I love talking with clients about having a career doing something they love. They get excited, their energy goes up, they smile, and they feel good. They light up.
Then they say, “But I could never really do that.” The energy and the excitement and the smile quickly fade. They sound forlorn, ... Views: 1013
Is there some area of your life that could stand a little more organization, structure, or system to make it flow more easily? Are you stumped or intimidated when you think about doing something about it?
Over the past few months I’ve helped many clients create structures and systems for ... Views: 1043
Whether or not you realize it, you have a lizard that lives inside your brain and rules your world.
The most primitive part of our brain is called the amygdala. We share this part of our brain with our lizard pals. The amygdala broadcasts survival-related fears to keep lizards alive in the ... Views: 1484
We’re having absolutely fabulous weather here in Corvallis, Oregon. As I type this, it’s sunny and headed toward the mid-50s. I had a delightful morning run. The sun is now streaming in my office window and I can feel the fresh air blowing in. I love it.
Except when I start future-thinking. ... Views: 1157
Some interpersonal dynamics can also be undesirable patterns, and they can be tricky to change.
Here’s one way to look at it.
Imagine this:
You and your partner are dancing the waltz. The music is the same as always--the distinctive one-two-three rhythm your body knows so well. You ... Views: 1165
Do you ever say, “Once I get or do [this thing], then I’ll take a break,” or something like that?
This is a common theme for me. I had a long list of deadlines for last week, and I saw that I was putting off taking a break until they were done.
When I made it through the list, the ... Views: 1048
If you have a mission in life, I bet you have days where you’re thrilled to be serving the greater good and days when you’re not sure you’re going to accomplish what you’ve set out to do. We’re bound to encounter obstacles that slow us down or make us feel like we can’t get where we want to go. ... Views: 1016
Distractions are a part of life, and struggling is totally human. When we’re struggling with something, we often seek distraction to avoid sitting amidst the frustration. In moderation, distractions can keep us from burning out. However, allowing distractions in for too long stops us from ... Views: 1074
Do you have a resolution for 2010? Now that we’re half-way through February, how’s your resolution going?
My two 2010 resolutions are “listen” and “allow.”
For me, resolutions are not about a hard, fast, painful commitment to change. Rather, they are like a light that shines on my life to ... Views: 1036
Do you have any unwanted patterns in your life? You know, those rituals, cycles, routines, and habits that you wish you could break?
Here’s one way to start making some changes.
Identify your unwanted pattern. Then ask yourself,
“What is my payoff for keeping this pattern ... Views: 1279
What in your life isn’t exactly as you’d like it to be? Do you want to make a change but aren’t sure where to begin?
Whatever your challenge, the first step is to imagine the future you desire.
Pinpoint the problem.
Your job is eating at your soul.
You want to live a life that feels ... Views: 1059
It seems like everyone is far too busy. Too many things going on, places to be, details to remember, things to do.
When we are busy to the point of exhaustion, we lose touch with who we are and what is important to us. We are on automatic pilot and don’t have time to think about what we want ... Views: 1194
My 2010 New Year’s resolution is an internal one, one that will help me me be the person I want to be on the inside (the only side that really matters). It is the opposite of the typical lose weight, exercise more, do a crossword puzzle every day sort of resolution. I am going to start to listen ... Views: 1377
Setting clearly defined goals is a great way to make big strides in life. Whether it’s a new year’s resolution or a mid-year tune-up, goals focus our attention and energy to help us achieve what we want in life.
Sometimes people set goals that get them excited at first, then feel daunting a ... Views: 1075
The holidays are among us. Thanksgiving causes some families to briefly ponder those things for which they are grateful. Then they dig into their food, stuff themselves silly, and watch football for the rest of the day. Ahhh ... America. What about the rest of the holiday season? I find it to be ... Views: 1631
If I told you to go out and try something new and mess it up, could you? When I first heard that suggestion, I cringed. I grew up as a perfectionist, and messing something up did not fit into my view of the world.
When we want to make changes in our lives, we need to try new things. Trying ... Views: 1326
Life offers few guarantees.
Some days I wish I had a sure-fire plan to make my life turn out exactly as I want. I bet you have those days, too. Wouldn’t a guarantee on everything be great?
Perfect boss. Dream house. Well-behaved children. Steady income. Luxurious vacations. It would be so ... Views: 1227
It’s so easy to get caught up in daily life that we often go through it without thinking. I find this rather funny. So much of life can just run on auto-pilot. When our lives are running on auto-pilot, where’s our mind?
When I began to pay attention to what was going through my mind, I was ... Views: 1574
... but it does.
I hear this from clients: “Grrr. I’m so mad at her. I can’t believe she did that! She does this all the time. Why do I let it get to me so much?!” Or something along those lines anyway.
Sound familiar?
I’m sure you can think of a time where (1) you were frustrated with ... Views: 1128
How do you feel on Mondays? Does your day begin with dread, overwhelm and heaviness? Or does your Monday start with excitement, enthusiasm and eagerness?
I will not deny that some people face tough work environments, challenging coworkers, and frustrating projects. You could likely find a ... Views: 1015
Have you ever been on a little rant, threw a tantrum, or had a fit?
That’s a silly question. Of course you have, even if it was just inside your own head.
How about this: Do you remember the last time you were on a little rant, threw a tantrum, or had a fit?
Pull it up in your mind for ... Views: 1066
I had a great realization the other day, thanks to one of my friends.
There will always be too much to do.
This may sound like a funny realization, but it completely changed my perspective.
I was fretting about my to-do list, which was growing faster than I was tackling it. I also had ... Views: 1045
I recently left my full-time corporate job to follow my heart and join the ranks of the self-employed, turning my coaching practice into a full-time venture. During my final weeks in the office, I remembered how important it is to truly connect with other people.
As word got around that I was ... Views: 1554