You have that feeling again. You're bored, and irritated all of the time.
You are yelling constantly at the kids, and sniping at your husband. You are stressed, and behind on a deadline at work. Oh, and you just remembered that you have to bake 3 dozen cupcakes for the school bake sale on ... Views: 1342
I am a fan of happiness. I like to read about it, write about it, teach it and live it! Happiness comes easily to me but I understand that that isn't the case for everyone. I've come up with what I think is the exact formula needed.
Excitement + Freedom + Joy + Inspiration + Love = ... Views: 2846
So many people think that they have priorities. They know that their jobs and families are priorities. They know that eating well and exercising are priorities. So why are so many people over weight, stressed out, out of shape and divorced?
There is a difference between knowing what should be ... Views: 2649
A limiting belief is something that you falsely believe to be true about yourself and it prevents you from moving forward. A lot of the time you don't even realize that you are operating under false, limiting beliefs since they just seem natural. Many times you would make a decision because it ... Views: 1291
How we think about life determines how we feel about life. If you want to spend more time happy, peaceful, and content and less time angry, resentful, and stressed-out you have learn to be aware of your thoughts and deal with the negative ones when they creep into life. Negative thoughts ... Views: 5649
Inner wisdom, truth, authentic self, intuition, life joy…all of these refer to the same thing: the voice inside your heart, mind and “gut” that guides you quietly, clearly and truly. Your authentic self is completely supportive of you, but you will surely notice when you’re not listening to ... Views: 1204
This is a brand new way to look at weight loss! Until you are willing to take complete responsibility for yourself and your results in life you are going to keep sabotaging yourself and your results. You will continue on the yo-yo weight loss path and eventually give up for good.
You deserve ... Views: 1052
There are key differences between those who are happy in life, and those who are not. Here are seven actions that you can take to create a content and happy life for yourself.
1. Love and Accept themselves.
Happy people are comfortable with who they are. They understand they are not perfect. ... Views: 1017