We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Have, do, and be everything you can imagine.
How often and how many people in your life say, and more importantly, do this?
They are probably writing down their goals, reading them every day and visualizing what their lives are going to be like when they achieve them. It’s this first step ... Views: 1086
You know where you want to go, but how do you get there? You may find that making some decisions is easier than others. What do you do first? How long will it take? Will you need help getting there? How do you decide what’s right for you?
It helps if you understand what makes you tick; your ... Views: 1017
Eat that frog! Every bit of planning, prioritizing and organizing comes down to this simple concept.
Eat that frog! Every bit of planning, prioritizing and organizing comes down to this simple concept.
Your ability to select your most important task, to begin it and then to concentrate on it ... Views: 832
A time planner, broken down by day, hour and minute, organized in advance, can be one of the most powerful, personal productivity tools of all. It enables you to see where you can consolidate and create blocks of time for concentrated work.
Use A Time Planner
A time planner, broken down by day, ... Views: 767
In my conversations with hundreds of top salespeople over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common.
In my conversations with hundreds of top salespeople over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common. They have taken the time to sit down and create a ... Views: 787
Many of us are familiar with the process of formulating and writing down our goals. But how many of us actually achieve these? Besides setting goals, what are the crucial elements to ensure that we achieve what we set out to do?
We have heard, learned and studied all about SMART goals, and ... Views: 1349
Make a list of things you want in your life and make a picture collage out of it. Teach your children how to make one too. Or let them teach you.
Include things, relationships, connections, people, God, feelings, etc.
Use symbols and symbolism, words and photos, that are meaningful to ... Views: 6233
Why do we set goals? A goal is a destination and without knowing our destination, it is almost certain that we will never get there.
The purpose of this article is to provide some effective advice on how to define your goals.
Firstly, all goals should be SMART, ie. Specific, Measurable, ... Views: 841
The other day as I was driving home on the freeway at the warp speed of 35 miles an hour, in traffic and I heard myself saying “Justice” statements. “I will get to that when I just…” “If I can just get…” or “If I could just get 15 minutes”.
I then saw a law firm’s billboard add with the word ... Views: 1214
Success in life is one of the most popular all-time goals of most people. However, few really take actual steps towards achieving this success. Many don't even bother to set concrete goals because of their fear of failure or their lack of faith in their own capabilities to achieve their ... Views: 858
I recognize the huge importance of having goals but I also think it is useless to talk about goal setting without an even stronger focus on goal attainment.
Anyone whose ever celebrate the New Year has set a goal but what takes goal setting to the next level? I’d like to share with you my ... Views: 1799
At the age of six, Corinne Archer* started putting in long hours training in her sport. Long before she entered her teens, she had fixed her mind on a single goal: to win an Olympic gold medal. From then on, she crushed everything out of her life that didn't contribute to her goal. Every ... Views: 5745
What are your goals? Do you want to quit smoking, lose weight, run a marathon, or raise money for a local charity? Whatever your goals may be, you need to ask yourself, how am I going to achieve them? Many of us say, some day I want to go to Hawaii or Monday I will start eating better; but we ... Views: 2760
A successful life is about finding your true purpose and pursuing it with all your passion. It is about find the true riches of life that lead to happiness and fulfillment. It is having goals that drive your life.
Many people who achieve fortune in the world are not born rich. But they ...A ... Views: 1035
In the past I have written about replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and ideas on how to get what you really want. Today I am going to write about Goal setting and how to use this tool to help you get what you want. Realize that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so if ... Views: 1249
What are your goals? Do you want to quit smoking, lose weight, run a marathon, or raise money for a local charity? Whatever your goals may be, you need to ask yourself, how am I going to achieve them? Many of us say, some day I want to go to Hawaii or Monday I will start eating better; but we ... Views: 527
No matter how young or old you are, or how hard things have been, it’s never too late to review what works and what doesn’t work in your life. It’s easy to lose focus on what you really want due to the daily demands of life. However, there’s always a way to look at your life differently, to ... Views: 4825
Guiding your child to behave in a positive manner can be as easy as 1-2-3. Here’s a way to adapt a business practice for family use, and it’s compelling in its simplicity.
