When someone we love is suffering, we want to help. But we do not always know what to do. We are concerned that they may be offended if we ask to help. But we still want to help! So, what can we do?
The first thing that we need to do in this situation is ask! What can I do for you? What do ... Views: 1454
When we work hard, it feels wonderful to have someone say, “Good job!” However, there isn’t always someone there. And even if there were, that person may not understand that we accomplished is a big deal to us. So what is the solution? Learn to praise ourselves!
For many people, it is very ... Views: 1156
Remember you closest friends in high school? The people that you were closest to and knew that you always would be? How many of them are still in your life on a regular basis? Do you ever wonder how it is possible to go from being so close to no friendship at all?
We can go through any stage of ... Views: 1272
Have you ever had a situation where you had a person in your life, a co-worker, a friend, a partner, with whom you were having an issue but were choosing not to confront that person? Many people have issues with confrontations. They are scary. You are not sure what will happen. Or if it will ... Views: 1291
Have you noticed that when you were in school, all of your friends were about your age? When you became part of a couple, most of your friends were also part of a couple? When you became a parent, most of your friends also were parents? We tend to have friends that are at the same stage of life ... Views: 1325
So here June is. The time of graduations and weddings. The time of endings and new beginnings. Endings can make us sad. We will need to say good bye to some people in our lives. We need to say good bye to places that we are used to. Good byes can be exciting because it means that we are ... Views: 1223
There are many stages we pass through in our lives. First, we are children, then young adults. We then get to work at marriage and parenting. Before we are done with the parenting stage, often we are thrust into the next stage: being part of the sandwich generation.
The sandwich generation is ... Views: 1428
Many stages of parenting are hard. Adjusting when the baby first arrives is a major change. It can take a year and a half to fully integrate all the changes that a baby brings to the family. Then you have moved on to the toddler years. Having a two or three year old around the house has many ... Views: 1254
Have you ever had a situation where you disagreed with someone and struggled with how to approach them? It can be very difficult. You can be stuck with trying to figure out what to say, what to do, how to act. Some people deal with it by not dealing with it at all, but by disappearing. Some ... Views: 1427
Our children are under a great deal of stress. Some would say more than when we were kids; some would say less. I say that is not the point. The point is that they are under stress. It is our job as parents to teach them how to cope with stress because they will be experiencing stress for the ... Views: 1098
Valentine’s is such a special day. It is a day that we are forced, um, no, coerced. No, that isn’t it either. Encouraged to show our love! Yes, Valentine’s Day is a holiday that has been mass marketed to such a degree that we feel that we have no choice but to show our love how special they are ... Views: 1024
Words hurt. Words can cause a wound. A deep wound. That wound can cause a scar. A scar that can cause difficulty in life from that point on.
Sometimes when we fight, we throw out hurtful words. Words that we do not actually mean but in the heat of the moment, we use to hurt someone. And ... Views: 1139
So, a new year is here. What will this year bring me? I know that I can count on laughing a lot this year. I also know that I can count on shedding tears. I know that I will experience joy. But I will also experience despair. There will be big frustrations and big achievements. I know all of ... Views: 1235
Yesterday my son was riding his bike home from school. A car accident happened right in front of him. One car got out of control and almost hit him. This morning I heard on the news about a 16 year old boy who was running after school for cross country. He was hit by a car and killed. Obviously ... Views: 1137
Have you ever thought about what magical talent or tool that you would want? Do you want a magic wand? The ability to fly? I know what many parents have wished for: a crystal ball! I cannot tell you the number of parents that have struggled over a decision about their children, hoping that they ... Views: 1228
Food can be many things to many people. Obviously we all need it to survive. But, also obviously, we eat for a lot of different reasons. We eat when we are being social. We eat when we are bored. We eat to stuff our emotions. We eat when we do not know what else to do. I get this wonderful ... Views: 5960
Why help others? Okay, we know we are supposed to because our culture and religions tell us to. But we aren’t necessarily good at following those rules. So, why help others? It will make the world a better place. But so would driving less, not using so much plastic, etc, etc, etc. We know that ... Views: 1431
How do I know if I need to go to therapy? A common question, often answered with “I must be crazy if I have to go to therapy!” So, the first thing I want to say in response is that you do not need to be crazy to be in therapy. In fact, I do not see crazy people in my practice. Crazy people see ... Views: 1735
Anxiety is a major issue. Over 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety. One in four people world-wide will suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives. So, if you are suffering from anxiety, you are not alone!
