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Why is setting goals and objectives so important? Why do individuals and companies alike take it so seriously?
The truth is, much of whether you'll succeed or fail in life depends on how well you set your goals. Goals give you a sense of direction as well as a sense of purpose. Objectives ... Views: 2307
You may know of a young person or parent who may be interested in reading this Break-Through Report…………
I’m Peter Stephenson, online career counselor and Founder of uSucceed in Life.
I’ve studied the published biographies of 100 successful world famous people.
• They became ... Views: 962
Most of goals we set for ourselves require us to follow certain good habits. For any goal to be achieved, there are usually two types of results we get. One is that our status or circumstances are changed in certain way, and the other is that some actions have been taken. Forming good habits can ... Views: 824
Goals are what direct us. If you are trying to get to a place in life that makes you happy, setting personal goals will help you to get there. But don't forget that your goals need to remain clear, even if it means reevaluating them on occasion. Take the simplest route in order to get to your ... Views: 994
In today's fast paced hustle and bustle world you may become overwhelmed by everything that needs to get accomplished in a day, especially during a busy holiday season. A feeling of overwhelm will set in where you just can't decide what to do or how to do it to achieve your personal and ... Views: 2698
“Mind is the master power that molds and makes,
And we are mind, and evermore we take
The tool of thought, and shaping what we will,
Bring forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.
We think in secret, and it comes to pass,
Our world is but our looking glass. James Allen
"...Whatever the ... Views: 1303
9 out of 10 businesses make it past their first year. Why does this happen? 90% of people? It's not that there is anything wrong with these people, that they can't do it, are not smart enough, or any of that. I know one thing for sure, a person is not given the desire for something without the ... Views: 972
Most People Missed this in 'The Secret' . . . Did You Miss It, Too?
First of all, let's be clear. The secret really never has been much of a secret.
The only secret about it is that some people over the centuries have used 'the secret' without knowing they were using a ... Views: 884
What would you do if you knew you and your business would succeed no matter what? Would you stop feeling scattered and overwhelmed? Most likely. Most entrepreneurs work themselves into a whirlwind of scattered energy, distraction and overwhelm instead of being connected to what NEEDS your ... Views: 1561
Do you ever find yourself asking the questions, “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?” The answers to these questions are fundamental to creating purposeful direction in our lives.
Our purpose is always in process and is continually revealing itself in each moment. I believe that we have ... Views: 954
The way you live your life; the mode through which you approach your reality is a signature of your paradigm; it is the embodiment of the big idea you have about you and the reality round about you. Along the path of growth and self awareness your paradigm goes through and evolutionary process ... Views: 1879
Setting goals are the primary key in order to improve and develop performance, yet how often do some individuals set their objectives, but never measure up to them or calling it quits halfway? Setting goals is the first step in reaching or accomplishing them. Setting goals are certainly ... Views: 816
Solopreneurs and micro-business owners, like us, often wear many hats. We are the CEO’s, the bookkeepers, the marketers, etc. We also tend to do many things at once…multi-task…because it seems that everything has the same deadline. It is no wonder we often get distracted from our business ... Views: 774
One of my greatest joys is helping people make their dreams come true. There's just something purely magical about the sparkle in their eyes when they are doing what they love. I think it resonates so loudly with me because I know how they feel. Only recently did I have the courage to work ... Views: 2072
If the soul, your essence, is the smallest little dot of your being and is covered by layers of ego personality and there are layers for each experience of your life, how can you ever find it?
Each layer is another illusion. Illusions are how we have interpreted situations and developed ... Views: 1776
I love questions! The really powerful ones should stop a person in their tracks and make think and ponder. By this, I mean those questions should have the power to change your life, not like the basic questions, i.e. “What’s your favorite color?”
The problem these days we don’t take the ... Views: 1737
The idea of S.M.A.R.T. goals has been around for a long time: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. I have used this strategy myself and have recommended it to my clients in the past. However, I have found it insufficient in helping to specify what the goals should be and ... Views: 2029
As you count the ways you're grateful for your 2009, why not take some time out to reflect on how you want to feel this time next year? What do you want 2010 to be like for you?
