Never take yourself out of life. Many things will go on that may make you angry, or may seem unfair, but learning how to manage yourself and your feelings in those situations is a skill that's genius to learn!
Every experience and every person you come in contact with has something to teach ... Views: 2168
The healing power of forgiveness is like nothing you've experienced before. What most people don't understand is that when they forgive, really forgive, they actually set themselves free. It is the one who holds the pain or anger, or whatever the emotion is inside them that suffers most. The ... Views: 1633
Add appreciation and gratitude to your every day.
Enhance the world around you with your smile.
Smiling creates endorphins which send feel good messages to the brain.
It's healing to you and those who receive it.
Subtract any grudges you've been holding on to.
For they reside ... Views: 2115
You wake up in the morning and immediately a negative thought comes into your head. Maybe it's something that's been on your mind, a concern or an unresolved situation. Sure enough, not even a minute after you've opened your eyes, you're right back in the thick of that stressful thought ... Views: 1690
If you're anything like me, you're always looking for information and new ideas to make your life more productive. As a Wellness Trainer, that's my main focus. Once I get a new thought/product integrated into my thinking, I'm able to teach what I've learned to my clients.
Adopting new ideas ... Views: 1670
It's not true what you've heard. Those who say you can't accomplish what you're passionate to achieve, and that you shouldn't even bother trying. Or those that remind you of others that are already doing something like what you've got in mind. As if it were true, there's only so much room for ... Views: 1639
Unless there is some genetic reason why you're overweight, there are many contributing factors to this problem. Eating the wrong foods, daily stress and being exposed to toxins in the environment rank high on the list.
Eating the wrong foods refers to the impact that food has on the body. ... Views: 1770
I'll admit the term easy is a relative one. Let me rephrase the headline to read like this; If you choose to have a healthy mind and body, let go of unproductive habits, and are willing to make small but significant changes in your daily routine, read on. Whew! I feel better coming clean right ... Views: 1737
There are so many daily actions to take and responsibilities to fulfill that the thought of monitoring our words may seem like a luxury we don't have time for. After all, we may believe we have good intentions, and that should be enough.
Here's the short answer to that seemingly innocent ... Views: 4318
This is a good one! It's powerful once you understand this. It's right in front of us everyday And has EVERYTHING to do with moving forward in your life.
What is it? Do you want to know what is the biggest hindrance to having what you want?
It's the choices that you make! Let me be a little ... Views: 1535
There is so much going on in the world today that can throw anybody off their center. Being able to keep your attention on accomplishing goals, feeling in control of your life, your emotions, your future, is one of the greatest challenges we face. To get your hands back on the steering wheel, ... Views: 5438