We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Make no mistake ---- It’s extremely difficult to maintain business success if you don’t maintain personal family success.
You don’t have to be trapped by success. Success is a good thing but part of being successful is creating balance in your life. There are steps you can take to create the ... Views: 1194
A limiting belief is something that you falsely believe to be true about yourself and it prevents you from moving forward. A lot of the time you don't even realize that you are operating under false, limiting beliefs since they just seem natural. Many times you would make a decision because it ... Views: 1291
Now is a great time to review your goals for the year and determine how well you are doing at accomplishing those things you wanted to get done this year. If you are like many people, you probably have a few goals that you haven’t made much progress toward achieving. You may even have some ... Views: 1883
Working online is undoubtedly the business plan for the future. Online Network Marketing - Lets You Achieve Your Dreams And Goals. The internet is used by so many people for so many different things nowadays that there’s really nothing but profit out there to be made. One of the emerging ways ... Views: 1370
All kinds of things can stand between us and the accomplishment of our goals.
We have little control - actually no control - over these obstacles. All we can control is how we deal with them.
Here’s a story (I was told it’s true) about a creative approach to dealing with an obstacle - an ... Views: 1510
To achieve what you desire it is not enough to set goals. Most people do nothing more than make a wish with their desires. They think of something that they want, never right it down or make a plan on how to achieve it, and it becomes a fleeting thought. The problem with a wish is that is has no ... Views: 2352
Are you looking for a strategy to help you achieve your goals? Do you set goals, but never follow through with them? Do you have big dreams but don’t know how to turn them into reality?
At some point, you have probably heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic ... Views: 2327
Debbi was only 19 years old when she reached a crossroad in her life. She was married to a well-known Economist and Futurist, and had quit work to play the role of a conventional wife. She hadn’t expected her decision to deal such a hard blow to her self-esteem. No one seemed to think she had ... Views: 1056
The theme for this article is GOALS. In order to achieve a goal, you must ?rst have one! The key to hitting your target is that you must ?rst have a speci?c one to hit. If you ask 100 people where they will be in ?ve years, 95% of people will respond that they do not know!
The majority of ... Views: 883
As I was thinking about the title of this writing, I said to myself, “The only way to title it is to be right to the point.” Every successful person has failed many more times than they have succeeded. Therefore the title...”FAILING ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP” is perfect. Being a person who is ... Views: 821
Whenever we set a goal we want to make sure that it's done in a very specific manner. The brain loves detailed directions. It's just like when you ask someone for the way to the airport and imagine they tell you something like: "Oh, just go west til you hit it." How satisfying of an answer would ... Views: 923
Goals are what a person wants to do, achieve, or become. Research shows that as many as 80% of us over-estimate our level of motivation. It’s no wonder so many dreams go unfulfilled and so many goals remain forever out of reach. So this article is going to explain how you can simply act upon ... Views: 1808
What makes you a success? Is it the size of your house? The type of car that you drive? Is it the success that your children have? Is it how long you have been married? Is it the amount in your bank account?
There are no right or wrong answers. There are answers that society encourages us to ... Views: 1233
If you really want to make your business or life happen, get some paper and let’s start writing your smart goals. I always say if you don’t know where you are going how will you know when you get there? You want to create between three and ten career goals to accomplish within the next six ... Views: 2223
Everywhere on and off the web, people talk about the benefits of planning. Plans help you define your goals, help you determine what tasks are needed and when you need to do them. And plans help you stay on track when distractions set in. So, what’s not to love about plans?
When you ... Views: 961
Each and every day, all of us continually search for the extra edge to win at the sport of sales and marketing. One of the most important things that you need to know is that there is a thin line that exists between activity versus accomplishment. Many people feel if they are “active” then they ... Views: 1824
We’ve all experienced this at some point in our lives. We set a goal, we make big plans to achieve it, work really hard and still don’t get the results we’ve been hoping for and desire! Maybe it’s loosing weight, growing our business, changing jobs or creating that perfect romantic relationship. ... Views: 1248
1. Lack of defined objectives: Success will always lie just out of reach for anyone who does not set goals and create strategies to achieve those goals on a daily basis. It's a constant job. You need have goals at all times to prevent becoming content or stale in what you are doing.
