We are such creatures of habit. Sometimes we get caught up in what I call “habit hypnosis.”
Think about your morning routine. How much of what you do is consciously decided versus done out of habit? Think about the way you take your shower, the way you brush your teeth, or what you eat for ... Views: 1127
Some time ago, I wrote about steps to reduce overwhelm. It was wonderful to hear from so many of you about how the tips I shared was encouraging to you and helped you reduce your overwhelm. I love that! My goal behind everything I do is to provide value to all who receive it and have what I do ... Views: 1177
I don’t have to tell you how important networking is to building your business.
I know you know the values of building relationships and how those connections can open up doors of opportunities that would not have otherwise been open.
But, are you are leaving money on the table?
You ... Views: 744
Balancing your life is not an easy task, is it?
We are super busy with growing and managing our business. We have our personal lives to attend to, as well. If you have growing kids, like I do, you know it takes creative time management to fit in all the extracurricular activities on top of ... Views: 902
Putting yourself first without feeling guilty is one of the most challenging for many busy entrepreneurs.
We women are notorious for putting other’s needs continuously before our own. You have responsibilities to your business, to your customers, to your family, and on and on.
Having the ... Views: 2849
We are all familiar with the tradition of setting annual resolutions as we enter in a fresh New Year. As the past year closes, we look forward with hope that this year is somehow different, where it happens and we get the results we desire.
However, setting goals should be a regular exercise ... Views: 732
What keeps you from taking consistent action? You know, those things that you know will greatly impact the results you are getting in your business.
Anthony Robbins once said, "You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! ... Views: 1216
You probably have heard the statement before, “Find someone who is highly successful and do what they do.” It’s what is called modeling success.
I agree it is important to continually look for those who are successful at doing what you aim to do in order that you can learn how to do the ... Views: 2877
We get so busy working in our business, organizing our family’s schedule, managing the household, paying our bills, etc. that it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all. Too busy to see if what we are working so hard to achieve is what we even want anymore.
It is important ... Views: 928