If you consciously decide on what you want to achieve in 2010, you stand a much higher chance of making your dreams ... Views: 1122
You probably have heard the statement before, “Find someone who is highly successful and do what they do.” It’s what is called modeling success.
I agree it is important to continually look for those who are successful at doing what you aim to do in order that you can learn how to do the ... Views: 2877
According to research performed by the Opinion Corporation and 24/7 Innovation in Dec 2008:
• 45% of people usually set New Year’s resolutions
• 17% set resolutions infrequently, and
• 38% absolutely never set resolutions.
Of those that do set resolutions (these add to more than 100% as ... Views: 1014
With the crisp mornings and even cooler evenings here in New England, it seems we are fast approaching the end of another year.
The leaves have changed colors. The sky has taken on its winter hue. The frenzy of the holidays are fast approaching with just a few more weeks until the beginning ... Views: 1913
How to Overcome Obstacles to Goal Setting
by Jodi-Ann Walker
When people begin setting goals, they start out feeling motivated and inspired to do great things. They are pumped and ready to go. Then after encountering obstacles, ... Views: 5997
One of the most popular formulas for setting goals is SMART goals. Smart stands for:
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Achievable
R- Realistic
T- Timed
All these components are definitely an important part of creating a goal. And not having all these components would make if more difficult ... Views: 1268
The definition of a contract in Webster’s Dictionary is “a binding agreement between two or more persons.” Contracts have many purposes. We expect contracts to define expectations and purpose as well as limitations. They clarify the parameters in the agreement. Typically, they are explicit and ... Views: 1406
Here we are, at the end of November 2009 already! Time flies! It seems like only yesterday that there was so much 'to do' about the new millennium and here we are, facing 2010 already!
I used to set goals for the year but now, as I age (gracefully), I find that I am setting goals for the next ... Views: 1531
Realising dreams requires little more than holding them in mind. This is how a friend summarised the content of ‘The Secret’ – a DVD purporting to show any of us the path to fulfilment. I watched a couple of minutes of it online, by way of a sample. I couldn’t tolerate the hype and quickly gave ... Views: 1501
It's been a challenging year. How are you heading into 2010? Are You Ready For Your Life Now?
Many of us are overwhelmed by our stuff, schedules & having to deal with change.
I help clients set decision making criteria in 3 areas:
What to let in?
Where will it go (space & schedule)?
How do ... Views: 1329
The first obvious requirement to having what you want is knowing what you want. Most people can give you a detailed list of what they don’t want, but how many people can actually articulate in minute detail the things they desire in all areas of their life? Very few! But taking the time to get ... Views: 1279
Your dreams can become a reality by using these tips for setting goals, as you improve your self-esteem and nourish a positive attitude.
Do you have a dream or a vision for your life? Have you identified the thoughts and feelings that will allow your dream to come to form? Not having a ... Views: 2986
Are you working longer hours but getting less done? Are you being asked to do more in less time? Beginning to feel like a hostage at work? Productivity problems can make you feel incredibly stressed--and then you're just spinning your wheels. But there is help. You can use your mind. You can ... Views: 1593
What rating would you give yourself on personal productivity? Do you have a systematic plan for improving your effectiveness in your daily work? Superachieving business people and athletes know what it takes to motivate themselves, maintain focus in the face of obstacles and drive forward to the ... Views: 1862
Are superstars born or made? Do they have the genius of supreme achievement by an accident of birth, a favorable environment or from their own individual effort? Whatever the reasons, superstars are a different breed. They must succeed and they will succeed. They have an amazing capacity to ... Views: 1730
Adventures in the Leaves
The other day, my wife Dawn and I did what many fall tourists in New England do. We took a leisurely drive around Vermont and watched the chlorophyll drain out of the leaves. The reds, yellows and oranges in early October are truly something to behold, ... Views: 1109
We spend our waking hours focused on things we have to do, have, buy and think. It’s the thinking part that leads us towards or away from living a happy life. My goal is to help you become keenly aware of what you’re thinking for just 10 minutes a day. These thoughts that you begin to “hearing” ... Views: 2747
To really nail down your goals, here’s a great way to format them. Create “BE SMART” goals: Benefits and Essence, Specific, Measurable, Action, Reward, Timing.
