I just had another revelation and wanted to share it with you. So often we are told that it is okay to have wants and desires. In fact we have been told that we should even picture ourselves in the new car we desire even before we own it and that if we do, we will have put the energy out there ... Views: 1161
An act or thought that unintentionally deviates from what is right or true. This is the formal definition for slip-up. To slip-up should never be thought of as a failure to accomplish something. I am quite certain that many of us would agree that many mishaps we may have been involved with in ... Views: 1193
What better time than now is it to grow and prosper? We are approaching yet the end of another year or for some, a new beginning. It is a fact that the majority of new and existing businesses flourish this very time of year because so many people are making resolutions for change in their ... Views: 1660
I am often asked why I write these journal entries or articles on a monthly basis and not long ago I would have probably thought that I would be silly to do such a thing. Oh well, I have changed and it is what it is. I would not call myself an author, but just someone who enjoys speaking with ... Views: 1214
In my last article I spoke of how important it is to have powerful and positive thoughts. Those thoughts would lead to enlightened emotions and subsequently stronger actions as a result. I gave it a name so you all could remember, TEA. I want to speak to you today as a real person with human ... Views: 1247
Tea has often been referred to as natures ‘wonder drug’ and to its healing qualities used for centuries in the Far East and even England. It is the second most widely consumed beverage, second only to water. It is also no secret that in these areas of the world where tea is most consumed, ... Views: 1301
I want to reflect today on something I heard on my Ipod during a run yesterday. I often download books to listen to while I exercise and train. I enjoy listening far more than reading. I was listening to a clip from the book, “The Science Of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles. It was on the ... Views: 1476
Have you ever asked yourself this question? If you have, then you immediately increased your odds towards failure. When we first set out to accomplish anything in our life, regardless of its particular endeavor, our thought processes begin the creation of our results at that moment.
Be ... Views: 1050
Everyone with a show of hands, “Who is guilty of having said this before?” Guilty as charged. Let us face it, we all have said this or at least thought this more so than we probably even realize. Our lives are extremely busy, or so we think. I came across some neat information online that I ... Views: 1117
I can remember as a kid wondering what it was like for my dad when he went to work. I’d watch him sit on the side of the bed and put his socks on after he’d already taken a shower, almost a sort of ritual as far as my memory can serve me. I would ask him random questions as he got ready for work ... Views: 1159
We all know what HR stands for. Every company has one, big or small. Whenever there is a problem or concern, the HR department will address the issue and create a solution. So what if we are talking about ourselves? Would if we have an issue that stems from us internally and does not require ... Views: 1571
I had such a great response from yesterday’s blog on Integrity. I heard such positive feedback from many of my friends and associates that I thought I would delve a bit more on the subject in hopes to not only help myself, in sort of a self realization as I write, but to also assist others who ... Views: 1251
It was in October 1982 in my home town of Berlin located in the suburbs of central Connecticut. It was a brisk 60 degrees outside and fall was reaching its peak. I was waiting to pick up my stack of newspapers from the New Britain Herald on the corner of Wildemere Drive and Lower Lane. I ... Views: 1559
Have you ever really thought about it? I mean, what is normal? I can guarantee you if I were to interview ten random people from different backgrounds, I’d get some various degree of differences. Over the past three or four years I have been on a journey, so to speak, in finding me and my ... Views: 1332
I have referred many times to the differences of successful and unsuccessful people in my journals. Today I want to discuss with you a bit more about the results or lack there of in regards to being successful or unsuccessful in the process. This morning, as I always do, I was doing my Discovery ... Views: 1085
I have to be honest that if a few years back someone had asked me the Webster’s definition for the word, I’d of fumbled around with the true meaning. If you Google it you will come up with a variety of definitions which incompass the word. Integrity to me is being a man of my word, period. I am ... Views: 1519