"On your marks!" The loudspeaker boomed throughout the pool and the arena. The contestants were poised, tight, and ready to pounce.
"Get set!"
Bang! The start gun exploded over the swimmers’ ears. Microseconds later the competitors hit the water, splashing their way toward the end of the ... Views: 736
As a very outgoing, energetic, and talkative woman, I have many times spoken out of turn, and spoken without thinking. I became very proficient in apologizing. I would keep talking until I either embarrassed my listener, or hurt the feelings of my listener.
I would then lapse into, "I am so ... Views: 835
Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop!
Everyday for a week, when Jack looked out his Delaware window, the same dreary sight greeted him . . .
Grey clouds, grey skies, grey rain . . .
Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop!
. . . then in the midst of the drip! drop! came a ding dong! ... Views: 1207
“Come on ma'am... time to move on."
Kimball peeked at the park worker through sleepy eyes. The morning songbirds serenaded her as she gathered her bags. The singer drew in a deep cleansing breath and glanced at her watch... only an hour until her shift started at Grady Memorial Hospital in ... Views: 1018
"Did it turn blue or pink?" Edward tried to peer over the shoulder of his wife...
"The pregnancy test shows nothing. Not this month, dear. We'll keep trying." Michelle hid her disappointment from her voice.
"Did it turn?" Edward asked again.
"No dear, maybe next month." Michelle knew ... Views: 793
At first glance, the pizza looks and tastes like most home delivery pizza.
Hot, cheesy, and wafting of oregano and parmesan, Dominos Pizza has kept many a college student going!!! When I was in college in Louisiana, I ate my fair share of the stuff!
But did you know founder Tom Managhan ... Views: 816
"Not again!" I screamed silently as my dad's footsteps careened him into the wall. . . slurring a curse, he stumbled. He was home and drunk - again.
"I hope. . . " I continued my silent plea, "I hope you just keep on going past me. No need to say anything."
The very large house I lived ... Views: 1347
Most of us know that the country of India is a vast and wonderful country. With great potential and diverse problems, it has many needs. Jesse and Ann Williams went in 1971 to be part of India's solution.
"Honey,” said Jesse...."pack a few bags, get out the atlas. We're going to India." ... Views: 1166
Jim struggled. "Put on the glove. Catch the ball. Take off the glove. Throw the ball... "
Jim's family struggled silently from the sidelines as well.
Jim kept on. "Put on the glove. Catch the ball. Take off the glove. Throw the ball."
As little Jim grew up his desire was to play ... Views: 808
He hadn’t felt this free for a long time. He marveled at how buoyant he felt – how he was almost floating with each bouncy step. Looking up at the sky he thought how much bluer it looked today – and how white the fleecy clouds were. Wow! And those flowers almost jumped out at him; their color ... Views: 854
Carlos closed his eyes and could see them as if he were sitting in their kitchens. He watched with anticipation as they patted the tortillas between their experienced hands. He could already smell and taste those wonderful corn patties as they cooked on the outdoor clay oven. As they cooked, ... Views: 800
"Shut up!” Wham! Slap! Scream!
If only these words were from a movie. . . How had she ever gotten to this place in her life? The fear for herself and her children was worse than the physical and emotional pain. The panic welled up inside again as she realized what she had to do.
For 12 ... Views: 778
"Well, are you sure ma'am? Okay. . . if that is your final decision. . . thank you. . . thank you very much."
With his trademark style Elvis Presley was not used to being turned down or refused.
But in the 1970's, when a popular Elvis wanted to sing one of Dolly Parton's' songs, she ... Views: 864
Muhammad walked slowly down the muddy road in Bangladesh, his heart breaking as starved faces gazed at him pitifully, their blank eyes begging for help. Children who should be playing in the streets were laying helplessly, their life ebbing away from starvation. He knew that most of them would ... Views: 724
Frustrated, Scott stops. He puts down the ink and reaches for the computer mouse. Turning on some music, he sighs. With a little patience, he knows he can make his deadline. But still, drawing and writing when your hands don't want to cooperate is hard.
Scott needs his hands every day to ... Views: 727
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary on that warm day. Glynn Birch and his family loved to entertain, and his yard was full that day. Cousins abounded and little Courtney Birch triumphed in keeping up with the "big kids." He was not quite 2 years old but he didn't want to miss out on any ... Views: 738
Many years ago a movement swept through America. The call went out to all who had the courage and vision to "Head West." What a picture was drawn for them. . . The West is where you want to be. There is land for everyone - for the taking! Beautiful. Fertile. Opportunity for everyone. Don't miss ... Views: 898
I recently read a story about a 4-year-old who loved to dress herself. As is often the case with children that age, she often mixed stripes with plaids and tee shirts with ballerina tutus.
