Having the discipline to carry out the elements of living your life in a healthy manner on a consistent basis is exactly what needs to happen and all the wonderful elements that we’ve been discussing prior are imperative for your success.
With that being said exhibiting behavior on a ... Views: 2827
"Fast, hurry, quickly, immediately” are all words that can appear extremely attractive and luring when they spring by our ears regarding weight loss. If you’ve got a horrible toothache then these words are extremely welcoming for immediate aid, if you break down on the side of the road then ... Views: 1622
In a perfect world we’d all be doing every single thing that we were supposed to be doing at just the right time each and every day of our lives, but we certainly are not living in that kind of a world nor will we ever. You can’t expect to be able to juggle all the pieces of the health and ... Views: 1091
Ready, set, go! Do some mealtime occasions feel like you are on the run from the enemy? Could you possibly enter the Guinness Book of World Records for speed eating your evening meal or your lunch time delights? There’s no one by your side encouraging you to finish your meals in record time ... Views: 1409
Just because everyone may be going around hailing “TGIF” does not mean you have to throw in your towel and dive head first into the abundance of platters, dips and tutti-frutti drinks. The days known as Friday and Saturday seem to conjure up images of tossing in the cards in the health and ... Views: 1154
There are no doubt days when you contemplate your ability to continue your travels on your lighter living journey and being healthier on your travels. Some days seem laden with pot holes, sabotaging circumstances and conditions that just seem to be out to get you. You do not have to succumb to ... Views: 980
Whenever you decide to try a fresh idea or a new-fangled way of living it instantly has the ability to stir up feelings of angst and worry. What if I can’t do it? What if I’m not successful? There’s certainly no time like the present to instill faith in yourself that you too can be a winner ... Views: 1068
One of the best scenarios is that you contemplate tomorrow’s happenings the night before and jot down a few notes. There’s nothing like leaving the house to be on your way and realizing you’ve forgotten a couple of things when you are already there or you don’t have names and phone numbers to ... Views: 1329
It doesn’t matter how you look, how your hair turns out, what the tape measure tells you or how many compliments you receive…it’s all about your personal confidence on any said day and how you feel on the inside that predicts your actions on the outside.
Your inner workings and your internal ... Views: 1344
Typically, however not always, complaints and concerns regarding this food group surface more often from numerous Lovely Ladies than any of the other food groups in our repertoire. The usual comments boil down to tasteless selections, queries as to their use and questions noting their flavor ... Views: 1867
Chances are just about everyone and their mother has stepped off their healthy stretch for a few days or so; take a deep breath and know that it is perfectly fine to find yourself astray once in a while and then reel yourself back in and engage yourself in the healthy habits that equate into you ... Views: 1054
With all the to and fro of the holiday season, the shopping, the wrapping, the celebrating, the card addressing, not to mention the preparation of the house and the grocery runs back and forth for all the last minute selections, it is no wonder that some days just don’t equate into what you were ... Views: 1028
Between the bills, bank statements, magazines, and how can we forget the infamous junk mail, it seems like we are constantly shifting documents and pieces of correspondence from the mailbox to the kitchen counter to perhaps your desk and then before you know it the pile up resembles the Leaning ... Views: 925
Plain and simple, really. If there are areas of your life that steal your energy physically, mentally and emotionally you can’t expect to be able to take care of your own body, your own feelings, your own wants and needs in regard to your health and wellness goals until you begin to take care ... Views: 1007
It’s not about what you have done in the past, what you did last night or the night before that for that matter; it’s about right now, today, this very moment in time. Close the door on the past and open your window to the future. You are the beautiful woman who holds the key to your entire ... Views: 1065
Each and every morning that you awake is a wonderful opportunity to reevaluate what you have been doing on your trek toward better health and fitness. It’s a fabulous time to think about what you will do right now to enhance your goals and set forth to create a daily scenario that will improve ... Views: 1429
Hasn’t just about every beautiful woman in this world at one time or another tried to lose weight, get fitter, feel better and organize her life while attempting to go on a diet? Certainly the majority of Lovely Ladies that I have the pleasure of working with admit to trying a few too many ... Views: 1028
