There is a very important principle, called the “Positive Intent“. Positive Intent means, that there is always a positive function or purpose for what is currently happening in our lives. For example a behavior we don't like about ourselves, like getting angry when our kid whines, or getting all ... Views: 8817
Whenever we set a goal we want to make sure that it's done in a very specific manner. The brain loves detailed directions. It's just like when you ask someone for the way to the airport and imagine they tell you something like: "Oh, just go west til you hit it." How satisfying of an answer would ... Views: 923
For over thirty years Neuro Linguistic Programming, also called NLP, has developed many processes and techniques to help people achieve excellence. All of our patterns and habits are anchored in our neurology and our language patterns reflect what is going on in our brain. For example a person ... Views: 1544