fast approaching, we all have goals. One of ... Views: 1336
What is a Spiritual Suntan?
Well, what is suntan? How do you get one? Why do you get one?
Those lazy summer days at the beach, with the sound of waves crashing on the beach shore, seagulls singing, and golden rays of sunshine hugging your whole body with the warmth of relaxing comfort. ... Views: 1417
$84,600.00 to be HAPPY!
So I was listening to one of those inspirational shows, and the question was posed: “You have just been given $84.600.00 dollars to spend in 24 hours – what do you buy – what do you spend it on – do you spend it all – or leave a few dollars behind?”
I really ... Views: 1507
Social networks appear to be all the rage today.
But, is there a social network that can help you to be happy? YES!
By accident I discovered Jason's Network, a social networking site developed by Jason McElhone. This site is a hidden jewel where people are committed to sharing their ... Views: 1778
Death into New Life:
When my mom, and best friend (Rachel) passed away in 2005, I was left dead with her.
In the depth of pain, I never felt or saw anything good in her passing. I took comfort she was happier in heaven, than suffering the slow death of cancer eating away at her, but in ... Views: 1680
Dreams keep our souls alive, fresh, in a state hope.
We all need to move towards our dreams to be truly happy.
Dreams of being, doing, changing, and experiencing, are all challenges to help us grow, and make the world a more loving place to live.
So, what is YOUR ... Views: 1309
Transform Tragedy into Happy Triumph!
Okay, we have all had tragedies in our lives. What the heck do we do with them?
How can my tragedies be transformed in my life to help me be happy?
I have so many, I wrote a motivational book about them!
Have you experienced any of these ... Views: 1406
Transform Tragedy into Happy Triumph!
Okay, we have all had tragedies in our lives. What the heck do we do with them?
How can my tragedies be transformed in my life to help me be happy?
I have so many, I wrote a motivational book about them!
Have you experienced any of these ... Views: 1267
Oh No! What Do I Do Now?
Do you want to be happy?
We are all called to be here on planet earth in this skin suit, in a specific time (now), for a specific reason (purpose).
You can never be fully happy UNTIL you are sharing, and using YOUR God given talents. Time, treasure, ... Views: 1310
FORGIVENESS - Feeling or Action?
For a long time I struggled with being able to forgive. Maybe you have felt the same way?
In my “green sky” upside down thinking, I always thought forgiveness had to be a feeling. Something that made ME feel better inside towards the person I was trying to ... Views: 1994
Recently reality came crashing into my life. I was a victim of a Ponzi Scheme that has turned my world upside down. Similar to the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme, only the villain behind my story is the, Victim Millenium Bank United Trust of Switzerland, who like Bernard Madoff made promises of ... Views: 1596