Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health! A 30-Day at home Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul
The next course will start on April 15th, 2020,
and is offered only once a year.
Are you ready to discover your calling, and have the health and vitality to pursue it?
Passionate Purpose, Vibrant ... Views: 1024
The next 'Love Yourself' Course starts February 26th, 2020.
Last time at this price!
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and ... Views: 772
Why Self-Abandonment Can Kill You
Click here to register for this webinar.
This event will be recorded and available free for one week after the webinar - You will receive an email for the link when you register.
Hosted By Dr. Margaret ... Views: 1063
The next 'Love Yourself' Course starts August 7th, 2019.
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationships.
"I can hardly find ... Views: 954
Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health! A 30-Day at home Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul
The next course will start on June 26th, 2019,
and is offered only once a year.
Are you ready to discover your calling, and have the ... Views: 869
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Inner Bonding Experience
The next 'Love Yourself' Course starts May 15th, 2019.
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, ... Views: 865
A 30-Day At-Home Course
The next course will start on April 3rd, 2019
This course is offered twice a year.
Are you ready to find the love of your life?
Attracting your Beloved: A 30-Day Home-Study Experience With Dr. ... Views: 948
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Inner Bonding Experience
The next 'Love Yourself' Course starts February 20th, 2019.
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, ... Views: 842
Next course - January 9, 2019
This course is offered only once a year
Are you ready to experience that you are never alone and to manifest your dreams?
A 30-Day Home-Study Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul - to Connect With or Deepen Your Connection With Your Spiritual Guidance and Learn ... Views: 946
Learn to practice awareness of intent, to move out of your painful feelings and into your inner peace.
Those of you who have been practicing Inner Bonding know that the basis of the Inner Bonding process is the intent to learn about loving yourself and others.
It is the intent to learn ... Views: 1181
Are you limiting yourself to knowledge gained externally? Try using your imagination and opening to the limitless information available from the universe!
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the ... Views: 1012
Do you believe you are responsible for causing others' anger, hurt, sadness or anxiety? Is this causing you to feel guilty?
"My wife is so upset that I have to travel more on my new job," Chuck told me in our phone counseling session. "She feels so alone and lost when I'm gone. When I talk ... Views: 1214
What limiting beliefs are controlling your life? Do you identify with any of these common false beliefs?
All of us absorbed numerous deep false beliefs as we were growing up, and these beliefs now govern much of what occurs in our work and our relationships. It is sometimes challenging to ... Views: 1056
Is there one thing that is the primary cause of emotional suffering? Yes! Discover the one choice that underlies your emotional suffering.
Is it possible that there is one major cause of emotional pain and suffering?
Yes! The major cause of suffering is UNKINDNESS - to yourself and to ... Views: 1224
Even if you lose weight, do you keep it off? Discover the underlying cause of the cycle of losing and gaining, and what you can do to permanently lose weight.
If you ask almost any overweight person, "Do you really want to lose weight?" the answer is likely, "Yes, I would love to lose ... Views: 869
Discover that stress is NOT being caused primarily by people or situations, but by your own thoughts and actions.
We tend to think of stress as something that occurs because of outside events, such as having financial problems, relationship problems, health problems, or from having too much ... Views: 939
Growing up, many of us didn't feel at all safe in our households. Many of us had parents or other caregivers who were physically, emotionally, and/or sexually abusive or neglectful. We had to find ways to manage this lack of safety, so we learned to numb out, eat or use other substances, be ... Views: 862
Are you lonely? Do you believe you just need to learn to live with this?
Recent research on loneliness indicates that almost half of Americans experience themselves as lonely, and, surprising, more young people are lonely than the elderly. ... Views: 986
Do you make excuses for others’ uncaring and disrespectful behavior toward you to avoid losing them?
I grew up with two parents who constantly lacked caring for my feelings and frequently treated me with deep disrespect. Looking back, I know that neither of them had any idea of how to ... Views: 997
Do you and your partner do chores together? If not, this article might be very helpful to you.
One of the major complaints I hear from my clients who are married is around the issue of chores. I can tell you from my own 30-year marriage that the issue of chores was a big deal in leading to ... Views: 866
Discover what makes you feel worthy and lovable and what false beliefs might be in the way of taking this loving action.
Take a moment to think about this: What do you believe makes you feel worthy and lovable?
Do you believe you are worthy when you receive others’ approval?
Do you ... Views: 957
Projection created a deep sense of confusion and loneliness in my life for many years.
I was raised by parents who consistently projected their disowned wounded aspects on to me, their only child. I was an overly-responsible child, but my mother told me I was irresponsible because she often ... Views: 844
Learn about the feeling of ‘elevation’ and why you might be moved to tears and benevolence by witnessing acts of kindness.
Have you ever been moved to tears by acts of kindness? This happens to me all the time and I’ve often wondered about it.
I recently read an article by Daniel Burke, ... Views: 1352
Following these ‘directions’ from my guidance can bring you much peace, joy and manifestation of your dreams!
One of the things I’ve learned to do is follow the directions my guidance gives to me. This has led me to have an amazing life that I love. But since I know that there is always more ... Views: 924
Do you want to be in a committed relationship, yet end up feeling shut down and trapped instead?
Jackson grew up with a mother who completely emotionally abandoned herself. When she was upset, she would get a long-suffering look on her face, her eyes would fill with tears, and she would ... Views: 878
Do you want to be in a committed relationship, yet end up feeling shut down and trapped instead?
