Are You Leaving Too Much on the Table?
I’m surprised how many business owners and managers don’t know the real meaning of the term “Opportuníty Cost.” And many of those who DO know what it means rarely factor it into their decision-making process.
No one likes to lose money. And we all ... Views: 1147
Forget Your Failings—Focus on Your Feats
Your "Win List" and your "Significant Accomplishments List"
It seems to be human nature to remember the things we messed up more than we do the things we did well. Most of us tend to focus on what’s wrong rather than on what’s right.
Even people ... Views: 2921
Who's On Your Team?
You DO Have a Team, Right?
I don't have any employees. But I don't work alone, either. I love my independence, and I wouldn't think of going it alone.
I hire professionals to take care of various aspects of my business, but they never go on the payroll.
And for ... Views: 1072
Your Key People
Business is all about relationship. Who you know and how good a relationship you have with them has a profound effect on your current and future success.
But in the busy-ness of business, it's easy to lose track and lose touch with the people who can help you.
I keep ... Views: 917
Getting Clear on Your Fear
Do you know when fear is holding you back?
I don’t. At least not always.
When I realize I’m fearful, I find it reasonably easy to face. I can experience it and determine whether it’s something I need to pay attention to or move through it.
But when I DON’T ... Views: 962
There's an old adage that goes like this: to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. If you want to get ahead in the world, you'll have to do all three. So you should expect to be criticized.
The key is to discern what is helpful criticism (most isn't) and what ... Views: 1429
A critical key to success in your career and in your life overall is developing and maintaining good relationships. In fact, "Relationships" is number five of the Ten Pillars of a World Class Business.
Our relationships with coworkers, suppliers, spouses, clients, bosses, siblings, employees, ... Views: 5685
Top Ten Reasons People Don't Achieve Their Goals
Here's a quick rundown of most of the things that keep one from achieving the success they seek. If you're not accomplishing your goals or not reaching them as easily or as quickly as you think you should, use this as a checklist ... Views: 2036
By its very definition, financial independence means to not be dependent on anyone or anything for our financial needs. That requires being free from debt.
When asked what they would do if they won the lottery, most people say they would pay off their debts. Just imagine what it would be like ... Views: 1161
Get to the Point, PLEASE! - The Power of Being Pithy
Have you ever tried to listen to someone but found yourself becoming impatient because they were rambling? Ever checked out of a meeting because the speaker was droning on with too much intro, explanation or background?
Of ... Views: 1238
Hitting Some Out of the Park: The Excitement of Personal Home Runs
I'm not a big baseball fan. I enjoyed playing when I was younger, but I’ve just not gotten caught up in watching nine innings of the game.
Perhaps it’s because the home runs are so few and far between. Watching ... Views: 1050
Is Your Company The Real McCoy?
One of my favorite Gary Larson cartoons is the one with the cardboard cutouts of a hillbilly family on the lawn of their mountain shack. The caption reads: The Fake McCoys.
The term "Real McCoy" most likely comes from a railway invention by ... Views: 1052
Are Your Eyes Wide Open?
The Stockdale Paradox
I'm a big believer in having a positive mental attitude (PMA). But, I'm, amazed at how many people pooh-pooh the idea of PMA.
Perhaps what makes people skeptical is that some of those who THINK they have a positive attitude ... Views: 965
Most People Missed this in 'The Secret' . . . Did You Miss It, Too?
First of all, let's be clear. The secret really never has been much of a secret.
The only secret about it is that some people over the centuries have used 'the secret' without knowing they were using a ... Views: 884
You Have to Start Over
Someone asked me awhile ago what I was really good at. Half kidding, I responded, "Starting over!"
The reason I was only HALF kidding is because I am very familiar with starting over. I've started over in business. I've started over in marriage. I've ... Views: 1752
Investing in Best Practices
It’s expensive to be a maverick. It takes time, energy and resources to learn what works and what doesn’t. It’s much more cost effective and less frustrating to find out what other successful people have done and do what they do.
It’s not as ... Views: 969
I was on the learning team this week, and I thought you'd benefit from what happened.
