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You don't have to be a professional sportsperson or the CEO of a company to set personal goals. Instead, what you do have to be is an individual who wishes success in your career, within your family, or perhaps with your personal finances.
Personal goal setting is just a structured personal ... Views: 660
All people have goals they need to achieve in either their career or their personal life. A quality found in any productive or successful person is setting personal goals, as well as having a plan to follow in order to achieve them. One of the most powerful success secrets is the ability to set ... Views: 735
Success is a "Premeditated Act". It begins by setting goals. That explains why goal setting is an essential and important step which many of the success and prosperity coaches encourage when mentoring a student or giving advice to clients.
What is a goal anyway ? What is effective goal setting ... Views: 694
The SMART in smart goals is an acrostic to help people remember the important points that make personal goal setting effective. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
These are all critical components of goal setting that will motivate you to achieve the ... Views: 4454
Did you make New Year’s resolutions this year? How are they coming along? If you’re like most people, you may not have implemented all the essential components to ensure your success. Smart goal setting is possible if you put into practice these five necessary steps.
1. You’ve got to ... Views: 1425
Most people in the world have a lot to get done. There are some projects that are so to overwhelming to us that we procrastinate doing them for as long as possible. Then we get more projects and it starts to pile up on us until we don't even know where to start.
But then there's that person we ... Views: 645
First and foremost, do you have goals? And second of all, do you have those essential reasons behind your goals that make you more driven and say to yourself that you do the very things that inch you toward them? In short, do you have reasons to be serious enough in aspiring and ultimately, ... Views: 602
We are well into this “new” year and perhaps it is time to review where you are in terms of your intentions and goals for the year. By this time many of you may have drifted off course, if even slightly or even worse may have totally lost track of your true direction. So the question becomes how ... Views: 1134
Cigarette smoking has an odd mind around it in society that I would like to address. If we look at why people are trying to quit then we understand that there is an addiction associated with the activity. It is not necessary for anyone to consume cigarettes in any larger quantities than coffee, ... Views: 2133
Most of us have limiting beliefs that are sabotaging us from being empowered or ever achieving our goals. I want to teach you how and why these unnatural, restrictive beliefs are created.
The recipe is a result of three functions of the brain, each of which is positive by itself. But when you ... Views: 1798
If you are going to set out to accomplish something with an end result in mind, you need a plan and you need to set goals. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!
If you want to make a certain dish, you follow a recipe. If you are going to construct a building, you follow a blueprint. A plan ... Views: 841
One should have an excuse-ectemy and remove them all from life!
—Kevin Lankford
Dare mighty things!
—Teddy Roosevelt
This chapter is one I find to be quite a challenge because the only architect of destiny there can be for you is you! So in this chapter you will be required to write your own ... Views: 2320
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
In today’s society of successful people, there is a lot of talk about goals and the importance of goal setting. Yet for many, there is no real understanding of the most important ... Views: 1050
This month we'll delve deeper into the goal-setting process by working on specific exercises to help you structure your goal, along with a goal chart that will help you track your progress. In general terms, short-term goals are goals you can reach in one year or less. Long-term goals are ones ... Views: 5594
What is the difference between having a dream and having a goal? A dream is a goal without legs. It is a wonderful thing to have and can be the guiding passion of your life, but unless you give it the legs to move, getting there is going to be very much a matter of luck.
To transform a dream ... Views: 634
The ability to set and reach our goals and to inspire others is not an elusive one. You have within you everything you need to realize your goals, while at the same time inspiring others to follow your example. Even if you do not intentionally set out to inspire someone else, it happens ... Views: 2784
Success and happiness are unarguably our Holy Grails, but the standards taught to find them are all wrong. We have been brainwashed into believing that the only way to achieve this elusive combination of success and happiness is through setting goals. This is simply not true. In fact, ... Views: 722
In school we learn a variety of math formulas. We learn how to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, we learn how to calculate the area of a triangle, and many more. The beauty of these formulas is the certainty that they provide. We know that if we know the formula and have the ... Views: 807
As 2008 draws to a close, some of you are already looking ahead to what you want to do in 2009. It’s the time of year we begin to self-reflect and adjust our course for the upcoming year.
