Although it may be the holiday season, as far as presents go that doesn't mean a whole lot to Millennials. Like so many other issues, they have their own ideas about gift giving. Apparently what they want is cash, mostly to pay down college costs and other debt.
So much for the negative ... Views: 2843
I recently traveled through Costa Rica, a small Central American country where peace of mind is a natural commodity. Visiting felt like a breath of fresh air with the slow pace of living and ecological mindfulness. The country has no need for a military presence and family life is a top ... Views: 2556
Is your life an endless cycle, revolving around work and taking care of the kids? If so, you’re not alone. In a recent study by the Families and Work Institute, ½ of American women say they don’t have enough time to spend on themselves and to choose the activities they enjoy. We all know that ... Views: 1382
Although the 2013 Academy Awards are history, one gem - Amour - will continue to shine. This heartbreaking and unflinching movie was painful to watch but it stimulated conversations with more questions than answers.
As the people we love decline, how do we deal with the inevitable ... Views: 1555
If you’re a 'Helicopter Parent,' hovering and rarely out of touch, think about joining the grassroots movement that advocates giving teens space.
As you’ve noticed, there are lots of hormonal and brain changes going on in adolescence. You may feel ambivalent about backing off at this time, ... Views: 1783
You know what they say if something is moving along without any major hurdles - ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’ But your marriage may not yet have reached its full potential. Believe it or not, you can change boring routines and improve your relationship.
According to the field of ... Views: 1398
July is Sandwich Generation Month, a chance to pay tribute to adult children who are juggling the demands of raising kids while taking care of aging parents. The number of Americans 65 and older is projected to increase from 40 million in 2010 to over 88 million by 2050, doubling the ranks of ... Views: 2113
This year over 1.75 million college students walked across the stage to pick up their diplomas. Seniors everywhere were excited to graduate as parents were thinking about words of wisdom to impart. With the scarcity of jobs and school loans due, it’s going to be harder than ever for these ... Views: 1749
We all know about the importance of play for the emotional growth and development of children. It can enhance their imagination, increase social skills and boost self-confidence. So why don't we place more value on play for ourselves? According to a recent study by the Families and Work ... Views: 1296
It has been over ten years since I retired from my full-time practice and spent three months doing volunteer work and traveling in Southeast Asia. One of the best parts of my trip was spending time in the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. It was their monarch who defined the concept of Gross ... Views: 1393
Not since the Great Depression have so many fledgling adults moved into the empty nest with mom and dad. This cyclical trend has accelerated along with the economic crisis. Faced with school loans, debts or no job, it makes sense to head for home - with its emotional security and financial ... Views: 1442
Do you want to know an unexpected finding from the Framingham Heart Study, a research project that has been conducted over six decades? Happiness is contagious and the secret may very well be in the connection. Social relationships correlate positively with happiness. That is, if your friend is ... Views: 1512
For families, June is a busy time with graduation parties, little league championships and music recitals. And we all know that right around the corner is summer vacation - lazy days for kids but often stressful for working parents. So if you haven't nailed down your plans yet, here are some ... Views: 2157
The 19th century English poet, Lord Alfred Tennyson, put this universal truth in writing: "In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turn to thoughts of love." And there's no better time of the year for a royal wedding! Apparently the April 29, 2011 marriage of Prince William of Wales and Kate ... Views: 1415
Are you and your partner worried about money in these uncertain times? During any economic crisis, couples have to face tough financial decisions. This can lead to an increase in stress and aggravate problems that already exist in your marriage.
As you look back to when you first met, what ... Views: 1326
Elizabeth Edwards, diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, died 12/7/10 at the age of 61. She ended an extraordinary struggle, having lived with the death of her teenage son, high political ambition, marital betrayal and advancing disease. She often said that she didn't want to be defined by ... Views: 1545
When you dropped your kids off at college, were you the one dragging your heels? This generation of parents has been described as clinging, especially when they refuse to leave the campus. In fact, a number of college administrators have introduced blunt language into orientation schedules, ... Views: 1411
The thought of sleep-away camp may stir up anxiety and ambivalence for you and your kids. As in any new situation there are unknowns, and it's easy to let them get the best of you. Yet camp can be a great opportunity for kids to develop their strengths, interests and independence.