SuccessNet has been doing business on the Internet for over 12 years. And during that time, we've come to be known as one of the most trusted sources for personal and professional growth on the Web. We're ... Views: 3186
Adventures in the Leaves
The other day, my wife Dawn and I did what many fall tourists in New England do. We took a leisurely drive around Vermont and watched the chlorophyll drain out of the leaves. The reds, yellows and oranges in early October are truly something to behold, ... Views: 1109
Have You Lost Your Focus?
We all know how important it is to focus on what we want.
But what happens when we LOSE focus?
It’s easy to do, isn’t it?
We get distracted. Something captures our interest and diverts our attention away from our chosen objective.
We suffer ... Views: 983
How Are You Dealing with the New Normal?
We live in a constant state of change. Many people are calling it The New Normal because it's now become normal for things to no longer be normal.
Some changes are significant and some aren't. Some changes are obvious and some are ... Views: 991
We all have different motivations for doing things. Sometimes we're motivated by something we're moving toward and other times by something we're moving away from.
One person might start a business because they hate their job and don't want the restrictions imposed upon them by a boss. ... Views: 1032
Do You Have Job Security?
“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature nor do the children of man as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” —Helen ... Views: 1128
We all do it—at least some of the time. We put off doing things we need or want to get done.
Heck, I even wanted to put off writing this article.
As I write this, the sun's shining and the wind is a perfect 10-12 knots out of the south. My boat is tied up in her slip while I sit here ... Views: 1273
I've been thinking a lot about change lately.
Here in Vermont, fall is in the air, the Canadian Geese are returning, and the days are getting shorter. At the same time, there have been some significant changes in my life. My oldest daughter was married last weekend, Dawn is working with me ... Views: 895
Success Networks International was launched on January 1st of 1996.
In the course of the last fourteen years, we've done many things wrong. We've tried things that didn't work and sometimes stayed with them longer than we should have. We've missed opportunities and were slow to take ... Views: 993
Telling the Truth is a Loving Act
The tendency in most organizations—whether large companies, government departments or even family units—is not to rock the boat and refrain from telling telling our truth. For a variety of reasons, we hold back from saying what's true for us. We ... Views: 1787
Do You Have a Big Enough Why?
Once you get clear on WHAT you want to achieve, it's crucial to know WHY you want it.
If you have an important goal, it needs a big why. Otherwise, you won't have the determination and resolve to overcome the inevitable challenges you'll encounter ... Views: 1460
Is Your Business Working for You?
Or are you working for your business?
I hope you’re doing work that you enjoy. Because I believe that if you don’t love what you do, you will lose out to someone who does.
However, just working in your business isn’t enough. Yes, we all ... Views: 987
Here are some ideas on adjustments you can make to keep business up in a down economy. And they work in an up economy as well.
1. Focus on Relationship
Build stronger relationships with your customers. Find ways to help them. Tap into the social networks like Twitter, Linked In and Facebook. ... Views: 1138
Business is All About Relationship
I live in a small metropolitan area with only about 110,000 people. And it seems even smaller than that.
I’ve been doing business in this community for over 20 years. I’ve worked in non-profits, sales, publishing, printing, construction and ... Views: 962
Creating Systems that Work for You
I guess I'm a bit spoiled. I often take for granted many of the systems we've developed, software programs we use every day and processes we've automated in our company.
It always amazes me when I go into other companies—many of them bigger ... Views: 1729
Do You Feel Alone in Your Business?
I had a great strategy session with one of our members last week.
“Bob” was unclear as to where to focus his efforts. He had a passion for one thing, an interest in another and lots of experience and expertise in yet another area. He was ... Views: 1033
Do Your Goals Have Enough Gravity?
Big goals are not only more fun and exciting; they carry more weight than small ones. Ambitious, serious, “weighty goals” have attraction power.
They attract others into the process and magnetize ideas and resources. Big goals pull you ... Views: 1023
Truth or Consequences
When I was seven, I moved for a brief time to Columbus, Georgia with my family while my father went on active duty for the Army. I was a new kid in a new school and wanted to make friends quickly.
