We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Here's a fun fact that you may not be familiar with. Less than 1% of the United States population earns more than $365,000 per year. You read that right, less than 1%. So what does that mean? That means that in order to break out of the 99% pack, you must do things drastically different! You ... Views: 893
Goal Setting Instruction Booklet
The Long and Short of It
Created By: Sybil R Smith
Have you ever made unrealistic goals?
Do you neglect to make any goals for fear of failing?
I sure have.
When thinking about the future, I am often discouraged because there is so much to do that I ... Views: 1395
I can remember growing up in Chicago when the year 2000 was a long way into the future. And now, in 2010, as we enter the second decade of the 21st century, I’m taking stock of how far I’ve come and what it took to get me here.
As a child watching movies, I dreamed of being an actor in ... Views: 1544
The title of this article assumes you have actually created a business plan at some point. Though truth be told, many small business owners never do. And even in large organizations where strategic plans are an annual tradition, leaders often put them on the shelf once it’s done. Why do we ... Views: 2096
Is setting goals still valid in the 21st century?
There is a lot of talk in the success industry about setting goals. The question is being posed around the validity of goal setting. Some people feel that goal setting is a waste of time and others feel that it is still valid as a tool for ... Views: 4022
I couldn't believe my eyes - the email read - "I'm feeling so disheartened lately. I have not hit any of my goals. I missed my personal best by 25 seconds. My list of contacts has not been growing at the same rate. I haven't reached my revenue targets."
Can you relate? Have you got goals you ... Views: 1927
I’ve had many clients who want to make a change in their career but don’t know what to do. They have plenty of great ideas: on-line businesses, teaching, becoming a consultant, working for a non-profit, finding a green job. But they are afraid to choose one, because, what if they don’t make ... Views: 1971
I just finished creating my goals and intentions for the Second Quarter of 2010. I started by assessing my Q1. In doing so I realized that I wasn’t living my over arching intention for 2010. I have two signs in front of my computer screens…
1. Simplicity
2. My time is valuable
In the first ... Views: 923
It's Spring! Generally in my neighborhood the walkers and joggers are out and about. This is a great neighborhood for outside exercise. But I must admit many days and throughout the summer I watch them from my office window thinking I have to get out there myself. Then I see all of the work I ... Views: 1126
When you are at the top of a big organization or business, you need Personal Power, so that people and your subordinates and your peers are motivated or animated behind your vision regarding in which direction your business is headed. In this case, you would find that the farther the ... Views: 931
Babe Ruth was once quoted as saying, “It is hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Setting goals is one of the most essential keys in accomplishing success. Setting goals is not the same as making your New Year’s Resolution—now, that is simply a wish. Merely hoping and wishing for something ... Views: 786
I have an addiction. A public addiction.
I watch American Idol – despite being a few years (er.. decades) beyond the target audience.
This may be justification, but the main reason I enjoy it so much is seeing the personal transformation each individual goes through (Internally and ... Views: 899
The essential quality of goal setting is that it provides you with both short-term and long-term motivation and focus on acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to organize your time to insure you get the best of life. Individuals from all different fields from athletes to successful ... Views: 1891
One of the most important keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Each day contains twenty-four hours but how we spend those hours is what separates people who enjoy lives of happiness, fulfillment and success from those who experience lives filled with ... Views: 1123
Some time ago, I wrote about steps to reduce overwhelm. It was wonderful to hear from so many of you about how the tips I shared was encouraging to you and helped you reduce your overwhelm. I love that! My goal behind everything I do is to provide value to all who receive it and have what I do ... Views: 1177
You take the kids to school, rush home, start working, the phone rings, you get distracted, you try to get back to work again, more and more things get in the way and at the end of the day you sit back and wonder, “what did I accomplish today?”
If you are like most of us the day is gone too ... Views: 1135
Here is a basic simple way that you may have read or know already to set an income goal and keep track of your achievements.