And believe ... Views: 1911
Now that we're well into 2010, how are you doing with your New Year's resolutions? Setting goals in the love department is just as important as losing weight or getting your finances in shape. So even though you may already be working on other resolutions, don't put your relationship on the back ... Views: 1333
Just hours after learning that her mother had died of a sudden massive heart attack, Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette was back on the ice. One of the favorites to win an Olympic medal, she practiced her jumps over and over again while her father watched with tears in his eyes. ... Views: 1461
Days after a 7.0 earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti, family members battled for a proper burial of their loved ones. Time and again, tragedy followed moments of hope. Yet, despite the deaths and destruction, the people struggled to survive. And hundreds took to the ... Views: 1566
Valentine's Day is a romantic time for couples - a special day to express love. But it can also put pressure on people who, every other day of the year, are perfectly fine with their single status. Are you one of the millions of singles who is lonely on this day? Feeling alienated or insecure ... Views: 1506
The idea of New Year's resolutions is not really new. In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings and endings. Janus was usually shown with two heads facing in opposite directions. According to legend, one of his heads was looking backwards into the old year and ... Views: 1466
Ten Tips for Keeping Peace in the Family during the Holidays
By Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D.
Media images of the holidays are often exaggerated and, before you know it, you're trying to conform to unrealistic ideals. Combined with the added pressures and demands on ... Views: 1687
Don't we all wear masks at one time or another, pretending that everything is OK? There are many reasons people may act out this charade. It's not uncommon to hide personal pain, because putting it on display for all to see can be embarrassing and even destabilize relationships. Yet studies show ... Views: 1795
Now that autumn is here and your college-aged kids have moved out, you may be feeling unsettled, even melancholy. So what is it that you're more worried about - how they'll get along in school or how you'll adjust to the empty nest?
For some parents 'no kids at home' represents a fresh start. ... Views: 1512
Senator Ted Kennedy was the last of the Kennedy brothers whose power, challenges and triumphs dominated a generation of politics. He was eulogized as an inspiration to his family and to those in public service. His body of work toward progressive causes in the U.S. Senate was proof that he ... Views: 1040
Coming from a family of entertainers with a demanding stage-dad, Michael Jackson had been in the limelight since he was a young boy. Super stardom was all he knew. Although talented, famous and adored, his was a lonely life - one full of contradictions. He tried to create his own private reality ... Views: 1940
The financial crisis has affected many people and involved losses on many levels –jobs, income, money in the stock market, a certain comfort level, retirement funds, a sense of security, dreams for the future. And, inevitably, these feelings of loss are accompanied by a period of grieving. Ever ... Views: 1114
A perfect marriage would be free of financial controversy. But during this economic crisis, the reality is that couples need to learn new money management skills and face tough financial decisions – while at the same time making their relationship work. Not an easy task. When you use these five ... Views: 1211
Thanks to the Internet, we all had a chance to learn a lesson from Susan Boyle when she sang "I Dreamed a Dream" before judges of the TV show, "Britain has Talent." What a surreal and thrilling moment for her. And what a wake-up call for the rest of us.
Her 15 minutes of fame aren't over yet. ... Views: 1335
Children today are caught in the crosshairs of modern media. Technology has become their babysitter – reality TV, nude photos on the Internet, bizarre videos on YouTube, seductive text messages. It's time for these young people to be exposed instead to role models who have the potential to ... Views: 2790
Bravery and humility - often at the heart of fairy tales – are qualities that can inspire all of us to be the best that we can be. And, with the doom and gloom of the economic crisis, we were primed and about ready for a miracle. People want to feel hopeful again.
