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Life indeed is just too short to let it pass by and success in its most phenomenal state is just around the corner if you simply apply a few of these theories and principles. 1.) Focus, focus and focus. By concentrating and focusing on your dream goals and steps for at least one hour per week, ... Views: 700
“We are engineered as goal-seeking mechanisms. We are built that way. When we have no personal goal which we are interested in and which “means something” to us, we are apt to “go around in circles,” feel “lost” and find life itself “aimless,” and “purposeless.” We are built to conquer ... Views: 555
Somebody that does not possess deep-seated reason for setting her or his goal, chances of success will be diminished significantly. As A Matter Of Fact, a goal setting lesson plan creates a way for self development. If you wish to develop yourself then a goal setting lesson is vital. You can be ... Views: 1038
"Eighty percent of success is just showing up." — Woody Allen
Showing up in your life is, indeed, an ingredient to success in any endeavor. How you show up, what your state of being is, defines what it is you succeed in creating, experiencing. Do you show up insecure, doubtful, full of fear ... Views: 880
Of course you have multiple things to do. That's a good thing. In fact, if you didn't have multiple things to do you might be coming near the end of an active life. Even if you've lost your job, and I know what that one's like, you still have multiple things to do.
More accurately stated, you ... Views: 688
I’m going to do these situps until I reach fatigue. One, two.. ten.. done. Yeah, I guess I’m pretty tired, I’m finished.
I’m going to do these situps until I do fifty. One, two .. ten.. this is kinda tough.. thirty. Impossible to finish, fifteen-twenty second break. Forty.. fifty. Whew, that ... Views: 6754
While most of us might not pause today on April 3, it is a date that should resonate with every American. It is the anniversary of the death of Commerce Secretary Ronald H. Brown. Secretary Brown and 34 other people, including more than a dozen dedicated public servants, lost their lives 13 ... Views: 687
“God answers all prayers so be careful what you ask for” is what my oldest friend would tell us when my sisters and I would say such things as “go away” to each other or, “I’m fat”. It took till I was older to realize this old saying has some truth to it. Observing all of us move into the story ... Views: 586
What is a personal goal?
Most people do have personal goals but have never written them down or heard themselves say them out loud. You can not achieve a goal unless that achievement is something you were striving for. A goal is only random thoughts until you give yourself the opportunity to ... Views: 767
Intent is an interesting word - it always seems to be linked to something rather grand. 'I intend to find my purpose in life' might be an example. And it's an important intent. But what about those lesser intents? I intend to tidy the kitchen, for instance? It might not look like much, but ... Views: 797
This month we’ll continue our discussion of goal setting. So far we’ve touched on how to distinguish between ego and Authentic Desires, and we discussed the importance of releasing attachment to outcome. Today let’s talk about vibrational goal setting.
Visualization is a powerful tool for ... Views: 1624
In this article, I would like to share with you my “10 Steps for Achieving Success”. It is your attitude and your willingness to do these things that will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Goals are important because they will help keep track of your progress, and they will allow you to ... Views: 1908
"The entire purpose of your goals is the step it's causing you to do today. The purpose of your goals is the awareness you must attain, the lessons to be learned, the power inside to be remembered in order to manifest the goal you desire. It's not about getting the carrot, it's about the muscles ... Views: 1065
This concept of associating pleasure to your goals is one that I learned from many different sources - NLP, Anthony Robbins and other personal teachers and personal development seminars.
Here is what happens; your subconscious will always nudge you to move you in the direction of what is ... Views: 1412
Spring is in the air! The natural cycle of the spring season brings fresh new energy. Spring is the time of new beginnings and new growth. The days are getting longer, the ground is thawing, the trees are budding, the birds are singing. It is easy to feel the excitement of this spring ... Views: 640
The United States Marine Corps believes strongly in what they call “The Rule of Three.” They’ve found that implementing this rule saves lives, gets more done faster and more efficiently.
