Stuck is not a fun place to be.
Yet for so many, stuck seems to be a state that is stubbornly present, even defeating in the lives of so many.
You know, the web site tweak that just has to be done before you promote, the sales script that needs to have every word perfect before you make ... Views: 1276
Just finished watching the movie Peaceful Warrior. (If you haven’t seen it, go grab a copy at the DVD store. It’s one you’ll want to see more than once).
In the movie, Dan, the main character, has a very busy life. He’s a young college student and athlete, bound for the Olympics, he trains ... Views: 1162
It was a room filled with about 300 networking engineers. True geeks, that’s for sure. I was there in the room to deliver a training to these high-level engineers about a subject they all loved – TCP/IP.
As the training went on, I discussed protocol, troubleshooting, hacking (oh excuse me, ... Views: 1237
It was 3:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, and I was walking out of the movie theater with a giant knot in the pit of my stomach. I had just seen the movie “2012?.
After going in with much anticipation and knowing that I would need to keep a strong mind to be able to stay positive in the midst of ... Views: 1366
Over the years, I’ve been doing a lot more life coaching (which I absolutely LOVE) helping people over panic, anxiety, worry, fear and self-confidence challenges, along with a host of other emotional and mental challenges that keep you stuck and feeling alone.
I used to think that getting ... Views: 1177
Every year about this time, I start thinking about what my theme word will be for next year. Then, in December, I will take the last 2 weeks and reflect, review and clean up whatever I need to in order to keep thing rolling.
This year has definitely been a year of high-impact change. ... Views: 1456
Let’s take a close look at the concept of fear.
Not fun, you say? Fear isn’t your problem, you say? Are you sure? Or is that denial talking?
Like many people, I had unconsciously run much of my life based on my fears. I was always finding excuses for my self-defeating behavior, unfortunate ... Views: 1361
“What do you want?”
I call this the four words that move you forward. I find that most people have never really taken the time to sit down and ask themselves this question, and then not only see themselves with what it is they really want, but imagine their future with no limits. Can you do ... Views: 1235
Are you living your purpose? Do you know your mission?
“What am I here for? What is my purpose, in this lifetime?” You may be asking yourself these questions. More and more people are these days. There have been hundreds of books written on this important and debatable subject.
Suppose I ... Views: 1363
ip #1
Feeling like you can’t get it all done? Schedule Focus Time every day. This is the time you are not to be disturbed. Turn off the phone, shut down email and determine your biggest need for action at this time. Then set your timer and get it done!
Tip #2
Tired of losing phone ... Views: 1326
This is an interesting time to be alive. While it seems on the outside like chaos, I am seeing things in a different way. The way I see it, lots of people are getting more of what they really want by getting a big and unexpected push.
You might be scratching your head right now and saying ... Views: 1828
Today’s mantra: stay on target.
Some days, you just wake up apathetic or discouraged, for what could be no reason at all. Oh sure, there’s always some reason, but it’s probably not at all what you think. I mean, there are so many blessings to count, so much goodness around but sometimes ... Views: 1172
Just got off the phone with a consulting client who has restructured the people in her business to be aligned with the appropriate job. (Honestly, if I only did one thing all day, it would be style and values testing because it makes people understand their relationships so well!)
Not only ... Views: 1370
What is a million dollar thinker, anyway?
Million dollar thinkers think about things like money and making decisions in a different way from the average person, using both the conscious and the subconscious mind.
As an example: suppose you were $10,000 in debt. The average person would ... Views: 1846
There’s only one thing I hate worse than mopping the floors…
…and that’s dealing with the endless emails that come into my inbox.
I’m not talking about the stupid once-in-a-lifetime-do-it-right-now-or-die kinds of emails, I’m talking about the legitimate things you need to deal with. ... Views: 1573
I sat among a pile of papers and cried.
Everywhere I looked, I saw more work to do, and the longer I looked at it, the more overwhelmed I became. Finally, I burst into tears. “Why can’t I just figure out a system for all of this paper?” I said to myself. Here I was, an intelligent woman, and ... Views: 2619
While some have said I’m some kind of Twitter expert, let me tell you a little secret: a few months ago I had zero plans (yes ZERO) to use social media. I found it to be confusing, overwhelming and frankly not much fun. While I may have figured a few things out, in no way do I see myself as a ... Views: 1096
“So what are your plans for next year?”, I asked a student the other day. He looked down, sighed, looked back up and said “Well, I’m going to work on a book, finish my real estate education, keep attending your teleclasses, work on my marketing plan, and – “
…I’d heard it a hundred thousand ... Views: 1233
“So what are your plans for next year?”, I asked a student the other day. He looked down, sighed, looked back up and said “Well, I’m going to work on a book, finish my real estate education, keep attending your teleclasses, work on my marketing plan, and – “
…I’d heard it a hundred thousand ... Views: 1260
Q: Tony asks, “What is your best method of keeping your plate from getting so full, you feel frazzled?”
A: That is a great question. There are a lot of different ways to simplify your systems so you don’t feel frazzled, but let me give you a really quick method to manage everything that’s on ... Views: 1426
Have you ever stopped, I mean really stopped for a minute to listen, hear, smell and feel the sounds of the wild animals around you?
They’re everywhere…in the city, in the suburbs, in the skies and underground.
And they have something to say to you…can you hear them?
If there is ... Views: 1395
Manifesting has become a popular buzzword within the metaphysical community and with “The Secret” being so popular, it has made its way into more of the mainstream. What does it mean to you? Making your dream a reality? Yes, absolutely. But, how – that’s the question. Lots of people would like ... Views: 2165
When it comes to getting things done in your business, do you find yourself drowning in overwhelm? Do you feel frustrated or confused by trying to figure out where to start or what comes next? Is procrastination the default for handling your stress?
It doesn't have to be that way.
There ... Views: 1255
It’s been 4 days since we said goodbye to the King of Pop - or as some would now call him, “The Greatest Artist that Ever Lived.” Some were shocked by the news, most saddened and some don’t care at all. Whatever your personal opinion of Michael Jackson, there is no denying the massive price ... Views: 1482
Much has been written on what it takes to win the game of life. A lifetime of experience says it’s not as complicated as most people make it. Here’s my list. Take what you want.
1. You can’t succeed alone. Every story of success is a story of people working together, each contributing their ... Views: 1722
She sat on the floor amongst a pile of papers and cried.
Everywhere she looked, something needed to be done. Bills were stacked, envelopes strewn about, unopened cards and grocery receipts cluttered the room. All she needed was a good filing system – how hard could that be?
Every day, ... Views: 1288
These are very interesting times. The world seems to be polarized - truly feast or famine. Businesses are going under and the cries of “the economic crisis” ripple through the planet like waves ripple out when you drop a rock in the water. Fear, failure and the world’s obsession with dramatic ... Views: 1820
You know where you want to go, but how do you get there? You may find that making some decisions is easier than others. What do you do first? How long will it take? Will you need help getting there? How do you decide what’s right for you?
It helps if you understand what makes you tick; your ... Views: 1017
4 Simple Steps To Identify and Clear Bad Employee Behavior
It’s a brand new day. You wake up after a great night’s sleep and get ready for work. You have objectives to meet, deadlines approaching and meetings scheduled which will make for a very full day. After a quick breakfast and a cup of ... Views: 1009
You're a smart, hardworking entrepreneur, and you're moving fast. You are highly educated in your field and your business is growing and getting busier each day. But somehow, you find yourself stuck. You're doing more tasks that take you away from your core business, you are working more and ... Views: 1075