When you first decide to manifest something wonderful, you probably feel a great deal of excitement and enthusiasm about it. Your spirits are high, you are convinced that you can attract this thing into your life and you eagerly get started visualizing, affirming and believing.
But then a ... Views: 5825
When you first begin working on manifesting something you want, you naturally have a strong belief that it’s possible. Without this belief, you wouldn’t even bother to try. From this belief, you begin doing the things that you know will bring forth the outcome you desire, like reciting ... Views: 6325
When it comes to manifesting better life experiences, stress is one of the major causes of delays and blockages because it keeps you focused heavily on things you don’t want, rather than the things you are trying to attract. Unfortunately, stress is something that we have plenty of in our busy ... Views: 1214
One of the biggest challenges deliberate creators face is the fear of letting go. More often than not, this fear stems from a strong doubt that the universe is listening; or even distrust that the universe wants to deliver your desires. Beneath the doubt and distrust are usually some limiting ... Views: 1158
When trying to manifest something you want with the Law of Attraction, you may be tempted to “cling to it” emotionally, which will create unnecessary delays and obstacles. By clinging to something, I mean obsessing over it, worrying about how and when it will show up, and asking the universe ... Views: 7689
Have you ever tried to quickly manifest something that you desperately needed? Maybe it was a sum of money, or a job, or a resolution to a problem. And what happened? Did it manifest, or did you bitterly give up after a few days or weeks?
More often than not, when people try to manifest ... Views: 1659
Have you ever wanted something badly, but also felt a little bit nervous about it? For example, you may have dreamed of having a successful business, but doubted your ability to handle the responsibility. Or you may have yearned for a committed relationship, but then felt shy and anxious when ... Views: 2878
You may have heard it said that the Law of Attraction is always working – but it sure doesn’t seem that way at times, does it? For example, how is it possible to keep asking for more money and instead experience constant financial struggle? Why do some manifestations seem to take months – or ... Views: 1171
By now many people know how to use the Law of Attraction to create better experiences, but plenty of them still struggle to achieve any success in manifesting, and it’s most often because they have some unproductive habits that interfere with the process. If you share a similar struggle in ... Views: 1684
By now you have probably heard about the Law of Attraction, but you may feel a bit uncertain about it. Is it real? Is it true that you can deliberately create your life just by changing your thoughts? Any experienced Law of Attraction practitioner will tell you that there’s a little more to ... Views: 2975
Are you one of the many people who still doubt that the Law of Attraction really works? Have you perhaps tried working with the principles but didn’t see many results? It’s possible that you are using the Law of Attraction in negative ways without knowing it. Below are some common ways you ... Views: 1367
With all of the differing advice available about how to use the Law of Attraction, some people may feel a bit confused about how to start applying it in their own lives. They may even doubt that the Law of Attraction is real. Does this describe you? If so, read on for a couple of easy ways to ... Views: 1668
Using the Law of Attraction to create a better life seems like it should be simple; get clear about what you want, visualize it and focus on it frequently, take inspired action, and “poof!” – wish granted.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that smoothly for everyone. In fact, a good ... Views: 1005
Most of us have been there at one time or another: we’ve spent endless hours visualizing, reciting affirmations, believing that wonderful things are ready to come flooding into our lives at any moment – but the days and weeks pass and still nothing is happening. We’re doing everything right; ... Views: 1253
When using the Law of Attraction to improve your life circumstances, there are three key parts of your approach that need to be balanced. If these three things are out of alignment with one another, your results will be slow or even non-existent.
1) Mental
Your thoughts are the basis for ... Views: 1311