We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In previous posts, we talked about the multi-tasking challenge, and suggested some ways to substitute multi-goaling instead. Two weeks ago, we began looking at why to-do lists don't work, and then added the disclaimer "unless, of course, they do."
Here are a few thoughts about how to-do lists ... Views: 881
The martial arts belt system is one of the greatest human development systems ever created, but only if it is used correctly. Success in the real world is full of obstacles. They need to be surmounted to achieve the desired goal or result. Most people quit within inches of their success!
So ... Views: 4001
Your success is dependent upon your focus. Thinking about all of the day to day demands and everyone needing your attention leads to anxiety and overwhelm. This is energy draining. You are likely to get everything done, but will feel frantic as you rush. The minor day-to-day details can get in ... Views: 979
Have you ever faced a big decision and felt paralyzed with fear and torn about what to do? l have worked with many clients who have been faced with wonderful new opportunities and yet they felt overwhelmed by the task of determining how to make the best decision.
Big decisions are ... Views: 5654
TIP #1 - GET YOUR WORKSPACE ORGANIZED:Clear your desk and other horizontal surfaces of all unnecessary gadgets and items that you don't use everyday. Keep frequently used items within arms' reach. Create space and breathing room so you can be more productive. Clean up your bulletin board. Throw ... Views: 1139
When someone reaches their goal of Black Belt what really changes? They have spent the last 4 to 5 years of their lives working towards this goal, then it is suddenly here and gone. What happens next depends on the individual martial artists.
If the person is a self motivated goal oriented ... Views: 3450
Do Your Goals Have Enough Gravity?
Big goals are not only more fun and exciting; they carry more weight than small ones. Ambitious, serious, “weighty goals” have attraction power.
They attract others into the process and magnetize ideas and resources. Big goals pull you ... Views: 1023
Goal setting is an immensely powerful process, but for your business and personal life. The purpose of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life to achieving something. Whether it be a mountain to climb or a small foot hill. By knowing exactly what you want to acheive, you know ... Views: 1573
I don't know about you but I am becoming ever more aware of the number of people whose actions are motivated by fear. Fear is a very human emotion which we are all vulnerable to, but there is no denying that it is an extremely destructive force. Fear can be translated into many different ... Views: 1667
So much to do -- so little time to do it all. I can't tell you how many times I have heard exasperated people lament that they just don't know how they will get it all done.
That's part of the problem -- if our expectation is that we are supposed to get everything done that is on our to do ... Views: 1725
In this fast paced world, we are continually challenged to fit more work into the same time frames that we all have. One of the most challenging parts of "fitting it all in" is deciding what is important and what is not.
Of all the dilemmas I've experienced in my coaching practice, just ... Views: 1396
How important is perseverance in achieving your goals? Many success gurus tell us constantly that to achieve your goals, you have to keep on going, have faith in yourself, and never give up.
To keep persevering to achieve your goal does not mean that you forge blindly ahead, regardless of ... Views: 1386
What are our goals? The dictionary defines goals as - (noun) something that somebody wants to achieve.
When setting goals, set what I call SMART goals:
• Specific
• Measurable
• Authentic
• Resonate
• Thrilling
If you start to Envision Goals that are SMART, your life will ... Views: 2730
How important is perseverance in achieving your goals? Many success gurus tell us constantly that to achieve your goals, you have to keep on going, have faith in yourself, and never give up.
To keep persevering to achieve your goal does not mean that you forge blindly ahead, regardless of ... Views: 1536
The following is a list of things I'd like to get done, preferably in the next 16 to 22 minutes:
* Read the growing pile of extremely interesting-looking books that is currently residing on the floor next to my couch (including The Power of Now, A New Earth, The Conscious Heart, The ... Views: 1098
Have you faced these situations in your life?