1.Specific (WHAT) - Describe what you want as clearly as you can.
2.Measurable - How will you know when you have achieved your ... Views: 1653
Note: This article uses "musicians" as an example to illustrate several very important principles of successfully reaching your goals used by the greatest achievers (in all areas of life) around the world. It will benefit you greatly to think about how these topics apply to your life and ... Views: 904
As a passionate entrepreneur, I know you want to get your work out into the world in a bigger way. You also want to make great money so you can reinvest and keep growing your business to reach more people and, of course, to support a life and family you love.
To move into “growth mode” in ... Views: 810
I recently spent some time in Door County, Wisconsin on a relaxing little weekend getaway.
On my last day there, I set out with a girlfriend to explore Peninsula State Park, a beautiful nature preserve located on a bluff high above the waters of Green Bay.
As we went through the park, we ... Views: 2375
Have you ever felt so strongly about something that you were willing to do anything in order to reach your goal? Even though there were barriers, you knew this was right for you and nothing was going to stop you. Obstacles you previously avoided were now challenges you were ready to take on and ... Views: 2337
Are you ready...
...To step into your greatness?
What is your guiding Vision?
Your Highest Vision is the imagination of your highest dreams and deepest desires realized, as if you are already living them. Vision is a spiritual gift that is unique to you; unique because it comes ... Views: 687
Get past the honeymoon phase in everything that you do.
The honeymoon phase - I see it day in and day out in many of my businesses. If you're renting a home to somebody, whoever you're renting to is always a nice person in the beginning. They always have the best of intentions. A couple of ... Views: 2109
Setting goals and objectives is one thing but achieving them is an entirely different animal altogether! Many approach their goal planning more like it is a wish list giving little thought to whether they can realistically reach them. Learning how to be successful at achieving goals requires ... Views: 1973
Do you yearn to live a more fulfilled, more satisfying life? If your answer is yes then what steps are you taking to get there? Are you taking personal responsibility for the direction of your own life or is your strategy to rely on hope?
You see, there simply are no short cuts to living a ... Views: 1536
If you're like many of my clients, you may want to make big changes in your life - for example, a new career, more time with family or a healthier lifestyle - but you don't know where to start, life gets in the way or you end up feeling stuck.
So, what's holding you back?
Perhaps it's ... Views: 1044
It is impossible to remove all Fear from our lives. Fear is a natural emotion and we are all human – It is normal and natural to experience some degree of fear in our lives. We can feel fear for many different reasons including the following:
• Fear of doing something new
• Fear of the ... Views: 1433
How do you feel when you are totally stressed, and pressed for time? If your like many, your productivity takes a hit, and not in an upward direction. When you feel as if your being pulled in many different directions at once, you can become less productive and begin to start feeling ... Views: 1213
What makes successful people so successful? Talent? Hard work? Luck? Privileged circumstances…?
NO! It’s their ACTIONS! What they DO consistently and repeatedly! THEIR HABITS!!
There are many habits that separate successful people from the rest in their field. They have managed to develop ... Views: 895
The market is flooded with articles on goal-setting. What about goal achieving? Isn’t that what goals are all about?
Here are my 7 Tips for Unfailing Goal Achievement:
Tip 1: Ask yourself: What do I WANT?
Tip 2: Get a clear image of what that goal looks like as fully ... Views: 3477
Jim Rohn is one of the true greats in the motivational field. Let's look at one little quote of his right now:
"What we ponder, and what we think about, sets the course of our life. Any day we wish, we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish, we can open a book that will ... Views: 1793
Today I want to talk about the Formula for Riches. It's made up of six steps. I talk about this in Chapter 1 of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, because it's that important. It starts with Desire—and this is where a lot of people completely miss the boat.
A few years back I was at a Christmas ... Views: 1277