An article on The Corps in Inc. magazine says, “The rule dictates that a person should limit his or her ... Views: 2824
You are probably familiar with the goal setting process taught at goal setting courses: SMART goal. The approach I’m going to write about is a little bit different. The process is called SMARTER goal. Why smarter? Because it’s smarter than SMART. Let’s look at what SMARTER stands for.
S ... Views: 1094
Losing weight is one of the most popular goals people set. Why? Simply because hardly anyone sets this goal and achieves it. The weight just keeps coming back, and they wonder why.
The human nature is built to protect and conserve what is theirs. When you lose something, your natural ... Views: 829
Spring is the time of the year I miss my kidhood the most. Growing up on a farm the spring brought many activities and tasks, but my favorite was preparing the soil and planting a crop.
There are two truths of planting that all farmers know. First, you must plant the seeds that you want to ... Views: 713
I was going to write an article today on procrastination, but I think I will go ahead and wait until tomorrow. I will probably have more ideas then anyways. Come to think of it, I have to make something for dinner later, so there is no way I could write it today anyways. Also, my hand kinda ... Views: 703
We are all searching for success in our lives. Whether you want to be healthier, wealthier, or just simply happier, your success begins with identifying what you want and then planning how to get it. Without a well-defined plan, you may find yourself adrift in a sea of confusion - despite having ... Views: 731
We have all heard the adage before, “Practice Makes Perfect.” Imagine, practicing something until you are actually perfect…without flaw in every way…supreme…is this possible? In a word, no. This ideology, if taken to heart, can lead one to a life of constant stress and undue worry and a complete ... Views: 1014
If you consider yourself to be pessimistic person, do yourself a favor, - don’t waste your time reading another word.
In my music career mentoring program, I ask my students (those I mentor) to take a very special test in one of the first few sessions. It’s an eye-opening experience for ... Views: 1015
We should probably start this out with, what is a Dream Circle? Well, remember your favorite comic strips with the little bubble above the character’s head either holding their thoughts or dreams. Your Dream Circle should be your dreams of what you wish to become, the things or stuff you want ... Views: 2389
I don`t know how spring cleaning became a tradition, and I know that phrase means different things to different people. And while some of that cleaning could take place at any time of the year (and often does), there`s just something about the spring to help you think about airing things out and ... Views: 787
A football quarterback running for the touch down either makes it through the tackles unscathed and scoring or gets ploughed out of the touch down. Two very different sets of wiring are possible for such an athlete. One is the adrenalin rush of the job the other is a completely different ... Views: 1691
In the everlasting journey called life, human beings are almost amusing in a strange kind of way. Most people think and believe that they have to “live up” to another family member, relative, or screen idol. Some even have become envious or jealous of popular celebrities and want or even aspire ... Views: 1558
It is roughly accurate to characterize the enterprise of science as explaining how one billiard ball strikes another and how that one ricochets into another, and so on. But when this approach is applied to people, it can fall short, because people are goal-oriented. For example, the philosopher ... Views: 1559
Statistics show that only 43% of small businesses that have employees prepare a budget that projects revenues, expenses and profit. If you include sole proprietor type businesses then that number is closer to 80%. There are many reasons for this staggering statistic. Many owners simply believe ... Views: 1456
Imagine your favorite destination in the world. Imagine it isn't your vacation spot; quite to the contrary, you've turned it around and made it your home.
How can you do this? Well, if you've got an Internet business, you can do it easily. And it gets even better than this. When you make it ... Views: 851
Most of us have had to set some kind of goals for our lives. Goals that are not met or seem to be absolutely out of touch usually leave us with the feeling that things just may not ever work or we replace the goal with yet another unrealistic goal. I have found that most goals that did not ... Views: 1495
Occasionally, we come across obstacles and challenges as we work towards attaining success in our lives. In fact, the hurdles that life throws us sometimes can be rather crippling especially, if we don't have the necessary skills and attitude to overcome them.
