Hello, this question is regarding your book the love poems of Rumi. I cannot express how important this question is to me. The most important thing in the world to me is finding my twin is why I breathe, it is what I painfully long for. When I used to read Rumi's ... Views: 3510
Millions of people have lost their jobs in this economy so let's talk about managing the stress of a job search. Anyone who is in this situation, or loves someone who is, might consider these six suggestions….
Step One - Do not internalize a job loss or job search into your personal ... Views: 1512
Standing at a kids birthday party one saturday, I overheard a mother use the words before kids . . . to start a sentence. "Before kids," she went on to say, "it seemed like we had a lot of money!" The other parents chimed in, nodding their heads. "Before kids" . . . another mother said, "I used ... Views: 1542
Decide right now that you're going to be successful, and decide right now that you're going to be able to handle that success when the time comes. "Ha!" you might say -- "I should be so lucky! I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." If you want to design your own luck and put yourself on the ... Views: 1661
Do not judge each day by what you harvest, but instead by the seeds you plant. Today’s harvest is not important, because it is the product of what you planted yesterday; what is important is that all your new seeds are well planted in fertile soil, not too close to any large bush whose roots ... Views: 1344
So here you are, fresh out of school in the worst economy in decades, thinking you'll be lucky to land a job manning the grease vat at the local burger joint. Don't set your sights so low, says Robin Fisher Roffer, author of The Fearless Fish Out of Water. Be true to yourself and you can find ... Views: 1364
People who are already battling the bulge seem to really pack on the pounds when they experience stress. Jason Block, MD, whose Harvard research appears in The American Journal of Epidemiology, implicates stress as a trigger for weight gain. Apparently stress is gender specific. Men get ... Views: 1371
It's always nice to hear that something simple can be used to defend against a very complicated disease process. That being the case, here's some nice news: Researchers in Japan have found that plain vinegar can help in the breakdown of fat deposits.
Vinegar is a mild solution of acetic ... Views: 1325
The fruit of the Amla tree, called Indian Gooseberry or Amalaki, along with the Pomegranate fruit, have a long history as potent Ayurvedic medicines that have recently become the focus of many scientific studies. Both are potent antioxidants for the cardio-vascular system that seem to stand ... Views: 1776
by julespieri at Daily Grommet
Last summer, I bought two Adirondack chairs. My husband had been talking about wanting this kind of chair for at least ten years.
He’d routinely stop the car to test out Adirondack chairs we saw displayed in front of garden centers and furniture stores. ... Views: 1239
(continued... "Why a Pine Tree is a Perfect Metaphor for Life")
2. This pine tree is not trying to be anything other than what it is.
How many times have you wanted to be different from how you are? Maybe it is physical: do you want to be taller, thinner, younger, stronger? Maybe it is ... Views: 1275
We can relate to our planet Earth in two ways: either we can act as tourists and look at the Earth as a resource of goods and services for our use, pleasure and enjoyment, or we can act as Earth Pilgrims and treat the planet with reverence and gratitude. Tourists value the Earth and all her ... Views: 1236
In the last 114 days, my little daughter graduated from pre-school. My elder daughter completed 1st grade. My little nephew began to speak in full sentences. My husband and I have fought and made up several times. I have traveled to NY, Colorado, SF, Paris and London. We have had several ... Views: 1259
"Part of me wants to go back in time...creating a golden world of fresh food, gorgeous ingredients, wholesome food with flavor. Where people laugh and are really happy as they eat." --Restaurant critic Patricia Wells
In Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra writes, “The most significant ... Views: 1165
Confused about what “good nutrition” is? You shouldn’t be – we now know what works and what doesn’t. In a moment, I will share 5 simple tips to help you optimize your nutrition and achieve vibrant health, but first let me clear up a few misconceptions.