In my work coaching people, I find it interesting that many of my clients set very clear intentions for ... Views: 825
Excuse me Sir,” Alice asks. “Could you tell me which road to take?”
Wisely, the caterpillar asks, :Where are you going?”
Somewhat troubled, Alice replies, “Oh, I don’t know where I am going, Sir.”
“Well”, replied the caterpillar, “If you don’t know where you are going, it really doesn’t matter ... Views: 1218
Have you ever had the experience of making promises to yourself that you just didn’t keep? Most folks have, and most of us recognize the heaviness, the leaden quality, of the things we say we will do but don’t.
Some commitments feel like lead. Something in us simply doesn’t believe we can (or ... Views: 1743
What are you focused on? What are you changing? Have you defined it yet, or are you in the wandering phase? You know the one we’re talking about. You wander around saying, “I’m just not happy.” “I don’t like the way this is going.” “If only it were better.” “If I didn’t have to work for ... Views: 1386
Goal setting skills are put into action by a great majority of productive, highly successful people. Yet many that would greatly benefit from goal setting practices, particularly in today’s challenged economy, seem to have a hard time implementing a goal setting practice. In this article I will ... Views: 1852
The first step to be taken in order to start the Plus Factor operating is to learn to be a creative dreamer. In some uncanny way that no one fully understands, they seem to contain the seeds of their own fulfillment. If you dream something long enough and hard enough, a door seems to open and ... Views: 1064
I have been playing with a concept for a while, and that is: What are the 100 things I would like to do, have, be, or experience before leaving this beautiful planet?
I began this exploration myself after noticing that many of the clients I had worked with did not have clear and defined ideas ... Views: 695
Manifest your desire and reach your goals with your mind using self hypnosis.
Lets begin by taking a moment to bring something into your mind that you may be thinking you would like to change, but really aren't sure you're really motivated or have the energy to make the changes. Pick something ... Views: 1805
What is Goal Setting? Do you find that your goal setting is not working? Do you want to achieve your goals?
In my travels I ran across a corporate trainer that had taught over 10,000 people traditional “Goal Setting”. He had become thoroughly disenchanted with Goal Setting! Amazing to me, he ... Views: 1336
Adventures come to all.
That being the case, you can rightfully determine to steel yourself to it, and endure the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”!
It’s the way the triumphant pass.
The science of NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, has given us the concept of ... Views: 691
New Years is the time we clearly demonstrate just how undedicated and aimless we really are!
Ask anybody on January 2nd 2009 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you ... Views: 996
Most New Year’s resolutions fail within the first few weeks. How are you doing? Or do you skip making resolutions altogether, because you're afraid of failure?
Real, sustained change can be a challenge. Many of us start with a vision that ignites us. That momentum carries us for a little ... Views: 1066
Have you wanted to get things done but didn’t feel empowered enough to follow through on your goals because you lacked self-command? Understanding self-command and how it empowers you as a person and how it will help you not only achieve goals but help you always get the things you want to do in ... Views: 1019
One of my favorite topics to speak on is goal setting; specifically, the importance of writing down your goals. On a small sheet of paper, I’ve written down my aspirations on one side and my affirmations on the other. I copied and laminated this sheet of paper, keeping one in my wallet, ... Views: 2254
The concept of a vision board has been around for years but many more people became familiar with it through the movie The Secret. I have a vision board right next to my desk - it's a cork board that hangs on the wall and it's got a whole bunch of pictures on it which represent my goals. The ... Views: 2925
Achieving your short and long term goals needn't be difficult if you know and avoid the real reasons why most people fail.
