The #1 Secret for Creating Inner Peace & Abundant Prosperity! We all want Inner Peace & Abundant Prosperity. Are you actively working on getting it? What is working for you right now? What blocks do you have? There are specific steps that you can take to have breakthroughs in you life. To find what steps you should be taking, watch my interview with Tim Shurr. To find out more about Tim and how to Re-Code Your Brain For Inner Peace & Abundant Prosperity, go to Inner Critic Solutions Video #1. Doris Helge, Ph.D., Bestselling Author of "Conquer Your Inner Critic" helps you turn fear, self-criticism, insecurity & procrastination into greater self-esteem, confidence, success & self-love. Perfectionism related to insecurity also melts when you manage your inner judge or inner saboteur. The self-sabotage of people-pleasing behaviors becomes healthy, confident assertiveness. Your inner critic, also called your gremlin, stifles your innate intuitive ability and increases feelings like helplessness, powerlessness and being a victim. Discover how to manage your inner critic.
Women need leadership coaching and mentoring to overcome gender discrimination, confidence and role model inequities, funding deficiencies, etc. From emerging leaders to C-suite executives, women face greater leadership promotional barriers than men. Men who make decisions about who to promote often select other men for key leadership positions. Women also usually face more barriers when they begin a new business or seek a raise. offers proven solutions to overcome women’s leadership selection, advancement and other glass ceiling challenges, plus resources that elevate the skills and confidence of emerging women leaders.
Women’s leadership challenges include gender pay inequities, sexual harassment at work, work-life balance issues, inadequate management support and other stresses. Even in leadership roles, women are usually paid less than men in comparable roles. Leadership coaching helps women shift excessive workloads that create burnout and health issues while gaining greater support from upper management. Coaching also helps women address the complex, competing priorities that cause too many talented women to remain in lower-paying positions instead of achieving their true leadership potential. offers proven resources and solutions to challenges faced by women ...
Low numbers of women in CEO, corporate Board and other decision-making positions decreases profits, productivity, customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is often related to toxic management and other difficult people dilemmas that degrade a woman leader’s performance review, health, productivity and employee retention. Women’s Leadership Coaching is essential because feminine input is usually scarce at the highest levels of organizations. Half of the world’s population is not represented when critical decisions are made. Coaching helps women leaders and emerging leaders meet challenges in male-dominated organizations and industries. The proven solutions at ...
Corporations with higher percentages of women in leadership positions are more profitable. This is related to women’s hardwiring and social conditioning. Leadership coaching helps women discover their innate personal leadership style, which dramatically accelerates their success. Working with a coach, women discover how their cultural conditioning and feminine brain structure are directly related to the essential characteristics of successful organizations, from emotional intelligence to team building and values-based business practices. Coaching is a validated strategy that helps women leaders and emerging leaders meet challenges in male-dominated organizations and industries. ...