If you want to earn $20,000 a year, then work that back to what you need to earn a day. $20,000
A Year $416.69 per week, $83.35 per day, or $200 per hour, that’s two ... Views: 797
By Dr. Cindy Brown
I was out on my patio the other day looking at my little garden and I noticed my neighbor diligently working in her beautiful fruitful garden next door. She was smiling and whistling as she worked. I see her every day consistently working in it, and on it, and it shows. She ... Views: 1952
Misery or good things, almost every thing that happens to you, other than some exceptions, has happened due to your own decision at one point in time.
You made a decision and that sent a chain of events in progress until what you are currently dealing with happened. Likewise, your innocent ... Views: 1378
As goal setters, usually, we set our own goals. And some of these we accomplish, whilst others we never attain at all. So, what is the difference-- why is it that some goals we are easily able to accomplish yet others we can’t reach although we invest a lot of time into something we do not get? ... Views: 940
Don't misunderstand – I am a fan of being busy! There's nothing better than doing work you love . . . work that makes a contribution and creates results . . . and work that feeds your brain, heart, and soul.
If you're busy with that, congratulations! You're unique. For many of us, though, ... Views: 683
n yesterday’s lesson I revealed what I believe to be the single most important key to success—discipline, defined as doing the things you know you should do, even when you don’t feel like doing them. Jim Rohn defined discipline as "the bridge between goals and accomplishment."
Today, I am ... Views: 2293
How do you Envision your Life?
Do you see yourself:
• Being your own boss?
• Being the CEO of a company?
• Having your own Law Firm?
• Living in Europe?
• Having a vacation house in the Caribbean?
• Working from home?
• Being a Judge?
• Being able to work from ... Views: 1933
If you are on your own, it is very hard to get yourself motivated and continue forward. But if you have someone to work with, you have much more power. Two people together can do the work of four people each on their own. But more importantly, when you are alone, you may not get anything done at ... Views: 3156
Yesterday I outlined a simple, easy-to-follow, step-by-step formula for achieving success at anything that is important to you. Today we will explore what will be your greatest obstacle to achieving any goal on your list. I will also challenge you with the solution that when acted upon can ... Views: 1831
In yesterday’s lesson I drew the distinction between pursuing things you think are important versus the things that you know are important, and I challenged you to make a list of the things most important to you. Today I am going to share with you a simple, five-step formula for achieving ... Views: 1112
I have a short story for you today.
Once upon a time a lovely lady named Judith, sat gazing out her bay window at the fields, streams and mountains in the distance. She sighed at their beauty and lamented the fact that she just wasn’t happy even with her wonderful surroundings.
She needed ... Views: 1184
I’m going to let you in on a secret that I have kept for many years because I didn’t want to embarrass myself. But now that I have kicked the habit I will let you in on it.
I was an addict
My drug?
Not an all day habit, but about 10 programs that I simply could not miss watching ... Views: 982
Is there a Difference Between A Goal and An Intention?
By Karen Sherwood
We are all familiar with the importance of setting goals. It’s difficult to open any achievement-oriented book these days without finding many chapters written on the subject. But what about setting an INTENTION? Is ... Views: 1778
This time of year there are plenty of runners around London, locals limbering up for the marathon. They are out every day, running along the pavements (in spite of the fact that concrete is just about the worst surface to run on) and pounding the miles to the big day.
And their success will ... Views: 1661
I’m totally exposing myself, as I’m posting about my biggest desire. It is the one thing, I dearly wish the Universe to deliver to me.
I started focusing on this goal in February 2010, as it seems like it is the key to take me to the next level in the aligning with my authentic self. My ... Views: 1276
Some people are more successful than others. Why is that?
Is it intelligence?
Is it education?
Is it “who you know, not what you know...”?
Are the educated and intelligent people always the most successful?
If we could answer these questions, we might gain some valuable insights.
