Facebook is such a fantastic community for making inspiring connections with others.. There are so many in the community who desire to make a difference to the lives of others and themselves. acquaintances who I've had minimal conversations with regularly now take a minute out of theirhectic ... Views: 2447
I am constantly gobsmacked by the amount of negative attention the network marketing industry receives. Network marketing allows anyone to have the opportunity to make a lot of money and quickly. It also provides systems, leadership, training, and a community of supportive people who are ... Views: 2509
Decisions are shaping your destiny every second. They are a cause being set in motion. From the moment you wake until you sleep you are making decisions. Everything that happens in life both the thrilling and the challenging began somewhere with a decision. Anthony Robbins says it best:
'It ... Views: 6507
So you've finally decided that writing a blog is an essential part of your marketing plan. As discussed before there are lots of reasons why this is a great idea, the most important being that it will increase your rankings in the search engine a lot quicker and more easily. This is going to ... Views: 1206
There is one very simple and powerful method to attract hundreds more visitors to your site daily and that is having your own blog. If you are not doing this then you are missing out on at least doubling the visitors to your site. Remember more traffic, means more leads which means more ... Views: 1147
Today's article is a continuation from the previous articels where I discuss the lessons that Yossi Ghinsberg learned through his harrowing experience lost alone in the Amazon jungle. Today we continue on with a profound experience he had which saved his life.
Yossi was in severe pain. His ... Views: 1369
So far we have learned through Yossi's jungle experience that change is the nature of life and adaptation to change is the essence of survival. We have also learned that there is unlimited abundance for all on our planet and the best way to share in that is by cooperating and creating your own ... Views: 1504
The current global economic situation constantly bombards us via the media throughout our day. News of corporation meltdowns, job losses and stock market collapses dominate our conversations. Everything is shrinking, people are hurting and times look grim. When you've lost your job or your ... Views: 1413
Yossi Ghinsberg survived under the harshest of conditions in the Amazon jungle for 3 weeks on his own during the rainy season. He was given up for dead, there was no way a native person could have survived let along a gringo! Well Yossi survived and thrives today due to his experience out there ... Views: 1608
Attending the live conference in Puerto Rico last week and having the opportunity to learn from some of the most amazing speakers was truly life transformational for us. This is the fantastic community I currently find myself involved in. To be surrounded by empowering and uplifting people for ... Views: 1235
We had the pleasure of visiting Boone Hall yesterday which is an old plantation home in Charleston. You may recognize it as it has been featured in various movies such as 'North and South' and my favorite 'The Notebook.'
Boone Hall began as an indigo plantation and with the turn of each new ... Views: 1629
Yoga is an intense form of exercise, which if done correctly brings to you many physical, spiritual and emotional benefits. There are numerous studies out there that will prove that people who practice yoga are calmer, more at peace and better able to deal with the challenges that arise in life. ... Views: 1639
A journal can be used in many powerful ways. Previously we learned how you can open your soul and record in your journal what lurks beneath the surface there. A journal, of course, can be used to help us analyse what lies even deeper still. It can help us to get way down into our subconscious to ... Views: 3748
There is so much about you and your life so far that is hidden deep within you. Either through choice or subconciously. Like a cancer it eats away at you at the surface and on the outside creates a life that is not of your choosing. Most people keep it hidden afraid to let the cancer surface for ... Views: 1244
My travels around the world have allowed me to experience a different perspective on life. I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with many people from around the world who come from many different places. I have listened to many stories of survival, triumph, heartache, celebration, love ... Views: 1309
There are many that tout the catchphrase '”Your future does not equal your past,” myself included. There is a certain amount of truth to this statement but there is also a part of this that does not hold true which I would like to explain to you today. The truth of this phrase can imprison you ... Views: 1550
No matter what it is you want to do with your life or what goals you have there is bound to come a moment in time when you just want to quit. The realization of your goals takes time, effort and sacrifice. There are lessons to be learned along the way and parts of your character that need to be ... Views: 1354
As a child I loved to immerse myself in Golden Books. I loved the little stories and pictures and would read them over and over again. I held on to most of them and now delight in sharing them with my daughter.
Little Golden Books are just that as they contain within in them little Golden ... Views: 1702
The majority of everyday people I come across lately seem to be stressed and unhappy. Whatever the superficial reason may be, the underlying cause, in truth, stems from feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing. Let's face it we all have those moments when we feel like failures, that we are ... Views: 1386
I wanted to share with you today one of the most inspiring pieces of writing I've ever heard. I first heard it through the movie Coach Carter but have since learned that it was penned by Marianne Willamson.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are ... Views: 6955
My personal development course that I am currently empowering my life with, has journalling as its central focus. I have always kept a journal, I mean who wouldn't having travelled as much as I have. It is such a treat to look back at the many wonderful journeys I've had across the world and to ... Views: 1329
I've been thinking lately of how I could put together a list of success principles based on my travel achievements. I've lived a pretty adventurous, courageous and successful life travelling the globe. You don't do that unless you possess certain qualities and character traits. I wanted to put ... Views: 2212
As a teacher, it's always important to have a list of rules and expectations for the children to follow in order to have a productive and successful classroom. Expectations are posted on the board under the heading 'Commit to Excellence.'
These expectations don't just apply to students in the ... Views: 1411