Despite the “conflicting” scientific ... Views: 1352
I spent last week with my family in New Orleans where people still feel the wake of Hurricane Katrina. That was five years ago but there are areas where the city looks like some kind of Potter-esque villain pointed a wand and waved a swath of nothingness across a neighborhood. No cars. No trees. ... Views: 1525
Weight gain on the job is so prevalent now, that some nutritionists have coined the term "the office 15" to describe the average of 15 pounds that about 45 percent of women gain just in the first three months of starting a desk job. And there are millions of American women who gain even more ... Views: 8557
Two studies in the July 2009 issue of Journal of Alzheimer's Disease show that five cups of coffee a day reverse memory loss in mice with Alzheimer's disease. The coffee also reduced blood and brain levels of beta-amyloid,the abnormal protein that may cause Alzheimer's disease in mice and ... Views: 1723
The Intent community is extremely important to us because you all are what keeps the website going. One of our goals is to be able to visibly identify our community members and acknowledge what you contribute to the site.
Thus, to further fuel our revamped YouTube channel, we want to ... Views: 1601
As each day brings more and more bad news about the state of the world, you could use an antidote to today’s doom and gloom to rejuvenate yourself.
What? Try applying the principles of happiness to whatever is happening in your life today, so you can enjoy whatever you are doing and get rid ... Views: 3941
Since my very recent "healthy eating awakening", I have chosen to buy local fruits and vegetables instead of paying more money for the organic label at the store. Why? Well, I'm obviously cynical and don't quite trust the government to construct a system that actually protects what I eat. So ... Views: 1201
There's an aura of anticipation in the air. Can you feel it? Something exciting is about to happen, but you're not quite sure what it is. Even if you can't see this energy shift, chances are that it is still happening! Enjoy the electricity today, and use it to your benefit. Come up with some ... Views: 1205
We get a bit over excited sometimes educating people about protein. It is not just because we have our own protein product either. There are so many implications to not having enough protein in our diet, particularly as we age, that people need to prepare now or pay the price later.
As the ... Views: 2766
Recent research has supported the benefits of forgiveness, especially its health benefits through the reduction of stress and negative emotion. So why do we often hesitate to forgive? Often our resistance to forgiveness is based on fear.
What do we fear about forgiveness? Some of my students ... Views: 1658
Hey we all spend enough time prattling on about action sequence yoga practice: breathing, extending, sweating, chaturanga-ing. In the sweeping flow of all the power vinyasa-ing, restorative yoga kinda gets tucked under the blankets. But even without bolster and blocks we bet a good lot of you ... Views: 1334
How much of our life is really in our control? Are not the events in our life (and maybe also how we react to them) influenced and driven by a higher consciousness, which we are not aware of? Say, for example Arjuna's life.. Isn't his succumbing to despair in the battlefield of ... Views: 1266
A former NFL football star known for giving back to the community is happily married with four children. He is found dead in his condominium with a 20-year-old Dave & Busters waitress he had been secretly seeing for the last six months, who was also found dead next to him. The man died of ... Views: 2777
The year before I turned 50, AARP began its membership campaign on me. Invitations. Information. Enticements. Good deals. An automatic community. One of the fall-outs of membership is their wonderful magazine, AARP. The July & August 2009 issue featured a story called “The Flower of Positive ... Views: 1881
How are you treating the temple that your spirit lives within? Each one of us living on earth is a spirit living within a material/physical body. The body is the temple within which the spirit lives during a life on earth. Some of us treat our bodies well while others do not. Food is the ... Views: 1297
I often like browsing through my pictures library and looking at snapshots again. They each tell a story that one somehow misses when one first glances at a new download. This picture was taken who days back, when our fantastic five where dropped back to boarding school for a brand new term. To ... Views: 1235
When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path to summer. — A Course in Miracles
I want to share a technique with you that I’ve been using ... Views: 1709
Yesterday was a day I will probably remember for the rest of my life. I had the very special privilege of attending the beloved King of Pop, Michael Jackson's memorial service. Approximately 1 billion people all over the world watched as we bid farewell to the greatest entertainer the world has ... Views: 5851
One of the things I do when I work with groups is I ask people to try out a few writing exercises, just to see where they may take them. Here’s one that may prove interesting.
Take a moment and recall all the times you caused your parents trouble. There must have been a few. Whether it was ... Views: 1339
Can a healthy serving of humility free us from ourselves?