1) You attended training / education programs (seminars, workshops, boot-camps, tele-seminars, etc.) or you bought info-products – with the intention of implementing your learnings and so be able to grow and succeed…
2) Or, you had great ideas ... Views: 1650
One of the things I work with my clients on is creating and implementing systems that automate and simplify getting things done. This creates consistency in your message as well as frees up your time for the BIG thoughts and fun times. The biggest obstacles I encounter when introducing this ... Views: 1480
Goal setting is the most effective way to watch your hopes and dreams turn into realities. It is vitally important for your success to acknowledge your wants and needs in a clear, extensive manner, so follow these three major steps to receive your heart’s desires.
Ask: First ask yourself ... Views: 1427
If you want to have success at anything you first need to believe that you can get what you want. Your keys to success is your thinking. BY BELIEVING YOU SEND OUT VIBRATIONS to your subconscious mind which theN manifest in YOUR reality. If you constantly have negative beliefs then your success ... Views: 1308
I believe that a key aspect of successfully achieving our goals is knowing which goals to set in the first place. Expending energy toward goals over which we have no control and no influence is a waste of energy. But when we sharply focus our powerful mind on what we bring to our own job/work, ... Views: 880
I can not recall the amount of times that I have sat down to write my goals and have just ended up writing a to-do list instead. Goal setting can be a difficult task if you are not sure of how you will achieve what you want to achieve. When setting goals we must remember what Anatole France said ... Views: 1106
Sometimes the "how to" of doing things can blur you vision and get in your way. "You cannot see the wood for the trees" is a saying which sums up this phenomenon quite nicely. If you want to achieve something it is more important to make a commitment to achieving that end result than to focus ... Views: 974
Mind Mapping, also called concept mapping is a useful technique for developing and documenting any thought process. It can be used for planning, studying, problem solving and of course, goal setting. A mind map for goal setting is a great technique for brainstorming your dreams and desires. ... Views: 3823
Another year is passing by and here you on the downhill slide to the beginning of a new one. But instead of letting this time slip away and mean nothing, achieve something by setting yourself some new goals.
The truth is, it doesn’t need to be New Year to go about setting goals. Many people ... Views: 1438
All of our senses - sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, gather information and send this information for processing to our brains. Our brains receive thousands of pieces of information every second. This is where your reticular activating system (RAS) comes in, your RAS is a small group of ... Views: 11258
It is completely and utterly amazing what can occur when you begin holding yourself accountable through the power of the written word. Magnificent things can begin to happen in your life when you record your daily on-goings. Not only are you sometimes documenting your future and creating your ... Views: 1372
Ready to explore journaling but not sure how to get started? Here are some guidelines to get you on your way.
The type of journal you use should reflect your own needs, preferences and style. There are lots of choices. To begin, do you want to write on paper or type into a ... Views: 1725
Feedback is BAD when you're speaking to a group or recording (unless it's guitar feedback, but as a guitarist, I'm biased), but GOOD afterwards. I mean, of course, the kind of feedback provided by a happy client or an enthusiastic audience.
But if you aren't getting feedback? How are you ... Views: 1258
What is a Vision Board?
A vision board, treasure map, or vision book is an actual physical picture of our desired reality. It forms a clear sharp image which can then attract and focus energy into our goals or Vision of Success. These tools can help business leaders and entrepreneurs clarify ... Views: 2505
When you take a look at the goals you have set for your business and your life, do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? Does it seem like a very large leap to get there from where you are today? Don’t worry. You don’t need to try to get there in one big leap. Your journey to success will ... Views: 5618
When you first begin working on manifesting something you want, you naturally have a strong belief that it’s possible. Without this belief, you wouldn’t even bother to try. From this belief, you begin doing the things that you know will bring forth the outcome you desire, like reciting ... Views: 6325
One of the most valuable lessons to be learned, in terms of achieving goals, is to begin at the end. When working towards any goal, most people begin at the beginning (sounds logical doesn’t it?). The problem with starting at the beginning is most of us are focused on where we are right now. ... Views: 1508
OK, let's be honest, Goal setting is not a new phenomena . Business and motivational experts such as Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar or Brian Tracy have been extolling their virtues for many years. Napoleon Hill in the classic Think and Grow Rich writes:
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and ... Views: 1696
Are you sleepwalking through your life or are you creating a vision for how you want your life to be?
