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We all have many things to do each day - pick up the kids from school, go get the groceries, mow the lawn. And in our business life as well as our goal plan, we also have many tasks.
The problem is, we usually do not prioritize these tasks. Most of us have a vague notion of what our ... Views: 1282
Whether you are developing goals and objectives for a grant application, during a strategic planning process, or for your staff members or team, there are four items you need to remember to ensure your goals and objectives are easy to understand and implement. To illustrate these items below, I ... Views: 2187
Are you satisfied with what you've got? Are you where you want to be? Is what you're doing in life fulfilling? Do you wake up and look forward to the day? If you answered "no" to these questions, you might want to take a serious look at what you're doing, because if the saying is correct -- ... Views: 658
Where you are today is directly related to the choices you’ve made up to this point; one month, two weeks, last year and even a decade ago.
There are so many choices that we make everyday, some big, some small, conscious or subconscious. However, in our lives the choices we make dictate the ... Views: 1172
Goals or achievements are clearly defined destinations. In order to get there, you need to know and decide where you’re going. So, where do you want to go? What is it you’d like to achieve in your personal and professional life?
Why set goals?
Setting goals allows for personal achievement, ... Views: 1306
Anthony Robbins once said, "If you can't, you must. If you must, you can."
When it comes to taking control of life, successful people do not try. They make taking control a must. Think of a time when something in your life became a must. You just had to do it. There were no ifs, buts, or ... Views: 5638
“So what are your plans for next year?”, I asked a student the other day. He looked down, sighed, looked back up and said “Well, I’m going to work on a book, finish my real estate education, keep attending your teleclasses, work on my marketing plan, and – “
…I’d heard it a hundred thousand ... Views: 1260
Goals & Commitments
Don’t confuse a commitment with a goal!
Commitments are things that you WILL do.
Goals are things that you WOULD LIKE TO do.
I would say that anything that is not in your control would NOT be something you could make a COMMITMENT to.
IE: “I’ll make a ... Views: 3243
Some of my most cherished memories from childhood are from pickup football games my friends and I played on the school lawn down the street from my house.
The other day I was going through an old box of pictures and I found a picture of myself and my friends in front of the schoolyard where ... Views: 1885
If a Goal is worth setting, it's worth examining it's relationship to the values and priorities in your life.
The Goal is the what, the priority and value is the why, and where it fits into your life. When you know the what and the why, the how is easy.
One of the most common complaints ... Views: 2410
Can You Create a New Habit in 21 Days?
"Fake it 'til you make it." We've all heard the cliche for approaching something that seems out of reach. There may be some method to the madness of that approach.
But have you ever given much thought to what it takes to bridge the gap between where ... Views: 2970
Have you ever stopped, I mean really stopped for a minute to listen, hear, smell and feel the sounds of the wild animals around you?
They’re everywhere…in the city, in the suburbs, in the skies and underground.
And they have something to say to you…can you hear them?
If there is ... Views: 1395
Every cause or mission is unique. It is in its unique character that its strength is found. However, every great idea must be supported and built up to its ultimate potential. This process requires a team. A team will support you by bringing new ideas, resources and techniques to you and ... Views: 1527
I remember the first time I was deployed to Iraq during Operation Southern Watch. I sat in an intelligence mission briefing with 50 of my fellow fighter pilots (my wingmen) where we were briefed on the multiple threats that scattered the enemy terrain in Iraq. The SAM’s (surface to sir ... Views: 745
If you want to REALLY achieve in life, goal setting is a MUST! This is ironic coming from me, Mr Practical...
Because throughout my life, I've always hated anything to do with the word - THEORY! Just thinking about it puts me to sleep... zzzzzzzz...
