John Di Lemme
I will be teaching from my book, the *31* Attitudes of Self-Made Millionaires. To follow along with the teaching, go to and grab a copy of the book for FREE plus receive the audio book as a Bonus.
Attitude #1 - Forward Moving: ... Views: 1381
John Di Lemme
Life-Altering Decision #1 - Talk - Champions talk differently than everyone else. They use different words. Their words empower them to grow beyond limitations. Their words also breathe life into others. Success is an accent. Champions develop their success accent through what ... Views: 1591
John Di Lemme
Mindset #1 - Crazy - You gotta get crazy and do something abnormal (above normal) in your business. Crazy means intensely enthusiastic. Are you intensely enthusiastic about taking your business to the next level? You can't do that if you stay stuck in ordinary and keep doing the ... Views: 1306
Super Achiever Mindset #1 - Decision Equation - The equation is Decision Plus Action Equals Results. We are all ultimately responsible for our results in life. Our results are predicted by the decisions that we make and the actions that we take - good or bad. Super Achievers fully understand ... Views: 4568
Secret #1 - Long-Term Mindset - The Ritz-Carlton has a long-term mindset when it comes to its customers. They show their appreciation for each and every customer in how they deliver EXTREME customer service. Why? Because they have a long-term mindset about their customers. They focus on the ... Views: 1508
Financial Mistake #1: Industry Specific - Businesses are making the huge mistake of worrying about what is going on in their industry, how to compete in their industry, and how to market to their industry. They are basically putting their businesses in a very small box that doesn't reach outside ... Views: 1164
Secret #10
N: Non-negotiable
When you give a client a surprise bonus, you’re over-delivering and practically guar-anteeing customer satisfaction. A satisfied customer is essential. Don’t hold a debate with yourself about whether you should reward a customer. Make the reward non-negotiable. ... Views: 1325
Secret #8
I: Involvement
Doing direct mail campaigns once in a while is great. But you must do far more to build long-term business relationships. You must stay involved with your clients by communicating with them on a regu-lar, consistent basis. A key factor is to reward them for their ... Views: 1254
Secret #6
S: Surprise Bonuses
Few things are more exciting than getting free bonus products, or surprise bonuses. People who receive them feel special.I give away surprise bonuses regularly. After videotaping each monthly Lifestyle Freedom Club teaching, I send copies of the DVD to my ... Views: 1347
Marketing Secret #1 - Ignore the Critics and Naysayers - We all know those people that have something to say about everything, but offer nothing of significance with their words. When you listen to those people, you are allowing them to speak that garbage into your life. Instead, make the ... Views: 1262
Secret #4
R: Relationships, Revival,
Restoration, and Responses
Business is all about relationships. One great way to build those relationships is to pick up the phone and call your clients. Talk to them. Ask them how they’re doing and tell them how you can assist them in solving a ... Views: 1271
Secret #2
M: Memory and Mindset
Having an excellent memory is an important part of succeeding in business. For example, you can use your memory to impress a client. How? Show that you remember something that’s important to your clients such as their birthday, anniversary, or wedding.Follow ... Views: 998
The Top *10* Marketing Power Words to Generate Boatloads of Business
Marketing Power Word #1 - Dissatisfied - This is a very powerful word for your marketing! Here's how to use it: Are you currently dissatisfied with the results that you are having with or in... (insert your product, service, ... Views: 1177
The Top *10* Highly Profitable, Proven,
Time-Tested Secrets to Create the Ultimate First and Last Impression with Your Client, Secret #1
Entrepreneurs are very different people. They have a different mindset. They live and breathe for their businesses.
In fact, true entrepreneurs weave ... Views: 1127
Worst Word #1: Busy - That word drives me crazy! When people say they are "busy", it typically means they are distracted and all over the place. Activity does not always equal accomplishment. Instead of saying you are busy, say that you are strategic and systematic. You instantly go from busy ... Views: 1596
Excerpt from The Anatomy of Success & Failure *7* Essential Elements that will Guarantee Radical Success in Life!
