Mistress - just the word itself imbibes negative impressions. Wives despise them and society looks down on them. Mistresses are associated with the word home wrecker with low morals. But if you really think about it, do they like being a mistress? Is that a choice they voluntarily choose or is ... Views: 13863
The boomers and senior citizens, people who are over fifty years old need recreation and some means to spend their pastime. Those who are retired stay mostly at home and search the web for knowledge, recreation and friendship. Aside from news, research and games, most people go on live chat. ... Views: 1373
Oh yes, we hear it all the time-- “do your top priority first.” Or perhaps it is, “You must prioritize.” Or how about, “Set your priorities first and foremost.” So, what do you do when everything becomes a top priority? Relax, calm down, and take a deep breath. Bear in mind that not everything ... Views: 1382
In order to find the exact cure for a condition, it is only essential that one goes to the bottom of its root cause. Such is the best means to find and apply an effective cure. For instance, when one has recurring headaches, it may be good to take medications once the headache occurs, but would ... Views: 1464
People nowadays crave for information for various reasons. There are people who want to learn a new hobby like photography or gardening in order to deviate from their usual routines. There are people who want to learn on self-discovery in order to understand themselves better. And there are ... Views: 1337
Reiki is a spiritual training developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922 after he came across the power of Reiki on a retreat in Mount Kurama. Mikao Usui gave birth to the Reiki revolution in Tokyo, leaving it to expand and circulate across the universe to improve and enhance the lives of ... Views: 1184
So here’s the deal- after he left you for another woman and caused you tremendous emotional torture; He has the guts to stand in your front door crying like a baby and asking for your forgiveness. While he’s there in front of you shaking his head for his stupidity and looking like an idiot, you ... Views: 9552
A significant proportion of the population may be engaging in unhealthy sexual practices and as much as it involves morality issues, premarital sex, extramarital affairs and promiscuity are prevalent in this age wherein liberty and freedom of choice are emphasized. As early as the teenage years, ... Views: 1335
Long distance healing sessions could be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This distant healing is just as effective as a session done personally. The great thing about this kind of practice is that it can be done or performed over the phone but just some other energy healers do ... Views: 1162
Social anxiety disorder is characterized by severe fear during social situations and this could start at a very early age. If a child does not get help and support, he or she could develop the condition until adulthood. The harshness of this condition could become truly worse that the ... Views: 1248
Buying domain names is one of the first steps towards establishing a new business online. If you want to create your presence online, you have to buy a name for your proposed web site. You may find a lot of names for your site but perhaps not the best ones especially when the niche you want is ... Views: 1319
People are generally creatures of comfort and habit and whenever something big or small—changes oftentimes we feel that our entire world goes into a downward spiral. And that is precisely why we have to prepare ourselves for a positive change and not allow any negative thoughts and emotions ... Views: 1189
Why do you think many companies of different products concern themselves of having their own jingles in their advertisements? Well, simply because they want to have easy recall of their products. It has become quite a practice among advertisers to have a jingle when they advertise their product ... Views: 1198
I have always been very sentimental and close to my friends. They always matter to me. I once told this best friend of mine when my time is up in this world, I want you to be the one to speak in my eulogy because you’re the one who really knows me to the core- justify me. This is not an unusual ... Views: 1672
With only 3 adults and four kids in my friend’s family, and with a European-sized washing machine instead of the larger and faster American models, they will usually do 2 or 3 loads of laundry for a day. Just hanging it all up to dry is already quite a challenge. Forget about trying to fold it ... Views: 1275
Much is to be said about maintaining proper hygiene not only to ensure confidence when dealing with others but to make a good impression as well. Proper hygiene and taking care of oneself can go a long way in cultivating personal and business relationships therefore their significance cannot be ... Views: 1357
Arthritis is one of the most prevalent diseases afflicting millions of men and women in the United States alone. There are over 100 classifications of this joint disease and it generally affects more women than men. Children can develop arthritis, too as in the case of juvenile arthritis. With ... Views: 1313