2. Lack ... Views: 4694
When someone tells you: "you need to set goals in your life" , you probably cringe and feel like it's just a motivational phrase. However, the best way to achieve success in your life IS to set attainable goals for yourself. "I'm going to work out 4 times this week instead of 3....", "I'll put ... Views: 3689
Everywhere you turn today, you see the headline: How to get what you want in life”, “how to succeed at anything, “how to live the life of your dreams” “how to use the Law of Attraction, “the Secret” and on and on.
Many teachers are delivering the same message in books, seminars and ... Views: 1365
It's not true what you've heard. Those who say you can't accomplish what you're passionate to achieve, and that you shouldn't even bother trying. Or those that remind you of others that are already doing something like what you've got in mind. As if it were true, there's only so much room for ... Views: 1639
In the previous article we got the first three fundamental steps out of the way:
1. Getting established with a financial institution
2. Checking/correcting credit reports
3. Establishing a budget.
Now we are ready for credit! Below you will find key points and a continuation of my ... Views: 2398
Do you know you can reach goals? Most people don't set goals because they fear all different things. Whether they can make it, all the obstacles to achievement, the time, etc. In the end people don't do it! Let's remove fake barriers and look at how to reach goals. In the end you will know how ... Views: 1254
Have you been seeking an example of personal goals? You have come to the right place. Today, you will discover several examples of personal goals. As you read, discover the example of personal goals that meet your needs and help propel you forward to success, and achievement.
There are many ... Views: 16587
King Solomon once said without a vision people perish. Whether you believe in the Christian belief in King Solomon's wisdom or not, the truth he speaks is paramount, and it is alleged that he became the wealthiest person with a wealth equating today to 1 trillion dollars! Gain wisdom from the ... Views: 2228
No matter what it is you want to do with your life or what goals you have there is bound to come a moment in time when you just want to quit. The realization of your goals takes time, effort and sacrifice. There are lessons to be learned along the way and parts of your character that need to be ... Views: 1354
What allows someone to achieve the results they desire in the workplace – or in life - while others strive, but stop short of their dreams? I believe it revolves around choice. Sometimes we make a conscious choice to let our dreams go, but more often, it’s the choices at the unconscious level ... Views: 1420
As I've mentioned several times before, within 5 to 10 years 70% of students no longer work in a field related to their major, a stat no one's talking about. (One of the many reasons I get so miffed at the myth that education is the end-all and cure-all to the American Dream and, ugh! "job ... Views: 1345
For over thirty years Neuro Linguistic Programming, also called NLP, has developed many processes and techniques to help people achieve excellence. All of our patterns and habits are anchored in our neurology and our language patterns reflect what is going on in our brain. For example a person ... Views: 1544
Everyone with a show of hands, “Who is guilty of having said this before?” Guilty as charged. Let us face it, we all have said this or at least thought this more so than we probably even realize. Our lives are extremely busy, or so we think. I came across some neat information online that I ... Views: 1117
Roger Bannister had no real motivation to prove them wrong. The young Englishman loved to run but from the time he was a child he also had a passion to be a doctor. This was the passion that drove him. His parents were unable to afford a University education so it was up to him to make it ... Views: 708
It is important to have goals because they are good for your physical and mental health. You can have goals for all areas of your life. Here are a few ideas: Career, Learning, Clubs, Money,Community, Politics, Contribution, Professional, Emotional, Reading, Family, Relationships, Health, ... Views: 1064
I asked the question “What is the purpose of external accountability?” Many of you didn’t have an answer, and if you are like most people you were wondering why I included the word “external” in the question.