It's true, that's how ... Views: 1192
Amid the endless piles of laundry, dishes, forgotten bills, and overdue library books, you have a house. A house you would desperately love to show off with pride. It makes you depressed even to think about how to get this mess organized. You feel your only hope now lies in the chance that one ... Views: 775
Alignment; having a plan and seeing it through to realization takes the arrangement of actions and the configuration of your schedule to enable it to happen. Every accomplishment that you achieve takes time; it requires your ability to make the choices that are in alignment with your ... Views: 1061
People often underestimated the importance of goal setting, don't be one of them. Wouldn't it be great if you were handed a map that CLEARLY illustrates where you can find buried treasure? Well, start goal setting and you'll have the equivalent. When you set CLEAR, SPECIFIC goals, you become ... Views: 1357
Several years ago I was torn. I was going through a period where I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t the life that I had. I was unhappy in my work. My love life wasn’t what I wanted it to be (as I was single). And there were more experiences, and even toys that I wanted in my life. ... Views: 9756
I want to talk about how to deal with one of the most frustrating and demotivating things that happen to people- the slump.
We all face them at one point or another, and how you handle yourself through a slump or “losing streak” determines how quickly you get out of it. As Dr. Suess says, ... Views: 1769
Okay, I’m going to do my best to tackle a very sensitive topic. That’s right, money!
When I began my sales career, I earned substantially more than I had been accustomed to as a service technician. It was very exciting to be earning more money than I knew what to do with. Don’t dismay, I ... Views: 1437
Many of the solo professionals whom I coach are people who offer services. They're coaches, consultants, creatives. They’re amazing people with huge hearts and their own unique gifts and genius to share with the world.
But here's the problem: I see many of them focusing on the wrong things. ... Views: 1218
You will have the best results in business if you create your vision first. Then you can take “inspired action” consistently and persistently. Without vision you may find yourself in the same boat as many unsuccessful business owners who dash madly from one marketing effort to another –never ... Views: 1174
Earlier this year, a client expressed excitement that Oprah, the woman who has everything, was going to admit that even she couldn’t lose weight and keep it off. I didn’t know what Oprah was going to say during her January show about her weight and living her best life. I only know what is true ... Views: 1628
"There's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish." - Napoleon Hill
Do you believe you can create what you really want in your ... Views: 1290
Attempting to set and achieve goals under stress and worry doesn't work.
If the words in your head are saying something like, "I really have to have $5,000 before the end of July or I won't have the tuition to send Mary to College! What on earth is going to happen if I don't get it? I ... Views: 1104
Remember when you suddenly had a great idea? Think back. What was it?
Do you remember what you did with that great idea (a 'great idea' is a goal in its infancy)? If you grabbed hold of it with both hands and feet and parlayed it into something fulfilling and wondrous, then you probably don't ... Views: 1182
Getting to the top of the corporate ladder is everyone’s dream. However don’t wait for a miracle to happen to take your career to the pinnacle. You have to work hard and think strategically to make your perception meet reality. There isn’t any formula to get you to the top instantly. However, ... Views: 1013
Can you count the times you have...
- stopped smoking and some time later started again
- attempted to get rid of unhealthy weight and quit the program before you got to your goal
- reached a healthy weight goal then, over time, gained it back
- stopped abusing a legal or illegal drug or ... Views: 1188
How are your relationships working for you?
When it comes to relationship goals, here we find some of the most intricate challenges. Unlike most of your goals which involve yourself and inanimate objects or subjects such as your living quarters, your career, your money, your material items ... Views: 1170
Good day,
There is an old expression that many of you probably learned as children that goes “I will believe it when I see it!” This is the common belief that we should only believe the things we see with our eyes, and not be so gullible as to believe things blindly until proven otherwise. ... Views: 1432
I recently received an e-mail from a friend of mine regarding choices specifically a person's ability to choose their own attitude of mind and how one can look at any situation either positively or negatively and its direct effect on the outcome of that particular situation.
Even though we ... Views: 4109
Much has been written on what it takes to win the game of life. A lifetime of experience says it’s not as complicated as most people make it. Here’s my list. Take what you want.
1. You can’t succeed alone. Every story of success is a story of people working together, each contributing their ... Views: 1722
On last month, we looked at Daily Goal Setting and how this technique has changed my life and business. As promised, I would like to offer keys to your success with daily goal setting. One very important one is Accountability.