But the good news is that are things that you can do to help ... Views: 1262
Sometimes the most valuable way you can spend your time is to do nothing. Now, all of you type A’s are jumping up and down and exclaiming that is not possible. Ah, but it is. We tend to spend so much time running around, that we do not realize how stressed we are. The more stressed we are, the ... Views: 3717
We are told in our society that we should always put ourselves first. I was told in all of my training, we always need to put ourselves first so that we have energy to then take care of others. Then I became a wife and mother. I discovered that I couldn’t always put myself first. There were many ... Views: 1177
Happy Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s day has always struck me as an odd day. If you are not involved with someone, you need to hurry up and find someone so that you are not alone that day. If you are with someone, you must show your undying love by sending cards and chocolate. All because society ... Views: 1143
I was interviewed for a new web site where I was asked what is the number one problem in marriages? With little hesitation I answered, “assumptions!” Because we assume that we know our partners, we assume that we know what they are thinking. Know one thing for sure, if you are assuming, then ... Views: 1170
Sometimes when we are scared, frightened, startled, we react with anger. It is a very natural reaction, probably based back in our cave man times. If something big and scary was approaching us, we had better react with a strong offense or we would get eaten.
Unfortunately, that natural ... Views: 1365
How often do you stop and count your blessings? Once a day? Once a month? Never? We need to be aware of how much we have to be thankful for. Can you stand up every morning without pain? What a blessing! Do you have two legs to stand on? Do you have a roof over your head and food in your ... Views: 1617
Forgiveness. That can be a very tough concept. When someone has hurt you, should you forgive them? Do you want to forgive them? What happens if you choose not to? What happens to you if you chose to forgive?
I have worked with many couple where there has been infidelity. This is a very ... Views: 1595
My email is down today. I am angry and frustrated. In a little less than a month, I will be on a vacation. I am excited beyond words that I will not be able to access my email. Wait a minute, how can both be true?
I am slightly addicted to email. I check it constantly. It is a way for me to ... Views: 1349
A very common dilemma that many people face is that we want people to like us. We may even do things that we disagree with, just to be sure that people like us. We talk about this happening with children, but, unfortunately, this is usually something that we do not grow out of.
Why is it so ... Views: 1483
Why look at the past? I can’t tell you the number of clients who have asked me that question in one form or another. What is the point of looking back? It will just bring me pain, or stir up old feelings of hurt or anger. It won’t help me to poke around in it, or so my clients often ... Views: 1507
What makes you a success? Is it the size of your house? The type of car that you drive? Is it the success that your children have? Is it how long you have been married? Is it the amount in your bank account?
There are no right or wrong answers. There are answers that society encourages us to ... Views: 1233
Chronic pain. If you have been lucky enough to never experience this, you have no idea how wearing it is. Chronic pain can change your personality. It can damage your relationships. It can even make you suicidal.
Pain management has improved over the last ten years. The drugs have gotten ... Views: 1230
I am the mother of a junior high student and a high school senior. Even as I write that sentence, I find it difficult to believe. All parents are amazed at the rapidity of time. Wasn’t it yesterday that I was pregnant with my babies? How can one be talking about college now?
This is a ... Views: 913
Have you ever looked at your teenage as he or she comes rushing into the house, late again and missing their homework/coat/whatever it is you asked them to get and asked them “what were you thinking?” Have you ever asked that same question when you have caught them with their boyfriend or ... Views: 1047
I am embracing my inner curl. I have always had wavy hair. After having my kids, my hair got curly. I would blow dry my hair every day to make it straight, which would take a very long time; although, I did get a lot of the newspaper read while I was doing it. I finally decided that I no longer ... Views: 1176
When I go to the gym, I notice all the other people who are in the gym with me. But you might be surprised as to whom I admire most. Naturally, all the hard bodies are pretty to look at. The kids in their twenties are all in wonderful shape. But they are not who I admire. I admire the person who ... Views: 1007
One of the most common problems I have seen with the couples that I have worked with is their tendency to assume that they know what their partner is thinking and feeling, the assumption that they know their partner’s motivation.
I have not worked with a couple yet who has struggled with this ... Views: 1258