We want fast food, speedy customer service, instant messaging and expedited payments. And yet, there is something about the familiar that wants us to stay connected to Freud’s old paradigm that healing, forgiveness, and letting go of old beliefs is an arduous task that will take years. So, when ... Views: 1205
I was shocked when I realized how easy it is to get more of what we want in life if we'd just better understand how to harness the power of the mind. And yet, I am disappointed that more people aren’t talking about how the unconscious mind can make or break progress, because it's really in ... Views: 1110
Who hasn’t set a New Year’s resolution or declared a commitment to change some small aspect of who they are—only to disappoint themselves a few days later? We promise ourselves we will be more patient, positive, or forgiving. We vow to work out or show up on time, but still find ourselves with a ... Views: 1259
The statistic alone tells an interesting story—it’s estimated that 75 percent of folks wake-up on Monday morning uninspired about what they do for a living. In response to this epidemic, a plethora of experts, consultants and coaches are making their living telling us how to solve this ... Views: 1149
Are feelings and thoughts enough to create the things we want in life? In 2006, the bestselling movie and book entitled The Secret gained widespread popularity by telling us just that. If we declare our intentions and step into the emotions of already receiving what we desire, the result will ... Views: 1398
Most people today understand that our childhood shapes how we see, experience and respond to the world around us. So much so, it’s easy to assume someone who’s subjected to a challenging upbringing is at risk for carrying unwanted protective “baggage” into adulthood. And yet, we now know that a ... Views: 1239
How often do you feel enough? Slim enough, successful enough, loved enough, smart enough, worthy enough, accepted enough…just enough. I’m not talking about intellectually embracing the value of loving yourself unconditionally, but feeling I AM ENOUGH in every cell of your body? That’s right — if ... Views: 1401
People have problems; they’re a reality of living life. However, most people are trying to solve problems at the level of the symptom, while the disease goes untreated. I’m going to tell you how to determine if the action you take is only solving the symptom while the root-cause is left ... Views: 1765
As a society, we are hooked on happiness. If you need any convincing, I encourage you to visit your favorite on-line book seller and type in the word happiness. There you will find thousands of titles that promise to share the secrets of living a more blissful and delight-filled life. And ... Views: 1588
I decided to be a modern day heretic when my lifetime of professional and personal experiences told me we are going about career fulfillment all wrong. I concluded we don’t need more free sodas, flex hours, or a louder declaration that bringing our strengths to work can solve today’s biggest ... Views: 1362
I heard the saddest thing the other day in a restaurant. At a nearby table a mom admonished her young daughter, “Stop playing pretend so much! Stop making things up. People won’t know when you’re pretending or when you’re being yourself.”
I wanted to turn around and ask that little girl ... Views: 1208
Disappointed at not getting the results they desire. Frustrated because they aren’t loving what they do. Unhappy with the direction of their life. These obstacles cause clients to come to us to seek help in getting on the right track. Unfortunately, Kathy fit into all three categories. An ... Views: 2488
Like Robert Langdon in The Da Vinci Code, Laura from my career empowerment group has honed her innate ability to find patterns in things that are out of order. She can look at a desk, a closet, the trunk of a car, or an entire household, and know instinctively how to organize it so it makes ... Views: 1587
We’ve all heard the staggering statistics regarding employee engagement – less than 25 percent of our workforce shows up on Monday morning excited about work. By the way, those statistics represent the optimistic viewpoint. Some say employee engagement could be as low as 19 to 11 percent.(1) ... Views: 2040
What allows someone to achieve the results they desire in the workplace – or in life - while others strive, but stop short of their dreams? I believe it revolves around choice. Sometimes we make a conscious choice to let our dreams go, but more often, it’s the choices at the unconscious level ... Views: 1420
Our current economic crisis is a perfect example of the short-term approach we’ve taken in our quest for success. With so much emphasis on material abundance and the accumulation of wealth - wealth for wealth’s sake – many find themselves holding a bag of defunct currency in today’s economy. ... Views: 852