In so many areas of our lives accountability has been and will ... Views: 1555
Living a life out of balance can become a habit. A life that lacks focus and direction will soon become unbalanced. When this repeatedly happens this unbalance actually becomes the norm. It can begin to feel comfortable. One major area that tends to quickly become unbalanced is your daily ... Views: 1488
We are all born dreamers, but as we become adults and we inevitably meet life's hardships, our self confidence and our ability to achieve can be altered. As we grow older, some of us no longer dare to dream for fear of appearing childish or being disappointed. In addition, we as human beings are ... Views: 762
What types of goals have you set for yourself? Do your goals serve you and bring you happiness? Your goals should advance you towards your dreams. Set goals that are in alignment with what you truly want in life. Intend that the achievement of each goal will allow you to receive a bit of ... Views: 1337
Never attempt to re-evaluate a decision until you have first acted upon it. If you change your mind, opinion or decision before you have acted upon it you may be falling victim to your own internal conflict. When we re-evaluate a decision it is most likely in an attempt to validate a change of ... Views: 3489
What do you need to do to achieve your dream? How do you reach something so far away from your current condition? In order to achieve your dreams you must break down your vision into achievable milestones and goals. This is a method that has been taught for many years, but is only half the ... Views: 1297
One of our Success Circle members recently asked for more specific guidelines on setting goals. The members each set a 60 Day WOW Goal – an achievement that they will feel really terrific about sharing with other members at the end of 60 days.
Here are my best secrets for setting great WOW ... Views: 1338
If you’re a reader of this article, there are a few things I know about you. You are likely more knowledgeable about goals than most. I’d guess that you and most of your peers would describe you as “goal oriented” in the most positive sense of the word. In fact, many of you have even been to one ... Views: 1744
You’ll often see articles on the web, tips on Twitter and YouTube videos telling you how to set up your feng shui in your home or your office. This advice ranges from how to de-clutter to where to set up the Love & Romance area in your home to attract a partner.
What you won’t find is feng ... Views: 2656
A single most desolate land is the state of impoverished people sitting on street corners. I once passed such a crouched woman while working at a wealthy jeweler on a break and decided to pick up an extra coffee for that individual. On my way back the woman was no longer there and I learned ... Views: 1696
OK boys and girls, here it is. The advice in this particular lesson may seem a little bit "hokey" but trust me when I tell you...IT WORKS!
I'm not going to go over the importance of having goals; my guess is that if you've made it this far then you already know how important goals are. But ... Views: 1242
As children we grow up with dreams and as adults it is important that we continue them as it is when we stop dreaming that we start to whither and die. Man was born to dream; he was also born to achieve. The more dreams we have the more alive we are, although we don’t always have to achieve ... Views: 1455
I got a mass email the other day asking me where it was that I would rather be. I thought and thought, I am already living on a tropical island, so this was a little difficult to answer... :)
So, I changed the wording to instead say,
Where do you want to be in the future? In the end I came ... Views: 789
Imagine you are in the process of decorating your living room. You begin to think of how you want the room to feel when you are there, perhaps different colors of your walls or wallpaper, and even the fabric of your furniture. Then you begin the process of finding what you like best. Maybe you ... Views: 1067
In 1953, researchers at Yale University polled the graduating class and found that 3% of the graduates had a set of clearly defined written goals.
Twenty years later, in 1973, these researchers went back and visited the class of '53 and found that the 3% of the graduates with these written ... Views: 5926
As we reach the end of June, we are coming upon the half-year mark. This is a wonderful time to take stock of how far you've come with your goals for 2009 and plan how to leverage your time and align your actions to follow through on all your goals with joy and confidence by the end of the ... Views: 1022
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I believe to be the central challenge facing our clients right now, along with the rest of our society. It’s not an original concept by any means, but more and more I come to believe that it is the key to unlocking every success principle in ... Views: 3777