Also known as lifting weights, muscle building, toning and sculpting. All are a terrific addition to your exercise regiment and do not need to cost an arm or a leg nor encompass massive amounts of time in your weekly schedule. Training your body to be strong, defined and sexy is probably less ... Views: 1137
You are a beautiful person, a caring person, a person going through the ins and outs of your everyday life. How lucky you are! Eliminating anything from your food and beverage repertoire is senseless, it’s unrealistic and never, ever sticks with your lifestyle for any amount of time and nor ... Views: 882
Chances are that one of the final destinations on your cleaning schedule could potentially point to the guest bathroom. Typically this room is out of sight for the most part and when it’s out of sight it generally then refers to out of mind. Let’s shed some light on this particular room in your ... Views: 1044
So let’s take a look at being down to earth and truly addressing our capabilities as we venture toward a healthier, lighter, more organized and calmer way of living and take into consideration what is a practical approach, a levelheaded approach and what is a rational way for you to address your ... Views: 1170
Being aware of the temperatures and making sure to equip yourself for the elements can make all the difference in that outdoor activity that is calling your name during the chilly months of winter. Being prepared allows you to be active and as safe and comfortable as possible.
Chances are ... Views: 1134
As you are fully aware being attentive and conscious of what you are digesting, how much you are digesting and your energy output are an imperative keys toward your success when traveling down your road of weight loss and weight maintenance. At any given point in your future your stellar ... Views: 1744
When was the last time that you spent a durable amount of time alone? Can you pinpoint the moment when you took some time in your day or week for you and only you? Chances are that between all of your outside obligations, family events and happenings, volunteering and taking care of others in ... Views: 1241
As the holiday time of the year is hanging around a few more corners and we prepare to celebrate with family and friends, what to wear to special events and celebrations that you feel confident and sexy in is sure to cross your intelligent, savvy mind at one point or another. No need to worry ... Views: 1125
Ever feel like you are drowning in a sea of statements, overwhelmed by receipts and inundated with things to put in order, items to categorize and piles here, there and everywhere that just don’t seem to go away? Say no more and please enjoy the ride as we meander around your office, counter ... Views: 1502
Today is a great day and time to assess your effort and willingness to continue on with your journey and really make a difference in your life. Are you ready to answer some down-to-earth questions regarding your movements and actions toward your goals? As you continue on your travels and work ... Views: 1366
Eating fruit is a wonderful way to fill up your tummy and help you along your path to weight loss, weight maintenance and to increase the health of you. With so many choices at your local grocery store or market, eating a few servings a day should be an easy task to accomplish and there is no ... Views: 971
If you’re like most Lovely Ladies once your day gets moving along, the heart starts pumping and your efforts and endeavors demand your time and energy. The later it becomes the more likely you are to abandon your exercise promises to yourself as you meander throughout your day of events. If ... Views: 1116
There are people, places, situations and events in your day-to-day happenings that lurk around just about every which way you turn. One moment you are going about your own business and then from out of the clear blue sky, wham! Sometimes there’s no warning at all. These impairing imposters ... Views: 1151
Think back to the last occasion when you actually took a solid amount of time to concentrate on the well-being of you and only you. It shouldn’t be such a difficult task, however, in today’s society where we are sometimes expected to perform at high speed capacities and jobs are accomplished in ... Views: 1096
We are all fully conscious to the truth that losing weight and keeping weight from returning takes constant effort. Being alert to the tactics that promote the pounds from pouncing back on your fabulous shrine entails diligence and requires you to be wide awake as you tackle each day upon its ... Views: 1114
All too often you may find yourself really pushing the envelope and towing the line Monday through Friday only to reach the infamous time of the week known as “The Weekend.” Unfortunately, somewhere, somehow our dreams seep out of the window when the weekend rolls around and we lose sight of ... Views: 1248
