This is a remarkable story I wanted to share, that happened to me in the last week. It demonstrates fully how the Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working and that indeed, what we focus on manifests itself, when the time is right. And how!!
To set the scene, so that the magnitude of how powerful ... Views: 1387
When we look out on the horizon, the point where land and sky meet-how do we know there is something beyond what we are seeing? How do we know that it does not stop there?
We just know. We understand that what we are seeing is an illusion. We have no doubt whatsoever that what we see as the ... Views: 1462
Don’t believe you can be successful.
Don’t set a goal.
Don’t be grateful for what you have right now.
Don’t visualise and imagine the life you want.
Don’t be happy.
Don’t have focus and clarity.
Don’t have belief and confidence in yourself and your power within.
Don’t take responsibility ... Views: 1445
We are at present in the grip of a world wide epidemic of a virus known as Swine Flu. Due to the sheer numbers of people who have contracted this dreadful virus, it has been making headline news around the world and there has been plenty of advice from the medical profession worldwide on what to ... Views: 1464
The meaning of the word “willpower” is totally misrepresented, misunderstood and misused in the way we live today.
Willpower is not meant to be used in the long term. Its function is to give our minds and bodies a quick burst in the event of an emergency, where we are at physical risk. For ... Views: 1428
My Dad is 87 years old, although tells everybody, because he believes it to be true that he is 77! He talks about people who are “getting on” but doesn’t put himself in the same category.
He was christened Kenneth, however, his family call him Jack and my mum’s family and most of his friends ... Views: 1649
“The Secret” the hugely successful film about the Law of Attraction, has come in from some heavy criticism since its release in 2006.
The “Process of Manifestation” seems to draw the most, where it would seem a lot of people believe it is being less than honest in how it works. They say, ... Views: 1265
I love the work of Joe Vitale. He has opened my mind and my heart. One of the things he talks about, is how we have to disassociate ourselves from our thoughts and understand we are not our thoughts.
He says it’s a bit like us being the sky and our clouds being our thoughts and that we can just ... Views: 1342
There are times, when no matter how focused we are on what we want, know what we need to do to get it, put plans into action, we are suddenly stopped in our tracks by doubt. We question our ability; we lose faith and self-belief. We have doubts about ever achieving our goals and the little ... Views: 1296
So here I am. Although where “here” is, I don’t know. I do know I died, that is my physical self died and then I was here. A ghost I guess!
I often wondered how death would come. Now I know. In fact, I now know it was not something I should have given any precious moments think about when I ... Views: 1235
As an NLP practitioner, a lot of the work I do focuses on the Reticular Activating System or RAS for short. Simply put (I like to keep things simple) the RAS is the brain’s information filtering system and each person’s RAS is unique to them. We receive so much information at any given time, if ... Views: 1984