How do you know when a prospect or client is going to waste your time or go the distance? That is something new Agents and some experienced Agents struggle with regularly.
Having a step-by-step pre-qualifying process helps dramatically. It will help you evaluate each person the same. When ... Views: 1746
A Champion Agent can convey the six key rules that equate to professional value to any prospect or client. They are able to drive home the key points to raise their value to the prospect.
1. We don’t sell properties
We are salespeople, but we are really selling something other than a ... Views: 2139
Based on your qualifying efforts, determine the likelihood that your prospect will convert into a good client for your business by conducting a DNA analysis. This involves measuring the prospect’s level of desire, need to take action, and ability and authority to make a purchase or selling ... Views: 1646
Before you start to counsel owners about home improvements, remember these two rules:
* First and foremost, never counsel before you are hired. Counseling happens after a client-relationship is established. Attorneys don’t offer legal advice before their services have been officially ... Views: 1148
All agents are at different stages of their career and different levels of production. Each has their own philosophy for running their business and different levels of staffing for accomplishing it. I get asked constantly, “How do I compete with agents that have more listings, staff and ... Views: 1279
I was recently reflecting on the question, “What is the one characteristic that makes someone successful.” It was in one of those moments that you struggle to boil all of your knowledge down into one distilled thought. To remove all the dross of your thoughts to one true nugget of incredible ... Views: 1147
We all want an office in which the phone rings continually with offers of referral business. Does having this type of office sound like a dream? It doesn’t need to be such a far-fetched reality, though it requires diligent work with clients. There are a few key steps to creating a great ... Views: 1093
The creation, control, and conversion of leads determines the revenue and success of your business. Most Speakers, Trainers, Coaches, and Authors focus a lot of their time on the creation of leads. They try to sell you their “lead generation system” – the system that creates thousands of leads ... Views: 1148
Most Agents know deep down inside that they need to do a better job of prospecting in order to increase business. They know that true long-term sales success is built through the work of looking for new business, but they do not do the work. Unlike those Agents, if you want to succeed, you ... Views: 1231
If you are looking to regain some free time with your family and increase your business, you need to get quality help. Cultivating a quality assistant or team of assistants is crucial to long-term balance and growth in real estate. There will always be a limit to the amount of business you can ... Views: 1671
Featuring a high-appeal home
Here’s a hard truth to swallow: No one comes to an open house to meet the agent. They come to see an appealing home, and your role as the hosting agent is to make that house shine. Your reward is the list of prospects you amass, and, one out of 20 times, a home ... Views: 887
We are embarking on a new year. The slate is clean for the first time in over a year. What a great opportunity lies before us right now.
My question for you is: what are you aiming for? All great performers in life have a specific aim or objective. The archer is shooting for the bull’s ... Views: 872
Let’s start with the bottom line first: The whole purpose of a prospect presentation is to establish your competitive advantage. In the least time possible you want to communicate what makes you different from the more than 1.2 million other licensed Realtors in the United States. You want your ... Views: 1242
Selling and sales techniques go through evolution and sometimes revolution. Evolution is when we evolve and change slowly over an extended period of time. We experience revolution when our customers demand a change in approach quickly to be better served.
Whether building trust is a new key ... Views: 1831
One of the major challenges facing a real estate salesperson is managing leads. Selecting the right lead becomes critical to your success.
The first key step is defining what a lead is to you. I have found from coaching and training real estate agents worldwide that, for even the best of ... Views: 904
The most significant challenge for sales professionals is their time control. How a sales professional uses their time determines income. The sales professionals in the top 10% of their industry control, use, and invest their time more wisely and effectively than the lower performing sales ... Views: 1202
Most Agents begin their real estate career with the hope of gaining financial independence. They are attracted by the possibility of earning large sums of money. Even when Agents make more than a six-figure income, the vast majority have not dramatically improved their financial balance sheet. ... Views: 865
Evaluating your performance against the statistics of other agents or companies in your market segment is a great starting point, but it is rarely enough to uncover your unique edge or point of difference.