1. Set a Goal
The first step is to meet with your children, and have them "buy in" to a mutually-developed goal. ... Views: 1410
Dreamers are thinkers. Achievers are thinkers and doers. If you want to accomplish great things in your life, then you must decide what you want, and then take action.
Here are 7 tips to help you achieve what you want in life, and to convert your dreams into reality.
1) To begin the ... Views: 1271
Can you hear the buzz? Feel it? See it? Smell it? I know we in the Northern Hemisphere are 25 days into the new season but there's something about colored eggs of pale yellow, blue, and pink... And bees landing on tulips, that spark a renewed sense of get-up-and-go.
It's a chance to shake out ... Views: 849
Of all our emotions, faith is probably the strongest. It is a state of mind that most effects the subconscious. This is important when it comes to putting your thoughts into action in everyday life. If you set yourself a task but are lacking the faith in yourself to complete it then ... Views: 2543
Yes, it is true, ask and it will be given. The trouble though is this: Most of us do not know how to ask correctly.
Let me explain why this is so. Your mind is a wonderful tool. It will get you everything you want if you use it correctly. The reason why most of us have trouble achieving our ... Views: 2328
1) Find out what you really want (xyz income a year, romance)
2) And who you want to be (loving, successful, happy)
3) Know WHY you want the above (more time, less stress)
4) State them as specific Intentions (I am / I have vs I will)
5) Start being that person (How would a happy person ... Views: 702
I recently came across this quote from Stephen Covey PhD "Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant."
I find this to be a very true statement. Either everything we do is done with a conscious commitment or we are going through ... Views: 988
The Law of Attraction and The Art of Being - Have you ever written your “to be “ list instead of your “to do” list. What and who do you want to be?
I learnt about the Law Attraction in 1985 and very thank fully soon after, I was given the opportunity to start teaching the concepts. In 1991 I ... Views: 2783
I’ve often wondered why people who seem sincere in their desire to succeed and to move up in their careers or to change careers never make the change.
I’ve counseled individuals who are unhappy with their present career and salary. We talk about what they want out of life and what they need to ... Views: 1064
It isn’t the prettiest side of your personality, but there it is: jealousy.
How very seventh grade of you.
But all of us, no matter how far beyond seventh grade we’ve gotten, feel jealous sometimes. And here’s the news flash: jealousy is a gift.
Jealousy is your gut’s way of telling ... Views: 1345
Most people have learned to be verbally self-abusive even in subtle ways. They start their morning with comments to themselves that would make children cry. Yet, every morning they look in the mirror and unconsciously say things to themselves such as, “Wow, you look like crap.” or “You have out ... Views: 1158
Goal setting is an important exercise and is crucial to the success of any business, but is particularly important for entrepreneurs who can become distracted with multiple priorities. Goal setting allows us to be proactive, instead of just being reactive. We’ve all had days where we just seem ... Views: 920
Once upon a time, there were two squirrels scurrying around in front of a farmhouse. One was on top of a mound of snow and other was below in some tractor tracks. One called down to the other, ‘Why don’t you come up here? There’s more food and you can meet lots of other squirrels!”
From below ... Views: 1362
There are a lot of goals we want to attain in life like start our own company, become great at something and even write awesome blogs. Problem is, with all these great aspirations, many of us do not have time for anything. We are too busy with our daily lives to focus on dreams that seem ... Views: 706
Ambition! Success! What exactly do these words mean to you—because without one you can’t have the other. The mere impelling force to struggle and exert for anything we desire to accomplish is as strong and powerful as our will to survive. Ambition is what drives you to dream, strive and reach ... Views: 1065
“I’m going to start my own business one day”
“One day I plan on taking a trip to Hawaii”
“I’ll get around to cleaning the garage one day”
“I want to go back and finish my degree, but I’m too old”
The power of setting goals and accomplishing them has a positive impact on our lives. When we ... Views: 1144
When you learn how to set goals properly, you'll start achieving goals faster than you can think about them. I want you to be able to turn your desires into goals and easily achieve that goal. There is no big secret about how to set goals. Anyone can set a goal. However, how many people actually ... Views: 1271
In the movie, "A League of Their Own," the baseball coach talked to his dispirited team, saying, "Of course it's hard. If it wasn't hard, everybody would do it!"
