Becoming self aware and the arts of communication is extremely important. Have you had a conversation, where someone tells you "I'm not fond of it", "not the way I would do it", "That concerns me...", etc. Regardless of the tone they use, our human instinct is to immediately defend, fight or ... Views: 1678
Life is a journey - a process that we all go through with the intent of getting better with each new day. As we progress through this journey, our goals change and so does our lifestyle, but the overall process remains the same. We live everyday with the purpose of development, of self ... Views: 1346
Strategic leadership in network marketing - What does that really mean? The concept of leadership is one that we’ve all learned about since our youth. Teachers in elementary schools tell children to follow the leader, and they all willingly oblige to get from one place to another. The same ... Views: 1471
Working online is undoubtedly the business plan for the future. Online Network Marketing - Lets You Achieve Your Dreams And Goals. The internet is used by so many people for so many different things nowadays that there’s really nothing but profit out there to be made. One of the emerging ways ... Views: 1370