Ah… the first wedding anniversary is always something newly weds look forward to. They not only look forward to it but have a count down for it by celebrating their “monthsary”. The first year of marriage is still considered as the honeymoon stage. The couple is still very idealistic and very ... Views: 1489
One may have the idea that arthritis is inconsequential connoting it with mere joint aches and pains. There are well over 100 rheumatoid and joint-related diseases within the scope of arthritis, each varying in the nature of their causes, the manifestation of the symptoms and the treatment ... Views: 1418
It has already been proven that hypnosis really does work; and so, it is also safe and fair enough in saying that hypnotic seduction is also as effective. Hypnotic seduction is a strategy or method used in seducing an individual through the use of hypnosis. Have you ever wondered why some ... Views: 3050
Sex if done monotonously and habitually, it becomes boring. That’s why men concocted the art of role playing in sex. Role playing is when you carry out all your sexual fantasies and let go of your sexual inhibitions. Since we were kids, we all love to play pretend to alleviate boredom- boys wear ... Views: 1447
Oftentimes, they can feel utterly overwhelming—those obstacles that come between you and and your big dream. By taking a better view and trying to understand precisely what they are, you could now learn how to maneuver through, above and around the usual obstacles we will discuss below. The ... Views: 1305
Many marriages nowadays have ended in separation or divorce. Yet when they were married, they had the most meaningful ceremony, they had a festive reception and they went on the sweetest and longest of honeymoons. Then after a few years, something happened- before they can’t get enough of each ... Views: 2443
Inspirational stories have always been one way of spreading values around since it allows us to learn and be aware of various values while at the same time having fun and enjoying listening and reading. Stories had played a great part in our lives because we learn from them especially if they ... Views: 2578
There are over 100 rheumatoid and joint related diseases all within the coverage of the term “arthritis”. When one mentions arthritis, one can imagine that inherent, possibly teeth-grinding gnawing sensation in the joints. The word “arthritis” literally means inflammation of the joints and with ... Views: 1711
Who isn’t into blogging? I bet a huge percentage of internet savvy individuals are into blogging these days. For those who are still alienated to this, blogs are online journals where people write about themselves, their jobs, their experiences, and practically just about any topic they can ... Views: 1243
The available Boomer Woman, is quite shy to advertise herself personally that she would like to meet men. Imagine her telling someone she meets that she would like to date and if that somebody knows someone who would be interested. Society might laugh at her that in her advanced age – 50 and ... Views: 1364
At times while it is quite difficult to understand, we call or refer to the best feng shui position in the bedroom as the command position. This command position imposes the best feng shui position and it just doesn’t involve the bedroom, but it also comprises or includes business like your ... Views: 2060
Beauty is generally a subjective matter. Although there are those who would connote beauty with the vibrance of youth, there are also those who appreciate beauty which is ripened with age and maturity. Aging therefore need not be a disappointing and disheartening phenomenon as although it is a ... Views: 1288
Web videos are so popular on the internet these days. With the advent of video sharing web sites, many people are encouraged to produce their own videos. There are thousands of reasons why people create such outputs. For one, video sharing has opened many opportunities for individuals to be ... Views: 1142
Beauty is not necessarily equated with youth. In essence, true beauty is coupled with substance and such is oftentimes brought about by the years and experience. Therefore, even during the later years, a woman can still be categorically beautiful especially when a calm demeanor and a proper ... Views: 1293
It is an obvious fact that many companies worldwide have opted to build their own web site in order to reach out to more customers and keep up with the competition as well. Being seen online is very vital to many businesses these days since more and more people prefer internet shopping over ... Views: 1157
Men- “Can’t live them, can’t live without them.” Communicating with men can be tricky. Yes, we speak the same language yet we have different interpretations when we converse. We live in the same environment yet we see things differently. They are creatures of unfathomable depths (or ... Views: 1300