I ... Views: 10820
What is your true goal? What is that for each of us? It is not the same for all but appears to be the same for everyone in a group who share the same goal. That is obvious, but there is more to this than just the obvious. This is a tricky article, I hope you will have patience and persistence ... Views: 1800
Goal setting and achieving the goal are two different things. You can set a goal but fail to achieve it. However, goal setting keeps you going and gives your life the direction it needs. Goal setting is very important and you should never ignore it. It is through goal setting that makes you not ... Views: 1456
You need to develop good habits in order to achieve your personal goals. If people don't adopt the kind of habits that will lead them to success, then they'll keep on working but they'll not attain the kind of results they're anticipating. This means that they never get where they want to ... Views: 1368
There are a few people who can tackle challenges, some are fainthearted. Achieving goals requires you to be commitment and to be focused. We all need a helping hand and as such you cannot do all the tasks by yourself. If you try doing everything alone you'll end up being exhausted and you might ... Views: 1264
The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want.
And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself.
And the omnly way to know yourself, is to be yourself.
And the only way to be yourself, is to listen to your heart:
Cherish your vision every day. ... Views: 1350
Settings goals represents one of the key components to find success in your life! This is what guides you and tells you that you are on the right track. But before you write your goals down, you need to know where you want to go!
You need to determine your end result to find success. That ... Views: 907
It is true goals have a definite timescale by which they have to be achieved. However, there are ways to expedite the process of doing more work each day thus achieving your goals in time (before the timescale). How are you going to do this? First, you have to manage your time properly. ... Views: 1212
The 5th Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Your goals are too important to just “wing-it.” Because you, your goals, and your life mean so much, you’ve put a great amount of effort to get to this point. Transforming your goals into greatness ... Views: 2102
The 2nd Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Writing down goals is never enough to accomplish them. Just look at all of the New Year’s resolutions set across the world every year. Usually, they’re the same ones that weren’t accomplished the ... Views: 1877
People can be so hard on themselves. Check this out. These are real emails that real people send to themselves on a regular schedule from 'Hassle Me'. www.hassleme.co.uk. The site's tagline is: Because sometimes in life, you just need to be nagged. It's a popular site – who among us haven't ... Views: 1355
We all want to be, have and do better in life. The most over used phrase we all hear and use id "I'm sick and tired of being........" well you know the rest. A restless, un motivated and mundane life is much like the paint in a room. After you paint a room it looks clean, new and brings new ... Views: 4338
Have you ever tried creating a new habit, such as eating only healthy food, only to find yourself unable to exert the self-control needed to make the habit permanent? It's not your imagination that you "run out" of willpower!
When you try to improve an aspect of yourself, you face a dilemma. ... Views: 1996
Lists are handy to help you stay organized. But, what if your list leads you into overwhelm instead of focus, achievement, and fulfillment?
One of my newsletter readers emailed that he was not able to focus or move forward on any of his goals, and included a list of almost thirty items he’d ... Views: 1362
When was the last time you've allowed your dreams to fall along the wayside? When they didn't come true, did you troubleshoot or did you allow them to become a thing of the pass?
Sometimes we don't do enough troubleshooting when dealing with failed dreams. We make excuses for why they don't ... Views: 816
What Exactly are Goals?
Setting goals is the most essential element of getting to where you want to be in life. Goals have been described as a route, system, recipe, or prescription for reaching your ultimate vision. They are the stepping stones which take you closer and closer to where you ... Views: 1503
Have you ever noticed a trend in the thinking patterns of successful people? Have you ever wondered why it seems like success comes so easily to some people and so difficult for others?
It all has to do with your beliefs and self-talk.
People that achieve success in a consistent basis ... Views: 3920
Why do we all spend years working on a goal, never to see it manifest? Many of us just give up. "The Sedona Method KISS Releasing doesn't work on big things." "I am doing it wrong." "Lester could do it, but not me." We have all at least had passing thoughts like this. I know I have. So what is ... Views: 960
Don't bother setting goals. It's a waste of time. Let me explain why I feel this way about goals and then offer a better alternative.
See if this scenario sounds familiar. You decide to work towards some new level of accomplishment. So you set a goal for yourself. Actually, you probably ... Views: 1611