This weekend the final four teams in the National Football League (NFL) will play to see who makes it to the Super Bowl. Two of those teams share an advantage over their opponents that many times is the difference maker – Home Field Advantage.
In team sports the term home field advantage ... Views: 1984
Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most recognized comedians in the world. In the early 90s it was Jerry’s comedy that spearheaded the popularity of observational humor.
Here are a few of his funny observations:
• According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two ... Views: 2839
Have you ever wondered what makes someone influential?
Why did people follow Gandhi? Or Martin Luther King Jr.?
What makes leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians or salespeople influential?
These are the questions I have asked myself for years. In my career I have had a chance to work with ... Views: 4614
When I was 16 years old, I had a girlfriend who slowly but surely converted me to country music. It started with Garth Brooks’ Standing Outside The Fire. Then it was Tim McGraw, Toby Keith and pretty soon I was hooked.
Country music songs are great because they have much more of a story to ... Views: 2536
we strive to build our influence and rapport with people, we all need to know more of what other people are feeling and thinking, wanting and planning. To do this, we need to use questions that “open” people up instead of “closing” them off. Our usual "yes/no" questions actually tend to shut ... Views: 4037
I met Kenton Worthington seven years ago. He's one of the most successful young entrepreneurs I know. I remember coming home the day we were introduced and telling my wife I'd just met one of the most charismatic people I'd ever known. She said what does that mean? And I sat there trying to ... Views: 2582
When it comes to books about networking, building relationships or dealing with people, the undisputed classic is How To Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie wrote the book in 1936 and it has been read by millions of people since.
One of the great realizations in the book is that ... Views: 4995
To achieve what you desire it is not enough to set goals. Most people do nothing more than make a wish with their desires. They think of something that they want, never right it down or make a plan on how to achieve it, and it becomes a fleeting thought. The problem with a wish is that is has no ... Views: 2352
Recently there was an inspiring Adidas ad that read: “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. ... Views: 2955
The Last Supper was painted by the Italian artist, Leonardo DaVinci. It took seven years for him to complete the project. The figures representing the Twelve Apostles and Christ were painted from living persons.
The live model for the painting of the figure of Christ was chosen first. When it ... Views: 2170
Beliefs are the core of who we are, what we do, and the success that we acquire. In 1948, Claude M Bristol wrote a wonderful book entitled, The Magic of Believing. In his book he explains that there is one common strand woven throughout the many cultures and religions he investigated. All ... Views: 5822
When you really decide it means you cut off all other options. It means you make a commitment that is unwavering to get things done. When you commit at that level, I have watched as miracles have happened. Whether it be in business, athletics, marriage, as parents, or with health issues, I ... Views: 1105
To the world success means money, power, or fame. The dictionary even defines it as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. That is the way that I defined it for most of my life. To me, success always had a lot to do with the house I lived in, the car I drove and the clothes I wore.
Then ... Views: 1175
Italian philosopher Nicocolo Machiavelli said, “The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.” You have probably heard the saying, You become the average of your closest friends. Because of the impact your friends have on your success, it ... Views: 1246