Essential Element #4: Blind Bamboo Faith
The next Essential Element is BBF, which stands for blind bamboo faith. Now, let me explain, because I know you are likely ... Views: 1644
When you hear the word “anatomy”, what do you think about? Do you think of the body and what you actually see? How it’s made up, the structures, what’s there? Sometimes even with visible anatomy, if someone has an illness or sickness, they may have to go in for an X-ray or an ... Views: 1324
Success Law #4: Faithful Expectation
The atmosphere of faithful expectation is the breeding ground for miracles. The atmosphere of fearful expectation is the breeding ground for misery. Imagine this. A storm is coming, and the clouds start moving in. The sky turns black, and the ... Views: 1657
Success Law #1: Ownership
I want you to circle the word Ownership so that you remember its importance. When you “own” something, it’s yours. The only way that someone can take it from you is if you give it up. You own the dream that’s inside your heart and you have the right to achieve ... Views: 1791
Attitude #21 – Miracle Zone. Live in the Miracle Zone! There’s no fear in the Miracle Zone, and you are constantly living in an atmosphere of expectation that you will achieve your Why in life no matter who or what tries to stand in your way.
You have to have faith to live in the ... Views: 1647
Attitude #11 – Associations. Your associations will guarantee your success or failure. There’s no in between. You’re either in or out strictly depending on who you surround yourself with on a daily basis. Self-made millionaires surround themselves with positive, like-minded champions that ... Views: 1457
Attitude #1 – Decision Maker. Self-made millionaires are decisive. Decision plus Action equals Result. Becoming a self-made millionaire is a result of being a Champion decision maker who takes the action needed to achieve that level of success. You make decisions about your success in every ... Views: 2538
Every successful person has failed many more times than they have succeeded. Being a person who is focused on personal goals in life and is mission-orientated, you will inevitably fail over and over all the way as you progress to fulfilling your WHY! The key is to truly ... Views: 1284
Motivational Marketing Weapon #5: Never Again
Two of the most powerful words in success language are “never again.” Affirmation #65 is “Never again will I retreat when the enemy of fear attacks my dream.” Never means not ever and at no time. When the enemy of fear knows you will not ... Views: 1671
Motivational Marketing Weapon #1: Commit to Persevere
All of the motivational marketing weapons that I’m going to reveal to you are based on affirmations from my best-selling book, 365 Affirmations to Absolutely Guarantee a Record-Breaking Year. The first weapon comes from Affirmation ... Views: 1409
The three major enemies in your life are fear, indecision, and procrastination. They are the enemies of your success that slow down your ability to achieve your Why. When you’re fearful and indecisive you procrastinate, “Should I do it? Should I not do it?” You can’t move ... Views: 2126
Lesson 10
View from the Mountain
When we discover new and life-altering truths, we are like pioneers standing on a mountain ridge looking at a new beginning. In the cool, crisp morning air, we can see forever. Then, our gaze slowly and finally settles on a beautiful valley. The vivid ... Views: 1430
Lesson 9
More Magic Behind the Why
I want to share a real-life example with you. One of my students catapulted his life to new levels, because he discovered and applied the true power behind the Why. Now, I am going to breakdown his Why so you can feel and find the power behind ... Views: 1611
Lesson 8
Infect Others With Success!
Do you remember the principle of sowing and reaping? This is an important key to success. You can soar to unparalleled heights in your life, and part of what carries you there is the power of sowing the right kind of seed. Learn to share, influence ... Views: 1717
Lesson 7
The Growing Why
Your Why is a burning desire. It is the driving force that makes you achieve your ultimate goals. As your life progresses and your horizons expand, your Why will also naturally progress. Here’s an important principle: Your Why expands as you grow.
With your ... Views: 1590
Lesson 6
Unleashing Your Why in Life
By now, I’m sure you’re well on the way to finding or perhaps you have already found that spark inside your heart. That spark is what ignites that roaring fire of desire deep inside of you. I salute you! You’re doing something that most people never ... Views: 1312
Lesson 5
Finding Your Why in Life
I told you earlier that I teach my students to take action steps. I have discovered the power of actually standing up, speaking words out loud and writing down specific exercises. There’s no thinking about it or overanalyzing each step. Just do ... Views: 1507
Lesson 4
It is All About the “WHY”
Yes, you read it right. It is all about the WHY! A strong enough Why will pull you through every situation and will make you a true conqueror and victor in every occasion. It will lift you far above the average. It makes you go where others stop. It ... Views: 1595
Lesson 3
The Habit of Giving
People often ask me things like, “John, what is the main habit of multi-million dollar entrepreneurs, life-changers and dream achievers?” There is no question at all in my mind that the number one habit of all of those people is giving.