Do you ever stop to ponder why some days fly by and you seem to have to remind yourself to eat? Are there times in your daily happenings when food seems to be one of the last things that encompass your time and energy? This could very well be entirely true and it’s on days like these that it ... Views: 1272
There is no doubt in my mind that you are a woman who wears many, many hats. I’m quite sure that at some point in your day you perhaps misplace one or two of these caps and even forget which one you are wearing at times. It is not at all surprising that when the clock starts ticking you start ... Views: 1039
Isn’t it simply marvelous to be granted the opportunity to cast a fresh attempt virtually every moment of the day when working toward your weight loss goals. Being given the possibility to continually work toward your objectives is truly a priceless honor that is bestowed upon you as you travel ... Views: 1143
All too often you may find yourself really pushing the envelope and towing the line Monday through Friday only to reach the infamous time of the week known as “The Weekend.” Unfortunately, somewhere, somehow our dreams seep out of the window when the weekend rolls around and we lose sight of ... Views: 1061
Creating a sense of stability and developing patterns that are beneficial and in alignment with your hopes and dreams in the weight loss department are nothing other than patterns that you consciously or unconsciously for that matter, that turn into everyday happenings in your life. Developing ... Views: 1104
As our economy continues to do the best it can to get back on it’s feet, heading to the grocery store can be a fright in itself. Especially at the checkout when all is said and done and you discover your grand total. Being careful to purchase exactly what you are in need of when your trip is ... Views: 1122
At this special time of year our festivities are sure to sweep us off our feet and, amongst all the hoopla, pumpkin pies and holiday decor comes the realization that once again, we are faced with some large challenges. Stay focused under the barrage of snacks, hold your head high above the ... Views: 1102
What calls for variety you may be wondering . . . weight loss calls for variety. Variety of what you may be pondering . . . diversity of exercise, that’s what. Having an assortment of different genres of movement that you enjoy is imperative to your continued success in the direction of a ... Views: 1087
There’s not a doubt in my mind that when you prepare to do well, you put yourself in a position to create the scenario that allows you to do just that. When you set forth and create a plan of action, take 100% responsibility for yourself and your well wishes, you are more often than not given ... Views: 1147
We are all thoroughly aware that the magical time of year is approaching when everywhere around us we are inundated with holiday lights, rich smells, sparkly wrappings and the sights and sounds that this special time of year is drawing near. We deck the halls, sing and dance, sugar coat the ... Views: 1007
Are you stuck in an exercise warp? Are you trying to break down the barrier of boredom with your routine? Do you feel like quitting your current fitness program or are you just getting stick of going it alone? If you answered yes to any of these questions, why not recruit a friend to tour ... Views: 1028
I have a wonderful friend who simply falls apart at the thought of baking 12 dozen (I’m not exaggerating) holiday cookies. It sends her into a tizzy, trashes her aspirations of healthy eating and stresses the poor woman out to the gills. There seems to be a simple explanation and solution to ... Views: 1053
When you stop to think about how you set your table, what serving pieces you adorn your dishes with and the shape and size of your dining beverage wear, it truthfully is absolutely eye opening how much control and management you possess over the care and keeping of your family and your guests at ... Views: 1017
If you are lucky enough to have an extra room in your home that is supposed to be for family and friends when they come to visit, more often than not it tends to become a fine home for items that just don’t seem to have a place to go or the guest room seems to turn into a convenient place to ... Views: 1036
As you embark upon the eve of a fabulous day, Thanksgiving Day, there is much to be taken care of, family to celebrate this special day with and an array of fabulous dishes to enjoy and bewilder at. Staying in the right frame of mind going into the holiday will make a world of difference post ... Views: 1331
The bottom line is that sometimes it is just plain overwhelming to stop and consider the organization that is involved when tackling a new project. It can completely engulf you, overpower your deepest visions and leave you no better off than before this new project had even entered your mind. ... Views: 983
Do you ever find yourself during some post-morning time periods wondering why you feel like consuming unnecessary amounts of food when you have already had your fair share of tummy filling delights throughout your morning time zones? Do you ever feel like there is a devious little tape worm ... Views: 1342