I grew up in a small Victorian home in Detroit, Michigan. On the weekends, all I wanted to do was drive around the suburbs and look at large homes and dream. I loved going in the evening ... Views: 979
How often have you given up? How often have you quit just before you’ve struck gold? In life there are many keys to success but one you simply cannot do without is consistency.
Think about it, if your goal is to get fit, to be slim and trim you have to take consistent and steady action to ... Views: 760
God gave us the gift of life. How we choose to live it is our gift to him.
I believe everybody has a reason for being. We are all born with a purpose, a set of skills, a bevy of abilities, and a talent or two. Our life should be in the uncovering, identifying and expressing these gifts to ... Views: 1072
Why write a mini business plan over a long drawn out thirty page document? Because it's easier and you are more likely to do it! Think about things you would rather do every day. Email – you respond to emails that are easy to get out of the way. Phone Calls – you call the people that don't ... Views: 1598
Life coaching is a wonderful profession where you have the ability to change people's lives, make a difference in the world, and earn a decent living. Imagine that! Being a coach is not a "job" it’s a credible vocation that is in great need, yet most coaches have never learned how to manage ... Views: 6857
Recently I was listening to a program by Anthony Robbins where he said something that really struck me "If you ask yourself a better question, you will come up with a better answer and therefore a better result."
The process of thinking is nothing more than asking and answering questions. ... Views: 910
What is your track record for reaching the goals you set? Or even for setting goals?
People often set goals like they make New Year's resolutions. You want to make something happen, do something different, change something that's not working or do something that you think you should do. ... Views: 758
How quickly do you make decisions? How do you make them?
We have the opportunity to make hundreds of decisions every day. Decisiveness or lack of it impacts the success of every area of your life - your business, relationships, creativity, health and finances.
Leaders in life and ... Views: 965
So you’ve tried everything you know of to help you achieve your dream. You’ve watched ‘The Secret’, you’ve read all the self-help books, and done everything they’ve suggested, the visualisations, the affirmations, created a vision board and more, and still you feel no nearer to achieving your ... Views: 1470
We live in a world where it’s hard to be perceived as a success, where being wealthy necessitates enormous amounts of money, where being good in sport necessitates huge acclaim and fame. This in turn can become an attack on the truth of who you really are. When you place heroes on a pedestal, ... Views: 1614
Being successful with affirmations is just like being successful with anything else...the more you practice, the better you get.
So, what, and how, should you practice with affirmations in order to get the maximum benefit?
First, practice getting the wording right. Right as in “right for ... Views: 1015
Do not think of being poor. Go ahead...really try.
How'd you do? Trying to not think of being poor maintains the thought of being poor. You tend to manifest, or keep manifesting, whatever you resist.
Now, how does knowing this apply to using affirmations effectively?
One way is to take ... Views: 967
We are all encouraged to have goals – to set objectives and have targets. When we think of goals, usually we only consider the big long-term goals, such as buying a home. However it is often our everyday goals and actions which we need to focus on in order to increase our happiness and make life ... Views: 1424
A goal is not the end of the path. It is what bring us near and connects us to it. Besides, the goal carries many goals within since it is not only to reach that place but also to develop, sustain and totally identify with it. Maybe at some point, the goal seemed too distant but now it turned ... Views: 2185
If you have been out of the classroom for a while and are thinking of going back to study, you would be regarded as a mature age student. Fantastic - I'm thrilled that you are considering going on to learn more and improve your current situation.
You are never too old to start learning again ... Views: 2120
Strategic leadership in network marketing - What does that really mean? The concept of leadership is one that we’ve all learned about since our youth. Teachers in elementary schools tell children to follow the leader, and they all willingly oblige to get from one place to another. The same ... Views: 1471
One of my daily mantras is that there is nothing like Success to breed Success!
There is nothing like achieving a goal to really make you feel good and make you want to do more.
Often I have found that when we set big hairy goals we get so over whelmed that we don’t know where to start. ... Views: 5872