Well, today the answer shall be revealed. And it will change the way you feel when ... Views: 2000
When most of us are asked what the most important possession is in our lives, we tend to look at the big stuff we have acquired over the years. We easily point to our cars, mansions and even the money we have being able to amass in large quantity. To us, these are the things that make our lives ... Views: 1567
“Master, what is the answer to finding Inner Peace,” the student asks the teacher? “That is for you to find, within,” the teacher elusively answers. If I had a nickel for the countless times this question has been asked throughout time… well I don’t have to tell you that I would give Bill Gates ... Views: 1754
The ability to focus is crucial to achieving success in any endeavor we try. Why do some Agents work 70 hours per week while others can work 40 hours and get the same results? From personal experience, I know I would not have been able to work a four-day workweek without intense focus. How ... Views: 1232
Accountability is one of the most powerful tools and motivators that many of us have at our disposal. Most of us have had either an accountability buddy, coach or manager that held us accountable from time to time. But most of us do not realize that there are different types of accountability ... Views: 6103
“So what are your plans for next year?”, I asked a student the other day. He looked down, sighed, looked back up and said “Well, I’m going to work on a book, finish my real estate education, keep attending your teleclasses, work on my marketing plan, and – “
…I’d heard it a hundred thousand ... Views: 1233
A question that seems to be surfacing a lot lately is how to build good credit . Some people that I talk with have experienced financial difficulties in the past and are now trying to rebuild their personal credit. Others are new to credit, especially young people, and are building credit for ... Views: 2794
How can you achieve your goals without a plan? Most people know what they want but have no plan to achieve it except by sheer hard work. Your yearly plan should be reviewed daily and reset as your achievements are met. Successful people make lists constantly. It enables them to stay on top of ... Views: 2900
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. ~ Epictetus
We all have dreams: visions of the possible, probable and seemingly impossible. Setting goals is the key to turning your dreams into reality. Goals help you recognize your progress and allow you to ... Views: 1361
When we look out on the horizon, the point where land and sky meet-how do we know there is something beyond what we are seeing? How do we know that it does not stop there?
We just know. We understand that what we are seeing is an illusion. We have no doubt whatsoever that what we see as the ... Views: 1462
Today, it's impossible to remember everything. We are being literally bombed with information from all kinds of sources, for example: TV, internet, radio, newspapers... It's really hard to select what we have to remember.
Besides, we all have one big crucial limit. And that is our brain. We ... Views: 734
Is goal setting really that important?
Just by simply setting goals, your brain is given the vital psychological ingredient it needs, to give you a fighting chance of achieving a successful outcome.
So what is this vital ingredient?
You'll probably work out the answer yourself with this ... Views: 1311
The CEO of Black and Decker once said, ‘People don’t go into a DIY store because they need one of our drills. They go because they need a hole in the wall.’ Wonderbra in their internal communications to staff say this, ‘We do not sell underwear. We do not sell lingerie. What we sell is ... Views: 1502
Look around where you work and see how different people live in different periods of time. They are living in the Past Now, Current Now or Future Now.
Being around people living in the Past Now can be depressing. These individuals believe something great happened in the past, but nothing will ... Views: 7921
By now you have probably heard about the Law of Attraction, but you may feel a bit uncertain about it. Is it real? Is it true that you can deliberately create your life just by changing your thoughts? Any experienced Law of Attraction practitioner will tell you that there’s a little more to ... Views: 2975
Earl Nightingale said that “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.” Because he was instrumental in the realization of my success through the many books and tapes he produced (and that my successful father encouraged me to read and listen to), I wanted to dedicate this first of ... Views: 856
Earl Nightingale said that “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.” Because he was instrumental in the realization of my success through the many books and tapes he produced (and that my successful father encouraged me to read and listen to), I wanted to dedicate this first of ... Views: 821
The Achieve Master Series: Getting There…
(Note: Some of the following may seem offensive or controversial to some...well, I'm sorry but anything interesting enough to read usually is)
Earl Nightingale said that “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.” Because he was ... Views: 739