Her mother never knew what to expect when she would come downstairs.
One day the little girl came ... Views: 1057
Norman Cousins was diagnosed with an illness and told that he had little chance of surviving it. Put in a hospital room to die, he rejected that diagnosis and took matters into his own hands. He started mega dosing on Vitamin C and put himself on a daily regimen of good old fashioned belly ... Views: 763
Debbi was only 19 years old when she reached a crossroad in her life. She was married to a well-known Economist and Futurist, and had quit work to play the role of a conventional wife. She hadn’t expected her decision to deal such a hard blow to her self-esteem. No one seemed to think she had ... Views: 1056
Kemmons Wilson had it tough growing up. His father died when he was nine months old. His young mother, only 18 years old, struggled to provide for her son. There were times there was so little money that they lived on a few pounds of dried butter beans for a week at a time. What got him through ... Views: 665
A.P. certainly had his share of obstacles. When he was only 7, his father died in a fight over one dollar. Things were hard for him and his mother. She remarried a man who went into the produce business. A.P., at age 14, quit school to work with him. By 19 he was a partner in the thriving ... Views: 748
Bethany, who lives in Hawaii, was in grade school when she started her quest to become a professional surfboarder. Surfing is her passion. She spent every available minute in the water, even homeschooling so she would have more time to pursue her goal. When she was 8 years old she entered ... Views: 825
Roger Bannister had no real motivation to prove them wrong. The young Englishman loved to run but from the time he was a child he also had a passion to be a doctor. This was the passion that drove him. His parents were unable to afford a University education so it was up to him to make it ... Views: 708
Ichiro picked up his first ball and bat when he was 3 years old. When he was eight, he insisted he wanted to play baseball and joined a baseball club. His Dad supported him by becoming the manager. It wasn’t good enough for Ichiro because the team only played and practiced on Sundays. He wanted ... Views: 816
In each instance below, you will read about teenagers and the adults who believed in them, cooperating and working together to change the world.
• Clifton, age 13, and other Wisconsin teens started out three years ago to make their disadvantaged farming town more kid-friendly. The community ... Views: 731
Merri pulled the covers over her head hoping that if she wasn’t seen perhaps her adopted stepmother would ignore her. She could hear birds chirping outside the window. . . if Merri had only been a bird, she could have flown away from the torment a long time ago.
This small soul began life as ... Views: 727
Arnold was born on July 30, 1947 in a small second floor apartment of a large house in an isolated village in Austria. Growing up the second of two sons, his abusive father made it clear that he favored the older brother and beat and taunted Arnold often calling him “Cinderella.” Following ... Views: 797
Are you satisfied with what you've got? Are you where you want to be? Is what you're doing in life fulfilling? Do you wake up and look forward to the day? If you answered "no" to these questions, you might want to take a serious look at what you're doing, because if the saying is correct -- ... Views: 658
“The arrow that hits the bull’s eye is the result of a hundred misses” is a great saying and means that success is the result of much practice and never quitting. It's also a comforting saying for those of us who are pursuing dreams that aren't quite happening the way we envisioned them. There ... Views: 723
Jean’s background certainly didn’t indicate tremendous success for the future. Born in New York, she graduated from high school with a partial college scholarship but couldn’t attend because her family couldn’t pay the rest. She decided to attend a business school but had barely begun when her ... Views: 1580
I hated to do it, but I was determined to keep them safe. I had moved to a new home with a huge chicken farm across the road - not a place for dogs to run free. Our neighbor had a big rifle to protect his chickens and I knew he wouldn't hesitate to use it. My heart tugged at the sadness in their ... Views: 789
I had my day all planned. It was going to be such a fruitful day. I woke up early, raring to go. With a cup of coffee in hand I dialed the first number on my "To Do" list. Success!
However, that first call ended up rearranging the rest of my day. My "To Do" list ended up a total wash. Why? ... Views: 735
Previously she'd received her sense of worth and happiness from others. She'd lived her life trying to please everyone else, and when she found that was impossible she'd decided to "take it out on the world." She put it this way, "I had a chip on each shoulder and could hardly wait for someone ... Views: 770
How many times have you been discouraged because someone else didn’t see the brilliance of what you created, thought of, or wanted to do? How many times have you walked away from something because you decided it wasn’t a good idea, too?
Consider these…
• The movie Star Wars was rejected by ... Views: 757
How many balls of clay do you know?
A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them out in the sun to bake. They didn't look like much, but they intrigued the man, ... Views: 1068
Pierre was born in Paris, France and attended a bilingual school so he was able to speak English when his family moved to the United States when he was six. Pierre’s family lived in the Washington, D.C. area for most of his schooling. Although his parents were separated when he was about 2 years ... Views: 775