One day in music class, the teacher asked if any of us knew how to ... Views: 1009
I Love New York: A Positive Point of View
On a recent trip to NYC, I had breakfast with a colleague who said something that really made me stop and think.
Mike Foster ( holds the title of the top trainer out of 450 seminar leaders at a major international training ... Views: 1219
A $2.4 Million Personality
According to an Associated Press story, the headline above is true.
It seems that Gwen Butler, a bartender in an upscale restaurant in Boston’s Beacon Hill section, made quite an impression on one of her patrons—a multimillion-dollar impression.
Gwen is a ... Views: 1090
Authentic Business?
What does it mean for you?
I’ve been getting a lot of eMail lately asking what I mean by “Authentic Business”.
What stirred things up is the subhead to our upcoming conference at that read, “If You Want to Build a Solid, Principle-Driven, ... Views: 1328
Positive Thinking
A few years back, I was asked to present a series of workshops to some high-school seniors on the subject of Positive Thinking.
It’s a subject that’s near and dear to my heart, but I approached the assignment with some trepidation. The idea of leading a group of ... Views: 1300
How Much Do You Weigh in Emotional Pounds?
“We are injured and hurt emotionally, not so much by other people or what they say and don’t say, but by our own attitude and our own response.”
—Maxwell Maltz
In spite of the fact that half of North Americans are overweight and that losing ... Views: 909
Leaders are Readers
Reading can be a powerful catalyst for thinking; it has the potential for stimulating wisdom.
A long while ago, I heard someone say, “Leaders are readers.” It made a big impression on me, and I never forgot it. I don’t know who coined the phrase, but I must have ... Views: 2893
Nature abhors a vacuum. And so it is with our lives. Everyone is busy—everyone. Ask any retired people you know, and they’ll tell you they don’t know where the time goes. Their life is full. And they’re retired.
You can’t put any more into a full cup. And when our lives are filled to the ... Views: 1260
What Happens When We Don’t Make It?
“An oak tree is just a little nut that held its ground.”
We all like to read about successes. We’re encouraged by the achievement of others and inspired to hear about how they overcame difficult odds.
But what happens when things don’t go as planned? ... Views: 974
I once got a letter from a high school student in Australia. He wanted to know my definition of success. It’s a good question, and I thought I’d share my answer with you.
Most people will tell you that they want to be a success. But it’s a rare individual who can tell you what that means. ... Views: 1585
There Are No Small Things
In an episode of the TV show, Unsolved Mysteries, there was a story of a victim of the holocaust. He’d been placed in a work camp for several years and somehow had managed to survive the horror of his imprisonment.
The story was of a boy—now in his sixties—and ... Views: 990
Lately, many of the people I’ve been talking with or coaching have been complaining about being overwhelmed. I have to admit I’ve been wrestling with it, too.
My ideas and my commitments seem to far outpace my time and energy. So here’s my advice to you—and to myself—for dealing with ... Views: 1076
A Global Network
How to Cash in on the New International Currency
Any banker will tell you—if they’re completely honest—that your greatest financial asset is your ability to earn income. It’s not your house, your bank accounts or your car. They don’t actually want your collateral, they ... Views: 1005
Clarity of Purpose
Living a Rich Life
If becoming rich is part of your dream—and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be—just be careful you don’t confuse being rich with living a rich life. I think we should all become financially rich. If we are, we can give more to our families, our ... Views: 1017
Keep Moving
The sailboat was coming slowly into the marina under power. There was a south wind blowing about 15-20 knots, and it was beginning to rain. The helmsman appeared confident and had several crew aboard, so I elected not to walk over to the other dock and offer assistance. But I kept ... Views: 1028
One of the ways you can differentiate yourself in the marketplace is to deliver your products and services faster than your competition.
I just signed off on the proofs for a 300-page book with a full-color cover. The turnaround for this digital printer is less than eight days—and most of ... Views: 1019
“Business is simple. Make some stuff and sell it for more than it cost you. There’s nothing more to it than that except for a few million details.”—president of International Harvester
I had to eat a little humble pie recently. And I want to share why, because I think it illustrates a ... Views: 1497