When you compare your numbers to MLS stats for the number of units sold, number of ... Views: 1364
The business plan is a foreign tool to most REALTORS®. After studying, observing, interviewing, and coaching hundreds of Agents, I have concluded that very few have taken the time to create a quality business plan. Fewer still review their business plan on a regular basis. The few who have ... Views: 948
The path to failure is trying to please everyone you come into contact with. I believe that I was not put on this earth to help everyone buy and sell. I can’t help everyone, and I don’t want to. Too many Agents believe that they are forced to work with anyone who shows up. By excluding ... Views: 775
Once you’ve received a referral, gathered information, and ranked the lead, it’s time to pick up the phone. The following advice and scripts will help you at each step of the lead-conversion process.
Making first-time contact
The first call is the hardest one. Until you make first contact ... Views: 1270
A Champion accepts nothing less than excellence. When you look at successful individuals and successful companies, good is not good enough. They are clearly striving for excellence. In Jim Collins’ best selling book, Good to Great, one of his premises is that good is really the enemy of ... Views: 3231
Most Agent presentations put sellers to sleep, mainly because most presentations lack interest, usefulness, and structure.
To increase the interest in your presentation, follow this advice:
• Share market knowledge. Become a student of the local marketplace and share meaningful ... Views: 1034
The hiring of Buyer’s Agents has perplexed Lead Agents for years. I will admit that much of what I write about this subject comes from many mistakes in personally hiring and firing Buyer’s Agents. Some of the principles, skills, techniques, and evaluations have come from the frustration of the ... Views: 2990
The hiring of Buyer’s Agents has perplexed Lead Agents for years. I will admit that much of what I write about this subject comes from many mistakes in personally hiring and firing Buyer’s Agents. Some of the principles, skills, techniques, and evaluations have come from the frustration of the ... Views: 2990
The ability to focus is crucial to achieving success in any endeavor we try. Why do some Agents work 70 hours per week while others can work 40 hours and get the same results? From personal experience, I know I would not have been able to work a four-day workweek without intense focus. How ... Views: 1232
For many salespeople, prospecting is the most difficult activity they do. They dread the thought of picking up the phone to make a living. Long-term success in sales is built through solid prospecting. In order to be successful and profitable, sales people need to apply these seven secrets of ... Views: 2604
The journey to a successful life should be enjoyed. True success comes from accomplishing the daily activities that will lead you to your ultimate goals in life. Failing or neglecting to accomplish the daily disciplines will lead you down the path of lost opportunities and lost income.
If ... Views: 1109
Many people in real estate sales think being called a salesperson is like being called an axe murderer. Being a salesperson is an honorable profession. It is a highly skilled and professional vocation. A professional salesperson is a critical cog in any company’s success. Just ask IBM a few ... Views: 1146
For 30 years we have been taught, as REALTORS® we must be there for our clients. I hear it all the time from Agents across North America; “I want to be there for my clients.” What does ‘be there’ mean? Does ‘be there’ mean we are available 24 hours, 7 days a week for our clients? Does it ... Views: 1306
Sales objections are part of selling. For most people in sales, they present an immovable object in the road to your success. Real estate Agents often freeze when presented with a sales objection. They don’t know what to do or say in the face of this perceived danger.
Let me share with you ... Views: 1531
Are you burning bright or heading for burnout? Many people are heading fast toward burnout or just recovering from burnout. Burnout is a real happening for many REALTORS®. Daily we get calls from Agents who are struggling with this dilemma. Burnout occurs when reality and our expectations ... Views: 1073
One of the most difficult tasks in life is defining your purpose. The pay off of clarity of purpose is enormous. In working with some of the top Agents across North America, I have found that clarity is a big concern. There is a direct correlation between clarity of purpose and success. The ... Views: 1006
There is an old adage that we make three listing appointments for every one we actually go on. We make a presentation on the way to the appointment as we run through it in our car. We make the actual presentation live – in front of the seller. And we usually make the final one on the way home ... Views: 1359
I have shared with you my long version of what a Champion Team is. The truth is it matters very little what my definition is. The true question is what is your definition of a Champion Team? To be successful in life, we all have to affix the target. In order to hit our objectives, goals, and ... Views: 1340
Salespeople love referrals. They’re the sincerest form of compliment and a remarkably cost-effective route to new business.