Jackson grew up with a mother who completely emotionally abandoned herself. When she was upset, she would get a long-suffering look on her face, her eyes would fill with tears, and she would ... Views: 840
Deciding that you WANT responsibility for yourself and your feelings is one of the biggest changes you can make in your life.
Miles was stuck. His financial situation was scary and there was constant conflict with his wife and two children. He was in deep despair and he felt angry and very ... Views: 935
Evil has always been with us. It’s important to understand what it is and what each of us can do to counter it.
Evil We are beings of free will, so we get to choose, moment-by-moment, who we want to be. We sometimes choose to put our ego wounded self in charge and act in unloving ways toward ... Views: 993
Do you find yourself procrastinating when you have hard or boring stuff to do? Do you then judge yourself for procrastinating? There is a way out of this!
What do you do when you have stuff to do that is hard for you, or stuff that may be really boring to you - like studying for an exam, ... Views: 882
A few months ago, New Harbinger, a different publisher than the one that published my new book, contacted me to write an Inner Bonding spiritual connection workbook for them. Of course, I was delighted to be doing this and plunged right in to write it during the same time my current book was ... Views: 803
Do you think you should be farther along in your healing than you are? Do you get discouraged when dealing with the same issues over and over? You’re not alone!
"How long will it take me to heal?"
"I've been practicing Inner Bonding for 6 months now and I still get stuck in my wounded ... Views: 948
Think for a moment about the last time you got angry with someone. At that moment, what was most important to you - getting what you wanted or being caring?
Obviously, at the moment that you get really angry at someone, it is more important to you to get what you want than it is to be caring. ... Views: 910
Do you say you want to be healthy but continue to turn to various substance addictions? Do you believe that it’s just a matter of will power?
As we all know, many people in our country are suffering from obesity and major health issues. It’s interesting to explore this in terms of ... Views: 865
I am outraged.
It’s now well known that big pharma pays off doctors regarding the safety of drugs, including opioids, which is causing the high death toll from these drugs.
It’s not as well known that the SSRI antidepressant drugs are also partly responsible for the mass shootings. Every ... Views: 984
In her phone session with me, Katy was completely perplexed about her jealousy.
"As you know, I broke up with my boyfriend, Jared, 6 months ago. By the time I broke up with him, I was really done with the relationship, and I have no desire to be with him. But last week I found out that he has ... Views: 1021
"Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone." - Pablo Picasso
Do you struggle with:
-Being late
-Guilt over not getting things done or not following through with commitments
-Anxiety over things ... Views: 935
The next 'Love Yourself' Course starts February 21, 2018.
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationships.
"I feel like I have ... Views: 994
The next 'Love Yourself' Course starts February 21, 2018.
Are you ready to learn how to love yourself?
Love Yourself: A 30-Day Home-Study Inner Bonding Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul, to self-heal anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, addictions and relationships.
"I feel like I have ... Views: 924
Seema asked me this question during one of my webinars. It’s a question that I‘m often asked.
“I seem to attract men who are often narcissistic, selfish, cheating and abusive. As much as I try to not repeat this pattern and learn my lessons and grow, I still find myself with this type of ... Views: 1136
Alexia asked:
“My mother and my grandmother and most of the people I learned life from, never loved themselves. I know I don't want to be like them but the reality is I am! I have changed but not as much as I want. Can you please teach me how to fix this suffering from my wounded self?”
I ... Views: 1277
Robyn and Dennis, together for three years but not married, consulted with me because they couldn’t seem to connect with each other. They loved each other but Dennis felt that Robyn had a wall up that stopped them from getting close.
When Dennis stated that he experienced Robyn having a wall ... Views: 1024
In our stressful society, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It’s easy to feel inundated with all we need to do, and besieged when too much is coming at us at once.
It’s my experience that overwhelm comes from two different places:
-If you are a highly sensitive person – which means that your ... Views: 1095
Marina asked:
“I often go out of my way and do different things for my fiancé. For example if he wants me to stay and do something with him, I cancel what I have to do and stay with him. But he never does the same. He takes care of whatever he feels he needs to. Then I’m filled with ... Views: 1143
A major aspect of loving yourself is taking the loving action suggested by your spiritual guidance. I cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has changed since I’ve been following the advice of my guidance rather than my ego wounded self. Here are just a few of the changes that have ... Views: 1403
All of us have 'triggers' that set off our fear or anxiety and may lead to our reactivity - anger, defensiveness, withdrawal, compliance or resistance. We are especially triggered in our important relationships.
Take a moment right now to think about what, in your relationships, triggers you ... Views: 1188
"I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
I know from my own experiences that what Eleanor Roosevelt said in the above quote is very true.
- I ... Views: 1095
What do you do when your partner shuts you out?
Do you know that being shut out and stonewalled is even more hurtful than being yelled at? Children would rather get yelled at or even hit than ignored. This is why the worst punishment for prisoners is solitary confinement.
Yet, along with ... Views: 1335
When I was four years old, I had one of those snapshot moments that is clearly embedded into my brain. I was outside by our duplex – at that time kids were safe outside alone - and there were three boys poking a snail with a stick so they could watch it writhe. I was stunned that they could do ... Views: 1186
Are you an empathic person who feels others' pain and then takes responsibility for their feelings in an effort to alleviate their pain? Is it hard for you to feel others' pain without trying to fix them?
Often, empathic people become caretakers to try to alleviate others' pain so they don't ... Views: 1155
By Margaret Paul, PhD
February 20, 2017
Discover how loving it is to yourself to understand the amazing difference between blame and responsibility.
Growing up, most of us had numerous experiences of being blamed. I was frequently blamed for things that I was too young to understand, ... Views: 1312