Do you feel like our world moves faster and faster every day? Have you ever woken up in the night with tightness in your chest or realizing that you’ve been clenching your teeth? Are there times during the day when you believe that just one more thing going wrong might send you over the ... Views: 1048
What would you like to change in your life? Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to exercise more, stop a negative habit or behaviour, manage your weight or learn a new skill? Or would you simply like to find a natural way to manage STRESS?
Hypnotism sessions can assist you in making any ... Views: 2109
As you begin reading this article and contemplating your own life, I’m sure you can think of many ways to create a happier life. What I’d like to share with you here are three ways that I’ve learned over the years. These lessons have not always been easy or (emotionally) painless but they have ... Views: 1545
Our world is changing with ever increasing speed and many people are finding it difficult to keep pace and cope on a daily basis. Although no one can control the world at large, individuals do have the power to be in charge of their personal world by controlling stress and their responses to ... Views: 2047
In this world of instant gratification, high speed technology and a ‘quick fix’ mentality it seems that many people have abdicated responsibility for taking care of themselves. This is evidenced by the growing obesity rate, the rise in substance abuse and even the number of stress related ... Views: 3356
Don't Just Set Goals - Achieve Them!
Recently we have heard a great deal about goal setting and the power of clearly defined and written goals. It is well documented that people throughout history that we view as successful have had written goals. Abraham Lincoln said "Always bear in mind ... Views: 1858