If you've ever wondered why there's a minority of people who seem confident in setting and achieving goals while others seem to struggle for the basics in life, then read ... Views: 607
Emma James, NLP Trainer and NLP Sport Trainer discusses our perception of reality and memories and if any of our memories and reality is in fact real.
So, what is out reality? What in fact are our memories?
Our reality is completely based on our experience, our events through our life, the ... Views: 2528
Let me start by sharing what I believe to be our primary task in life. It is simply:
Everybody that I speak to wants to improve their life, but many of them are faced with the same question:
** WHAT is the BEST WAY TO START IMPROVING MY ... Views: 2747
I have been driving a car that is clearly on borrowed time. There’s sand in the trunk. It’s not in a sand bag, providing weight for winter traction. It’s loose sand that came in through the rust holes in the fender. It’s amazing what you can get used to.
Once I made the decision to replace my ... Views: 1088
Everyone talks about the importance of setting goals, but how many people really understand the process of effective goal setting? Goal setting is the foundation for both personal and professional growth and should rank high on your priority list.
There are many areas in which to set goals: ... Views: 1248
Have you ever been on a roller coaster at six flags, Disney Land, or some other amusement park? Do you remember the feeling you get as the coaster is rising to the top of the first summit? Do you remember the feeling that you get when you experience that weightlessness right before you drop to ... Views: 1718
Have you ever set a Goal and in the following days, weeks, months or even years, took little or no action towards it's achievement?
If so, you're not alone.
The world moves so fast these days. Not to sound like an old timer, but back in my day... we didn't have cell phones, computers, PDA's, ... Views: 1753
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau
Dreams are wonderful! They are castles in the air. They are whatever you want them to be. You can add, subtract, or rearrange ideas to your ... Views: 1255
I woke up on January 1st, 2009 at 7:15AM. The alarm clock went off and I thought about hitting the snooze. A voice deep within roared with a boom and said, "What are you committed to?"
I had made a choice to start the new year not with a party, but a good nights sleep. I choose to wake ... Views: 886
With the new year now three weeks old, how many of us experienced an all too brief period of time at the turn of the year where we felt optimistic about the year ahead, set ourselves new goals and challenges, and told ourselves that this time next year we’d be millionaires? I’m sure ... Views: 908
1/96th of a day...what does that mean?
It means that over a 24-hour period, there are ninety six 15-minute increments. Take one hour and break it down into four 15-minute increments; 4 x 24 = 96. 1/96th of a day (15 minutes), such a small fraction of time, could change your life. What goes ... Views: 1211
Are you among those who are Henny Pennying? Remember? Henny Penny, the ditsychicken who ran around the farmyard hollering, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!” in the story we heard as little kids.
To many of you, especially during the last few weeks of record setting market trends, ... Views: 965
Take a close look at that coin or paper bill in your hand. What do you see? Paper and metal?
What if you found yourself deep in the jungles of the Amazon, amid the population of a village that might still be in the Dark Ages, and you handed that coin or paper bill to the village ‘king’ as a ... Views: 831
What makes you happiest, giving a gift that is received with excitement and real emotion or receiving a gift with excitement and real emotion?
I find that a tough question because both make me happy.
During this season, the most popular gift giving and receiving time of the year, I must say ... Views: 909
“A window of opportunity won't open itself.” - Dave Weinbaum
AMEN Dave! You do have to be conscious enough to open the window of opportunity when it shows up. How else are you going to get where you want to go this year? It would be a shame to be at the airport when you ship comes in. But ... Views: 713
Life is a precious gift that is filled with plenty of opportunity. The way your life turns out mainly depends on you. It is your responsibility to have goals and motivate yourself to accomplish them. You will learn how to set goals and succeed at following through to achieve them.
Life goals ... Views: 1216
There's nothing hidden about the art of creating, setting and achieving, goals. It's all out there, just like an open book. Yet, we still think that there's some magic formula and that if we could only GET OUR HANDS on that manuscript, or code or blueprint... then we'd be golden. Not true... any ... Views: 1189