After a decade of working in human rights and traveling the world, one thing that always strikes me upon re-entry to the United States is just how solidified our identities are.
Our role in society, who we hang out with, how we ... Views: 1333
Once I got an email from a woman who had just read my book on patience. She had just had a miscarriage and had discovered she had to wait for a few months before trying again. At first she was distraught and impatient. But she came to trust her body’s timing. She wrote, “Now I feel incredibly ... Views: 1405
Give thanks for summer – a time of healthy eating! There are fresh veggies in the garden, farmer’s markets are open on the weekend and there is no excuse to increase your fresh fruit and vegetable consumption.
Try this summer coleslaw recipe – a departure from the usual.
Strawberry ... Views: 1157
Americans now spend half of their adult lives outside of marriage, and fewer than half of all households consist of married couples. These are major shifts that have been brewing for decades, yet people’s attitudes about being alone have changed remarkably little during those years.
Aloneness ... Views: 1712
A new study by Shalamar Sibley MD and colleagues from the University of Minnesota is linking an increased intake of vitamin D with the possibility of improving weight loss.
This new research was just announced at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society. In this study, the researchers ... Views: 1834
Cooking for one and dining out solo are a lot like cilantro. You either love it or hate it. At Single Edition, we enjoyed the collection of essays in "Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant: Confessions of Cooking for One and Dining Alone," which captured both the liberating and delectable ... Views: 1355
Summer is finally here – and so is the weight you packed on while hiding away from the winter’s cold and spring’s showers. More than half of the U.S. population is facing this problem where they have gained extra, unwanted weight during the off-season (kind of good news for me since I can help ... Views: 1407
Consider these summer standouts for your holiday bbq!
Hydration cocktails – a great way to balance the effects of alcohol and sodium
Coconut Bliss Ice Cream: a sure crowd pleaser! No one will notice they aren’t having dairy or refined sugar!
Organic Berries: Organic matters – try frozen ... Views: 1179
“I promise to love, honor and cherish you…,” the proverbial vows we’ve all witnessed at one wedding ceremony or another, each person taking a vow to be with the other forever, a serious and deep commitment for sure. Yet today’s divorce rate still hovers around 50%.
Why? Are we just a society ... Views: 7788
I have a very flirtatious relationship with my boss and cannot stop fantasizing about him. I know that pursuing any sort of relationship is career suicide, but please tell me how I can stop turning red in the face every time I am in a meeting with him?'s Sex & Intimacy ... Views: 1953
Once individuals become parents, they are parents forevermore. Their identities change perceptively the moment Mother Nature inaugurates them mom or dad. Yet the role they undertake when they welcome children into their lives is not a fixed one. As children move from one phase of their lives to ... Views: 1172
If you want to manage your stress and generate happy feelings, you cannot give away your power to professionals. Educators, doctors and therapists can reign in your spirit and inhibit your natural ability to come up with creative solutions. For example, the Journal of the American Medical ... Views: 2360
Because so much time is spent in bed, special consideration should be given to this piece of furniture and this is the place to splurge on the best quality, organic products that you can afford.
· Choose a good solid wood or bamboo frame that has been assembled with non-toxic glue and ... Views: 1313
Many people seeking help for mental health issues look first to chemical intervention in the form of a medication. There is another chemical intervention which you can utilize yourself - your diet. Having a healthy diet is crucial when trying to fight for your mental health, especially where ... Views: 1522
So on my family's property there is this pine tree. It is called a Puzzle-bark Pine, although I don't think that is the official scientific name. The name derives from the way the bark forms on the trunk of the tree. Over time, as the pine tree grows, the bark begins to look like a puzzle. ... Views: 5928
Even though many sweets, whether made from honey or molasses, fructose, sucrose, agave, cane sugar, beet sugar or high fructose corn syrup, may have the same number of calories per teaspoon, they do have differing properties.
Sweet in and of itself is not such a bad thing. We’re even ... Views: 1198
It must come as no surprise that there is a shift going on where, through a combination of approaches, some spiritual and some scientific, our understanding of ourselves as human beings and, more specifically, as humans in dynamic relationship with the rest of the beings on the planet is ... Views: 1169