That's the way it is with success. It can be hard. But there are four sure-fire ways to achieve success at almost anything every ... Views: 782
Here we are, a quarter way into the year already. What resolutions did you set for yourself this year? Are you on track to reaching your goals or did you give up after the 3rd week in January? If you did, why do you think that is? You'd be surprised to hear that many people are in the same ... Views: 751
“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.
-Napoleon Hill
Everyone has goals; how one follows through with them determines the success or failure of any particular goal. Most ... Views: 1083
Can a Vision Board really help you to realize your goals? If the key to a successful life is to remain positively focused on your goals, then yes a Vision Board can help.
What is a Vision Board? A Vision Board is a visual collection of your wish list for life. It's pictures of whatever you ... Views: 1789
Dear High Achiever:
QUESTION: Do you have too much to do on your “To Do” List?
Answer: Yes, of course you do.
I use to think it was cool to have twenty or thirty things on my “To Do” List. It meant I was busy. I’d be on the phone and someone would ask me how it’s going and I’d say, “I’ve got ... Views: 880
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No More “Some Day” - by Eric Taylor – SelfGrowth.com’s Chief Inspiration Officer
THE WORDS FOR THIS FYI are hard for me to write.
Someone very close to me was recently diagnosed with fourth-stage Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. So the words for this FYI don’t come easily or painlessly. But one thing I’ve learned over time is that –
Writing focuses your thinking. So creating and ... Views: 909
If you are like most people you seldom take the time to really ponder and allow yourself to dream.
We tend to limit ourselves, stay in our place of comfort, be content with the lives that we have and make do.
Why do we do this to ourselves when we are born with our own unique set of talents ... Views: 1148
2009 is a new year, a new beginning! As you enter 2009, what changes do you want to make this year? What are your priorities? Do you want to eat healthier, lose weight, manage your time more efficiently, decrease your stress level, increase your productivity, secure a new job/change careers, ... Views: 1397
5 Steps to Increase Productivity & Get More Done will lay out 5 Basic steps to help you become more organized, thus more productive, in your daily life.
As you move along the journey toward a life of abundance, a life of accomplishment, ask yourself a couple of questions. Have you written ... Views: 1504
Spring is just around the corner, and this is the best time to begin the process of cleaning and organizing your home. The time to embark on the annual adventure of spring-cleaning is here, and this time, come up with a method that makes it easier to keep you home clean. Creating a system of ... Views: 1633
Organizing your home is a tedious process that presents many obstacles. There may be times when the challenges appear to be insurmountable, but with the proper home organization plan, these challenges can be overcome. Several challenges faced while cleaning your house are creating a strategic ... Views: 1477
An excerpt from Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate
For part of my visit to Tokyo to straighten things out with Nakano Productions I arranged to stay at Nishijima Sensei’s itty-bitty apartment in a gigantic government-subsidized apartment complex called Takashimadaira. That’s way too long ... Views: 774
I want to introduce you to a concept that will help you engage the Law of Attraction in a more tangible way. John Assaraf calls it "The Law of Gender" - I call it, "The Law of Seed and Harvest".
The law of seed and harvest is something that I have taught and embraced for many years, but within ... Views: 3593
Time is a valuable resource that more and more people complain not to have these days.
It is sad to see how much time most of us spend on irrelevant activities, instead of enjoying our lives. In order for us to have more time on our hands, we should better organize ourselves.
You probably ... Views: 840
In a world where time is one of the most valuable resources that a person can have, we should all learn how to use it more wisely. We should all try to make better use of time and try to make the best out of them.
Every day we all do things that take away a lot of our time. Every thing that we ... Views: 1411
You cannot reduce dreams and goals to your size. If you dream of being a high level manager, yet your main goal is to please your boss, it is unlikely you will achieve your dream. If you dream of being wealthy, yet resent those who already have money, it is unlikely you will achieve wealth. ... Views: 1289