After a that time you buried your beloved husband, you will be called now as newly widowed. But faith will tell you that you would get through it. And here are the 8 things you have to bear in mind not to forget: 1. Do not forget to take good care of yourself-- wash your face, comb your hair, ... Views: 1393
Single moms who can cope and raise her children well are highly looked-up by society. They are well respected and praised by the public. How can they cope with the daily grind and come up victorious? A single mom suffers a hundred-fold stress than her married counterparts because she has to ... Views: 3144
When you try to apply for a job, your objective is to pass the exams and interview to get accepted. When an athlete runs a triathlon, his primary aim is to defeat his competitors and win. When someone engages in a fitness program, there’s a certain weight goal that he or she wants to meet. As ... Views: 1540
With our increasingly becoming progressive and complex society, it is indeed irrefutable that change remains constant and irrevocable. With this constancy, though, another pursuit that transcends time and change is the human endeavor of searching for peace and happiness. Throughout the ages, ... Views: 1179
Poor affiliates can still enjoy affiliate revenue programs Not everyone who wants to become an affiliate has enough resources to finance an affiliate marketer’s career. Becoming an internet marketer does not necessarily require a huge amount of initial investment to determine successful ... Views: 1140
Touch of love we can’t get enough of it. It’s a need. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs- men have five basic needs. One of these need are the physical needs like food, water, clothing and shelter, the safety needs like security and protection, the social needs which is the need of the ... Views: 1444
The process of exploration, self-attunement and awareness is generally one that is filled with wonders as little by little, the self reaches into its deeper essence. Such is what meditation is all about. Although meditation is an age-old practice, its deeply entrenched benefits into the human ... Views: 1514
As if dating is not hard when you were younger, it gets tougher now you’re a senior. You think, how can you come through in senior dating. Should you follow the trends and go for online dating? It’s much convenient and you don’t have to go through the anxiousness of approaching and waiting to be ... Views: 1320
So what makes a profitable web site? Every affiliate marketer is very aware that traffic building is a very vital activity in internet marketing. Perhaps all marketing activities online are intended to increase web site traffic. The more people visiting your web site, the higher the possibility ... Views: 1168
Although generally an age-old spiritual endeavor, meditation has certainly caught up with the times as they are now accompanied by mechanical devices. One may have the notion that the practice of meditation negates anything which is “of this world” as it is basically centered on the ethereal ... Views: 1485
The great difference between the big winners in life and almost everyone else lies in their skill and capacities in solving problems. And you could be one of these big winners, too! Like them, you came out into this universe prepared and provided with the natural and inherent power in solving ... Views: 2106
There are no excuses for boring internet advertising these days. With the latest innovations in online advertising, internet marketers have better options on how they could promote their products on the net. Say good bye to those boring and bland banners or to those static picture ads. This ... Views: 1130
Traffic is such an important factor to a successful online business. Any business on the net that gets poor traffic is most likely to go down the drain if not salvaged immediately. So how do you make your web site into a magnet that strongly attracts people to it? Of course, one of the most, if ... Views: 1184
Is there a gauge in telling a real woman from a man in a woman’s body? Probably not unless she tell you then you will know she’s a lesbian. Is there any tell tale signs she is a lesbian? If we stereotype lesbian then we will picture out a woman who is short haired- probably a barber’s cut or ... Views: 13270
As a parent, it’s very significant to know how to keep your children from finding Internet Pornography as they surf the Net. But how do you do that—the first thing that you should bear in mind is that you probably cannot keep your kids from finding internet pornography one hundred percent all ... Views: 2911
The essential motto when talking about time management techniques is that time is far more priceless than money. By making use of smart time management techniques you would be more effective, more productive and more efficient. Without the right management of time, a lot of hours, minutes and ... Views: 1343
I bet you would agree with me when I say that the internet is full of unimaginable scams. People these days are just so creative in coming up with ways on how to make money online even if it means taking advantage of other people. Internet users most often encounter attractive banners or ... Views: 1292