The idea of attracting referrals is so popular that sales trainers who bill themselves as referral gurus make fortunes promoting magical systems that supposedly deliver ... Views: 1588
The business environment is getting more competitive every day. New companies and new concepts are being born daily. There is always someone trying to do it better and cheaper than what has been done previously.
There is more competition in today’s global economy than every before. Do you ... Views: 1128
Coaching for peak performers has been around for years. The most successful athletes, for many decades, have been coached to win the big event. Tiger Woods would not be the golfer he is today without his golf coaches. Michael Jordan, John Elway, and Michael Johnson have all had coaches. ... Views: 929
Most Agents hold top-producing Agents in the highest regard. A top-producing Agent is given a status that is almost God-like. Since I was put on a pedestal for many years during my sales career, let me give you an undeniable truth. Each and every one of us has a top-producing Agent inside of ... Views: 920
Do you have the skills that will make you massively successful? Are you making the most of them? The people who are compensated the best in life are highly skilled and highly specialized. They perform few functions, but the ones they do are performed exceedingly well, and they are paid ... Views: 865
Do you have the desire to receive recognition from your peers; to be recognized as one of the top Agents in the country? If you do, you need to start by taking dead aim daily. It is the disciplines we do each day that mean the difference between being on top or being part of the crowd. ... Views: 1009
To be an effective salesperson, you have to understand people. You have to understand that people buy and sell for a set of reasons. They also make decisions on whom they do that with based on their reasons, not ours. Being able to read people and ask the right questions is essential to ... Views: 1524
Selling in the new millennium has moved away from transactional based selling to relational based, or values based, selling. For many years, real estate Agents could focus on “doing the deal” – get the consumers into the home and the loan, and move on. Consumers are looking for more than the ... Views: 963
Agents make three major mistakes in the CMA preparation process: They work to establish a high sales price, they include too many comparable homes in their comparison, and they overemphasize the price per square foot. Here’s how to avoid the traps:
• Overpricing. If you approach a CMA with ... Views: 1395
Like a train, a transaction can get derailed at any point on the track. A closing can be hit by a clouded title, a home not appraising for value, a rapid change in interest rates, an undisclosed credit or income issue, or one of countless other unanticipated issues.
Choke points cause delays ... Views: 1067
There are two key words that lead to success in life. These words control the successful outcome of your business, marriage, and many other areas of life. Although you may have incredible talent and skill in life, you will fail if you do not master these two words – and vice versa. Even if ... Views: 1429
Marketing for referrals with mailers, calendars, recipe cards, and other outreach and appreciation efforts is nowhere near as effective as prospecting for referrals by making personal calls and requests.
The hard truth is that most consumers stand a far better chance of finding a poor agent ... Views: 983
What if you could predict, in advance, how a person would react to certain job performance tasks? What would the value of that knowledge be worth to you as a Lead Agent? What if you could predict how they will deal with challenges, make connections with others, deal with change, and respond to ... Views: 1176
In the late 1800s, an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto observed that, in Italy, a small group of people held nearly all the power, influence, and money, which they used to create a significant advantage over the rest of the population. He theorized that, in most countries, about 80% of ... Views: 2296
All home sellers come with their own personalities and personal quirks, but when it comes to preparing a home for presentation you’ll find that nearly all sellers fit into one of five categories. As you begin to counsel clients regarding changes and repairs they must consider, it won’t take long ... Views: 1028
In order for us to win in life, we must push through the adversity we face. Without facing it, we are poorly prepared for winning. The truth is most of us don’t welcome adversity like a long-lost friend. We don’t embrace with passion the pain and setbacks that occur.
Alfred Russell Wallace ... Views: 1323