Do you realize these hurdles are ... Views: 1240
I’ve listened and read much over the years about keeping your thoughts and statements positive. Thoughts like, “Why does this always happen to me?”, “What else am I suppose to do?”, and “I only have so many hours in a day “; these can be restraining and inhibit productivity toward your goals. ... Views: 1522
To start with you need to write out what your dream life would be like. Write it all down in detail, describing everything you would like to do and accomplish. Ask yourself the question "If I had unlimited time and money what would I do?" You don't have to share what you wrote with anyone but ... Views: 1321
Research has shown that many factors determine how happy a person is. Some of it may be genetic, and some may be circumstances. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying "People are about as happy as they make their minds up to be", which is true. However their is research that says people who set ... Views: 2186
Everyone talks about the importance of setting goals, but how many people really understand the process of effective goal setting? Goal setting is the foundation for both personal and professional growth and should rank high on your priority list.
There are many areas in which to set goals: ... Views: 1359
Goals are important tools that can help you stay focused and bring you closer to the kind of career and life you envision for yourself. Goals help in measuring your progress and provide inspiration to make your way through problems and obstacles. It gives you control of your life and environment ... Views: 5015
What do you do when you're in what you perceive to be a bad situation? Well, of course there are a number of different strategies you can use. Number one, reframe it; make it a challenge, make it an opportunity, make it something that in fact grows you and betters you and moves you further in ... Views: 977
Before I started training for my first marathon, I adopted a book as my coach called "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer". Perfect! I have always been more belly dancer than runner, so this suited me to the 't'. I opened the book and saw the training program written out on one page. That was it! ... Views: 999
How will you choose to spend the next 20 years?
Sally, now 40, spent the majority of her life battling a combination of depression and anxiety, as well as a mix of physical symptoms associated with these emotional battles. The best she could hope for was a day when she didn’t cry or become so ... Views: 1116
All of us are guilty of procrastinating at some point or another. We put off unpleasant tasks for as long as we possibly can simply because our mind tells us we don't want to to do them. Try this experiment to see what kinds of tricks your mind is capable of playing on you.
Say to ... Views: 1482
Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder.
Basically, you can choose to work any goal that you feel is necessary for your health, stability and happiness.
Goal setting is nothing more than a formal ... Views: 1376
Success can not be attained overnight. But, still, it can be attained. Funny how people can be so impatient most of the times. Just observe students in the middle of their school life. Instead of being excited that they’ll soon finish education, they would complain of getting bored and wanting ... Views: 3429
Oftentimes we’ve set a goal, but don’t seem to make much progress toward its achievement. When faced with an unrealized goal, it’s easy to beat ourselves up for not making it happen.
If you’re not making the progress you’d like to be enjoying, there are several questions you can ask yourself in ... Views: 710
Always try to get advice, and then confirm that advice else were, before making any decisions. Ask people, surf the INTERNET, go to libraries. Observe. It is difficult to always know the right thing to do. I think most people make a decision, and then commit to it. A friend of mine did a course ... Views: 1109
Moving on to the next letter in GOALS…
The second letter, O, stands for opportunity. Successful people do not wait for opportunities to turn their goals into reality; rather, they make their opportunities, because they are perfectly clear about the kind of life they wish to create. Once you ... Views: 843
Continuing from last time…
The primary reason why you fear failure is simply this: You probably do not understand the role that failure plays in achievement. The fact is that it is impossible to succeed without failing. Failure is an indispensable prerequisite for success. All great success is ... Views: 992
The ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is the “master skill” of success.
It is the single most important skill that you can learn and perfect. Goal-setting will do more to help you achieve the things you want in life than will anything else you’ve been exposed to. ... Views: 908
Efficiency is doing things right.
Effectiveness is doing the right things. Your ability to plan and organize your work, in advance, so you are always working on your highest value tasks determines your success as much as any other factor.
The ABCDE Method for Priorities
The process of setting ... Views: 1715
“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.
-Napoleon Hill
Everyone has goals; how one follows through with them determines the success or failure of any particular goal. ... Views: 1289