Before we move on ... Views: 1501
Lesson 2
The Power of Commitment
Few things in life have as much power as commitment. Commitment turns average or inactive people into what the military calls a full metal jacket (a bullet that can penetrate great obstacles). The character trait of commitment does that. It gives our ... Views: 1537
Lesson 1
The Most Important Day of Your Life
As life goes on day by day, we all experience challenging days and some really magnificent days, but there’s one day in particular that is more important than any other day of your life. The most important day of your life is your birthday.
... Views: 1576
N: Non-negotiable
When you give a client a surprise bonus, you’re over-delivering and practically guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
A satisfied customer is essential. Don’t hold a debate with yourself about whether you should reward a customer. Make the reward non-negotiable.
When it ... Views: 1823
O: Over-Delivering
When you go out of your way to show that you value a client, you’re over-delivering. And over-delivering is a key part of achieving success in business.
I routinely over-deliver for my students, as I actively listen to what they want at my events. For example, they like ... Views: 2186
S: Shocking, Solution, Secret, Shortcut, Spoken for, and Sold Out
You can build a sustainable business by giving away surprise bonuses. Your clients will feel they’re getting the biggest bang for their buck. My clients are always shocked when they receive surprise bonuses with an item that ... Views: 1460
S: Shocking, Solution, Secret, Shortcut, Spoken for, and Sold Out
You can build a sustainable business by giving away surprise bonuses. Your clients will feel they’re getting the biggest bang for their buck.
My clients are always shocked when they receive surprise bonuses with an item that ... Views: 1358
S: Surprise Bonuses
Few things are more exciting than getting free bonus products, or surprise bonuses. People who receive them feel special.
I give away surprise bonuses regularly. After videotaping each monthly Lifestyle Freedom Club teaching, I send copies of the DVD to my students and ... Views: 1584
E: Experience, Engage, and Experiment
My grandfather’s type of customer service is an experience, the very experience that leaves a great last impression. The last impression is the very last thing a client remembers about you before departing from your place of business.
One of the keys ... Views: 1262
R: Relationships, Revival, Restoration, and Responses
Business is all about relationships. One great way to build those relationships is to pick up the phone and call your clients. Talk to them. Ask them how they’re doing and tell them how you can assist them in solving a problem that ... Views: 1399
P: Priority, Participation, and Presence
One of your major priorities in business should be to give top-notch customer service. From the beginning to the end of your meeting with a client, give them an experience that they will remember.
One of the best ways to create that experience is to ... Views: 1283
Secret #2
M: Memory and Mindset
Having an excellent memory is an important part of succeeding in business. For example, you can use your memory to impress a client. How? Show that you remember something that’s important to your clients such as their birthday, anniversary, or ... Views: 1776
I: Introduce and Initiate
When someone is introduced to you and your business, what is that person’s first impression? The answer to that question is important. The answer will help you to be true to yourself. As a result, you’ll see how well you present yourself.
Contrary to popular ... Views: 1153
Excerpt from 7 Proven Laws of Success to Live
a Prosperous Life – by John Di Lemme
I want you to say this out loud right now, “I love closing!” You can close the door on poverty with a decisive mindset of “always be opening.” You must always be opening relationships. Each and every ... Views: 1392
Excerpt from 7 Proven Laws of Success to Live a Prosperous Life – by John Di Lemme
I want you to circle the word Ownership so that you remember its importance. When you “own” something, it’s yours. The only way that someone can take it from you is if you give it up. You own the dream that’s ... Views: 1394
Your Why is your ultimate purpose in life. It’s the very reason that you get out of bed every single day. I have a very powerful Why that keeps me laser-focused on the road of success and prosperity. I speak my Why out loud on a daily basis, not just once, but many times. Speaking your Why ... Views: 2198
May I ask you a question? Well, actually, I’m going to ask you eight powerful, life-changing questions. These questions are designed to make you take an honest look within yourself and the life you have created for yourself thus far. When answered truthfully, these questions will create a ... Views: 1561