When it comes to healing, science and spiritual belief agree. What you believe and how you view your place in this world impact your health in both positive and negative ways. You have a big role in healing yourself and in supporting your friends or family with serious illness. Here are some ... Views: 2009
Do you feel guilty as you drown in the daily details? Too much to do. Too many people wanting your time and energy. Being pulled in multiple directions. And wondering if there will ever be time to do what you want. Time management? It seems an impossible goal.
You try to set priorities, but ... Views: 1279
If you are a creative entrepreneur, you probably uncover new ideas on a regular basis. I keep a notebook of good ideas which pop into my head. My challenge is to sort the inspiration from the clutter. My greatest marketing and product ideas often come in a flash. My ezine is receiving raves ... Views: 1104
People do business with people they like. Yet business is more than a popularity contest. It is an opportunity to create human connection that generates creativity and growth. Here are some simple basics!
1. Listen to other people. The most successful people let others talk more than they ... Views: 1263
Last Sunday I stood on a bluff in Santa Monica overlooking the ocean. A dozen sailboats spread across the horizon, enjoying a beautiful Southern California day.
Although it’s been years since I sailed, it’s something you don’t forget. Each sailing trip is unique. One time I floated along, ... Views: 1157
Where did we learn that there was reward in waiting? Was it standing in line in school years ago? Or do we learn sitting in traffic jams that we should slow down? Is this scenario familiar?
You have a list of things to do. On this list are important tasks that move your business forward. ... Views: 1229
Last year we blamed the economy. What will we blame in 2010? Have you ever considered how blame could be impacting your success?
Finding someone or something to blame gets you off the hook when things don’t turn out your way. Finding blame is common and seems to be a natural human ... Views: 1209
Seven Personal Challenges That Determine Your Home Business Future
Are you one of the many people who are working from home? Perhaps you operate a home based business or work for a company who is saving on office space. Either way, you have some new challenges. Here are the top seven ... Views: 1318
Say that word out loud. Roll it around in your mouth. How does it feel? Does it excite you? Or do you feel the “OW” in the middle?
Successful people know how to express personal power on a fairly consistent basis. Yet for most of us, we fear power because we are at the mercy of ... Views: 1260
Having a great manager can boost productivity. But last week, I heard about a company in chaos due to a manager who wanted to be NICE.
Here’s the scoop: A local company was acquired by a national company. The office staff grew, and the manager who used to have only a small staff now manages ... Views: 1550
The generation that “Can’t Get No Satisfaction” is creating a new age of “wise elders”. For the first time in history there is a significant aging population. Yet far from being the sickly, retirement bound grandparents of the past, this generation is healthy, active and changing the world ... Views: 1171
Stop for a moment. Dream back to the time when you were limitless. Maybe you were 4 or 5 or even 7 – before you learned the word “impossible.” You could be invisible, or fly, or walk through walls. Feel that tingle of your unlimited possibility.
Could you accept that this incredible power is ... Views: 1396
Guarding against the growth gremlin…
If you have ever dreamed of a smooth-running business which brought in abundant income and ran smoothly? Is your reality a mind-boggling list of projects, a bank account that seems to have an automatic drain and no promise of a change?
You may be ... Views: 1251
If you REALLY want to achieve your goals this year, then it is time to do what successful people do and hire a coach. What you measure, you can improve.
Goal setting gets to the core of our human experience. We want measurable improvements to our life. Without growth, we are dying. Many ... Views: 1451
In The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk, a teenager of 14, lies in her bed at night, as bees come through her walls. Bees swarm all around her as she lays motionless so as to avoid being stung. Yet when she calls someone else to witness the bees – nothing is there.
Have you ever laid in bed, ... Views: 1161
Recently, I was thinking about the time I spent sailing. Many images came to mind – the times I was challenged almost to breaking against 20-foot waves, and times the gentle rocking combined with a glowing sunset were more joy than my heart could hold. But are we all adrift at sea?
How do we ... Views: 1176
The dancer knows where to start - always the same. Class begins with first position.
Left hand on the barre. Heels together, toes pointed outward, weight equally distributed for balance. Knees directly over your toes. Adjust.
Framework. Classes become more advanced, yet each dancer begins ... Views: 1272
I challenge you to a moment of honesty. How many productive work hours do you have on an average day? Productive work hours are ones spent moving your business forward.
If you are typical, you are very BUSY all day. But much of that busy-ness is unfocused, personal, or simply wasting time. An ... Views: 1356
Procrastination and wasting time are common ailments. Even if you lose only a few hours a week to them, it can be annoying. Why? Because you may realize that you didn’t really ENJOY the wasted time. If you had actually planned to take that time off, you might have done something much more ... Views: 1164
Does the holiday give you a special glow? Or are you gritting your teeth at the repetitive Christmas carols? What if you could take all those feelings and use them to discover your inner wisdom?
Holidays interrupt our normal routines. We have parties and extra activities. How you’ll ... Views: 1185
Remember a time when you felt like you were “in the flow?” Imagine breathing easily as everything lines up effortlessly. Opportunities show up. You are supported in being your best. You feel good, you look good. You like the people around you. You enjoy this moment and you look forward to the ... Views: 1332
Last Sunday I stood on a bluff in Santa Monica overlooking the ocean. A dozen sailboats spread across the horizon, enjoying a beautiful Southern California day.
Although it’s been years since I sailed, it’s something you don’t forget. Each sailing trip is unique. One time I floated along, ... Views: 1297
1. Listen to other people. The most successful people let others talk more than they do.
Use questions to expand the conversation beyond small talk.
Ask probing questions to elicit a person’s dreams and passions.
Uncover ways that you can contribute to others and take action immediately.
2. ... Views: 3044
Would you agree that your success, in business and in life, is determined by your ability to successfully ask for, and get, what you want? It may have begun when you first asked for a cookie. Today, you may be asking for a $50,000 contract or a higher discount on supplies.The principles ... Views: 3606
Procrastination and wasting time are common ailments. Even if you lose only a few hours a week to them, it can be annoying. Why? Because you may realize that you didn’t really ENJOY the wasted time. If you had actually planned to take that time off, you might have done something much more ... Views: 1585