This is the woe of every new entrepreneur or small business, “How do I get more clients?” When I first started out in business this was really all that was on my mind. I knew that I was doing something incredible, I just needed people to share it with! I did a ton of networking, some internet ... Views: 1117
Business cards are underestimated as a marketing tool, yet it’s one of the things that we use most often in promoting our businesses. Your business card should be given careful consideration; something that someone will look at and get a very good idea not only of what you do, but what you can ... Views: 1105
For most creative types and spiritual entrepreneurs, “sell” is the really dirty four-letter word. Nobody wants to do it, talk about it or even think about it! But without a little self-promotion, you, your services and your talents end up becoming the best-kept-secret in the biz! So how do you ... Views: 1001
Money. It’s never a neutral topic, whether you have a lot of it, or a little. Whether you have healthy investments, or are heavily in debt, money, in our society holds an emotional charge. The reason isn’t really money itself, it’s what it means to the quality of our lives. As the saying goes, ... Views: 1049
Habits. We’ve all got some great ones and some really bad one. The ability to quickly and consistently create new habits is a major factor in anyone’s success.
Studies and research has found that it takes us 21-40 days of consistent, daily action to create a new habit, and a little longer if ... Views: 1190
Marketing. Not usually the favourite subject for entrepreneurs and other creative types. But it’s the lifeblood of your business, your career and essentially, your livelihood. Marketing is what draws people to you, gets the word out, brings in contacts and possible partners, and is largely ... Views: 1120
Sometimes, “life just happens” (and I know a thing or two about life happening!) And when it does, there are days when everything can just feel overwhelming.Your energy level drops, apathy sets in and you’re just ready to throw in the towel, back down, or just plain quit. This can show up in ... Views: 1118
Any of you who know me, have heard me say this dozens of times,”businesses run on cash, not just hard work and enthusiasm.” But as an entrepreneur, it’s easy to forget that. You get pulled in so many different directions; newsletters, blogs, videos, new marketing gimmicks, fancy new products … ... Views: 1203
In Chinese philosophy, there is the concept we know as yin and yang. Very simply put, it’s the idea that opposites only exist in relation to each other. The outer circle represents “everything”, while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies. Notice, ... Views: 1165
Two of the problems that I see many entrepreneurs facing is how to set their prices, and how to convey to potential clients or customers what is the value in working with you, buying your product, or using your services. This is most often because you’re not clear on it, or 100% convinced of it ... Views: 1264
”Stress, in addition to being itself and the result of itself,is also the cause of itself.” –Hans Selye
Stress. It happens to everyone at some time or another. We get stressed about our work, our relationships, our finances, kids, health and homes. I’ve yet to meet anyone who leads a ... Views: 1437
With Labor Day passed and September into full swing, many of us are once again busier than ever! When time is so precious, one of the biggest culprits and thieves seems always to be email.
Do you remember when you first started using email….roughly. Or more to the point, do you remember a ... Views: 1356
When I first started coaching, I was working with my own coach - a sharp smart lady who had a few simple rules for running her life; rules that I learned to love and quickly adopted as my own: "Work Hard, Have Fun, No Drama." But being human, every once in a while I slip, and last week I broke ... Views: 2104
We all do it. We put it off. Push it back. Wait. Hope. Agonize. And in the eleventh hour, at the last moment, or when we just can't stand to live with it any longer, we finally get it done! This is the anatomy of procrastination.
Procrastination is one of the biggest dream killers out ... Views: 1603
We’ve all experienced this at some point in our lives. We set a goal, we make big plans to achieve it, work really hard and still don’t get the results we’ve been hoping for and desire! Maybe it’s loosing weight, growing our business, changing jobs or creating that perfect romantic relationship. ... Views: 1248
One of the best pieces of advice that a coach ever gave me was "Never begin your day before it's finished on paper." Over the years, this has served me extremely well. Whenever my day is not flowing smoothly, or I'm generally unproductive or "feeling a little lost" chances are it is due to poor ... Views: 1432
A funny thing seems to happen around this time of year; I've seen it again and again. At a time when we all should be enjoying beaches and barbeques, sunshine and surf, many people's moods seem to turn a bit blue. The summer romance hasn't panned out the way you thought it would, friends are all ... Views: 2734
The first step towards change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something you do. It's something you allow.
–Will Garcia
What is it that you just don’t have enough of? Is it time? Money? Happiness? Success? Love? ... Views: 1727
One of the biggest issues I've seen over the years working with clients is that of communications. So often, situations can go array simply for lack of crystal clear communications. Part of the problem is also part of the beauty; we all have different communication styles. And as much as this ... Views: 1566
Did you set any goals for this year? Are you well on your way to reaching them? One of the most common stumbling blocks I see as a coach is the culprit of clutter! So much time is spent on getting more; more stuff, more money, more time, more happiness. Yet seldom do we look at what we need to ... Views: 1521
It seems that lately you can’t turn on the TV or the radio, or even much talk to anyone without hearing about the recession, financial hardships or general economic disaster. We all seem to know someone, who knows someone who has been devastated by the recent turn of events in our financial ... Views: 2102
We’re all trying to squeeze more into, and get more out of our days. With overflowing inboxes, and schedules that are packed tight, making the best use of our precious hours is becoming increasingly important. While we can’t actually manage time itself, we can exercise some control over how we ... Views: 1483
Stress. It happens to everyone at some time or another. We get stressed about our work, our relationships, our finances, kids, health and homes. I’ve yet to meet anyone who leads a completely charmed life and never experiences any stress. However, in the last six months, I’ve seen the stress ... Views: 1464
When financial planner and motivational speaker Suze Orman talks, people listen. Orman says we all need to get our financial priorities straight. "The correct order is people, money and things. You have to care about yourself and others [first]. And you can't go from people to things; you need ... Views: 1626
Escaping the Credit Epidemic
Rebuilding Reserves for a Healthier Future
We don’t need to look too far to see signs of mounting credit problems in our society today. Not only is it the focus of every newscast and headline, it has impacted our families, our friends, our communities, and for ... Views: 1329
For most of us as children, the word “forgiveness” was a daily part of our upbringing. We were told to turn the other cheek, and to forgive and forget. But more often than not, those instructions only applied to other people – many of whom wanted forgiving! I don’t often recall being told to ... Views: 3217
Fragmented Souls
Not much seems to be said about fragmented souls, but I quite often find that the minute the subject is explained, people seem to identify with it right away. A soul fragment is that part of you that you are always looking for, that part that will make you whole again, and ... Views: 2053
“It’s not how you start, but how you finish that counts.” I can’t remember when I first heard that saying, but it is one that has given me great cause to stop and ponder lately. I’m getting older. Not “really old”, but hey, I’m not thirty anymore either! I am at a certain age, where ... Views: 1453