Chesley B. "Sully" ... Views: 1516
Nadya Suleman is a 33 year old unemployed single mother who recently gave birth to octuplets, conceived through in vitro fertilization. She grew up as an only child and had always dreamed of having a large family. Reporters, pundits and bloggers have called her irresponsible and selfish, as she ... Views: 1216
In a recent letter to his girls, President Barack Obama wrote: "I want you to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach....." Now that's a strong message from a father to his daughters.
Some say that the Obamas are the kind of family they would like ... Views: 2178
In years of plenty, American society operated largely on the pleasure principal – embracing the notion that ‘I want what I want when I want it.’ Accustomed to instant gratification and a sense of entitlement, people were emotionally conditioned to have it all. The average American carries nine ... Views: 1341
The meltdown in the economy and the crisis in confidence couldn't have come at a worse time. Have you been feeling stretched by the financial pressure? If you're facing tough buying decisions, the responsibilities of the holiday season may even be getting you down. These are challenging times. ... Views: 1162
These are unprecedented times. With the breakdown of traditional financial institutions, the wildly fluctuating stock market and the 700 million dollar government bailout, Americans are confused about how to respond. Some are in denial, not prepared to grasp the problems and potential ... Views: 1139
As a Sandwiched Boomer with changing family responsibilities, you have the toughest of balancing acts - attending to kids, parents and personal needs while still nurturing your marriage. You may envy celebrities like Madonna who seem to have it all - a personality that draws people in, the ... Views: 1121
The new Pew Research Center Social and Demographic Trends survey measured dissatisfaction and pessimism in close to 2500 participants. The data indicates that Baby Boomers worry more than any other generation. And a recent study from the University of Chicago suggests that the boomer generation ... Views: 1057
The anticipation of the Beijing Olympics was palpable - and the spectacular opening ceremonies, at the impressive Bird's Nest, proved it was well worth the wait. Yet the ideals of the summer games are also well represented behind the scenes:
1. Lopez Lomong was elected by his teammates to be ... Views: 1441
Would you like to spend less time racking up emotional debt and more time receiving dividends from your 'feeling better' bank account? Research findings show that the complex demands of family and work can really get you down. When inundated with a myriad of responsibilities, daydreaming about ... Views: 1183
There have been non-stop tributes to Tim Russert - from erudite political friends to strangers traveling long distances to pay their respects. He was the toughest interviewer in broadcast journalism and few had come even close to rattling him. He clearly understood how the media game is played. ... Views: 1139
All couples get angry and have arguments, so know that you're not alone. But remember, when resolving conflict, to keep your words sweet - you may have to eat them.
When in conflict, you can minimize emotional overload by focusing only on the issue at hand. And try not to blame your partner or ... Views: 1200
Your thoughts are mental products although they don't necessarily reflect an absolute reality. However, for you, they do represent how you feel. Some people can't help but wear their hearts on their sleeves. Others are more able to manage their emotions and function as if everything is fine. ... Views: 1086
We can say without a doubt that intimate friendships have always been important to women. But have you noticed that they've become even more so as you face the transitions of children growing up and parents growing older? Findings from a recent MacArthur Foundation Study indicate that the ... Views: 1173
On almost a daily basis, as Sandwiched Boomers, you are bombarded by a variety of tasks involving aging parents and growing children. In addition, you're balancing a myriad of responsibilities at home with those that confront you at work. And that's without mentioning your ongoing commitment to ... Views: 1448
The media spotlight the past few days has been on Eliot Spitzer, the Governor of New York, and his link to the Emperor's Club VIP prostitution ring. Whether his damaging behavior is related to an inflated sense of entitlement, the dark side of his self righteous attitude, a feeling that he's ... Views: 1183
The soaring rhetoric from presidential candidates has been about the concept of change - and the electorate is energized by the buzzword. But is the idea of change really so new? In 1944, the Republican governor of New York, Thomas E. Dewey, ran for President against three-term incumbent ... Views: 1056
Are you wondering whether your longstanding family dynamics at the holiday dinners are going to scare off your daughter's new boyfriend? Do you want to take the family conversation up a notch or two this year and talk more than turkey? Are you tired of stuffing the bird and ready to pass the ... Views: 1084